What a small and juicy peach it was!
“Your lips are only to touch and lightly touch. Her sensations are mainly to be below,” said Caroline and drew my head back so that my mouth but burred to Norma's. We both quivered then in that strange and bizarre embrace, the warm globe of her bottom poised upon the chair's rolled-leather edge. “Gently, gently,” Caroline purred. I knew her then for the divine teacher that she is, one given much to the minutiae of sensuality. In a more advanced mode, when a girl is so placed and held for it, the tips of the tongues protrude and touch, but not the lips. The sensation is divine, for the girl's tongue quivers, hesitates, and would withdraw at first, but as excitement rises then it licks one's own, but even so mouths must not meet. It is voluptuous indeed, and many a girl has since been taught this way.
Holding my cock in position and pressing the knob just slightly in so that I could feel the peach of love beneath the cotton, Caroline began to frig me gently while I snuffled and suppressed my groans. There was an artfulness in all, for I was seen to be as much controlled as Norma was.
“In a moment you will come together-in a moment,” murmured she and reached her free hand into the front of Norma's drawers to feel her belly-quivers. Ah, how my knees ached and yet I thus remained. The cause, the cause, I told myself. A week and they would both be pronged in any case, their legs held open if the need arose, and both might squeak “Mama!” but none would answer to their cries.
“Hoo-aaar! I am, I am…” I choked.
“All right, all right, for she is coming too. Spill, darling, spill, but keep pressed in!”
I did-my heavens how I did-and how I longed to plunge my tongue within that darling mouth and penetrate her drawers. Yet discipline must hold. My months with Lady Somner had not been in vain. The most exquisite sensations of electric fire shot white flames through my cock. I came, came in abundance, soaking through her drawers. I felt her jitter, hug me tighter with her calves. For an eternity it seemed that we were thus and then, as I expended my last spout, her head hung back and to the ceiling sightless stared. Her legs slipped slowly, thumped upon the floor. I, weakened by my spilling, had my legs a-tremble as I rose. Myrtle seemed to have fainted, or pretended to, had let her head droop and her eyes were closed.
“What a perfect, pretty thing she is,” said Adelaide at the last. I, with my trousers half drawn up, had a hazy view of Norma being led again upstairs, an arm about her shoulders placed. My sister turned her head and winked. They disappeared into the hall.
“As to this one-I fear there is nothing to be done with her. She will be stabled, I suspect,” said Adelaide. She lifted Myrtles drooping face, but then it fell again. “You close your eyes too tightly for one who has fainted, dear,” said Caroline.
“Go away. You are hateful-dirty-all of you,” said Myrtle, blotting out the view of us with her closed lids.
“I believe she really wants to suck your cock,” said Caroline in a most serious tone which caused the girl to shriek and then start up as best she might..
“No! Never! no!” she cried and stared at us, then shut her eyes again.
“No, of course not. She believes that it would soil her pretty lips,” said Caroline and uttered a huge sigh and turned away. I buttoned up and walked back to a seat. Caroline turned with a swishing of her skirt-made for the door.
“Where are you going? What is to happen to me?” squealed Myrtle, and again opened her eyes.
“Since you ask, my dear, I really do not know,” Caroline answered coldly. She leaned against the door-jamb- never looked more lovely in my sight. Her legs are so perfectly formed that I never cease to look at them. Her bottom poises like a plum upon her thighs. “Say apple,” she would say, but I say no. A plum is richer, has the better feel.
“I shall go home; I shall report all this,” wailed Myrtle.
“Go home? Yes, you shall, of course. And straight to bed, I have no doubt. As to reporting us-oh no! Think of the questions you'll be asked-were your thighs opened, were they not, and were your drawers removed, who saw your muff, and…
“Stop it! Stop it! No one ever speaks to me like that!”
“Then mores the pity, for you miss so much. But in any case you'd have little to confess, my pet. Unless you wish to say that when two girls handled you, without a male, you acted like a quivering leaf, cried like a baby…”
“I did not!”
A sudden silence fell at those three words. I sensed a pleading in them. So did Caroline.
“You did not? I misheard, Myrtle? I thought you made a nightmare of a lovely dream to be. Was I mistaken, then?”
“Don't know,” the mumble came. A furtive glance at me. Evidently the buttoning of my trousers mollified her for the moment.
“We may handle you in bed tonight-we may? I mean just Adelaide and I?”
“May I… may I go tomorrow, if I do?”
“You are not here to be afforded promises, my dear. Other than those of pleasure such as you will gain eventually in any case. If you have sense enough.”
“My arms are tied, it is not fair.”
“Will you excuse us, darling, for a while?”
“Why certainly.” I got up in a flash and ambled out and to the morning room, where I could hear. I heard the belt unbuckled, heard Caroline say briskly, “Now get up!” Then followed, “Do you wish to be caned again, Myrtle,” and a mumbled, “No.” A silence followed. I believe I heard a kiss.
“Untie your drawers and let them droop. I like to see you thus. You'll have to soon enough; you know you will.”
“Don't want to”-in a silly voice.
“Yes, now! I mean it, Miss-or else! There… what a pussy, what a darling mound! Pray let me cup it, will you not? Just let it rest upon my palm. Your drawers obstruct your ankles-yes-I know they do, but that is good for you to stand so, all revealed, a little helpless. I know best, believe me. I have stood so thus myself and had my bottom patted and caressed.”
“You? Ooooh!..”
“It tickles, does it not, but nicely, too. Of course I have. The first exercise is to stand quite still while you are being fingered, Myrtle. Just draw in the sweet sensations you obtain.”
“B… b… b… I don't mind with you, but…”
“Shush! Don't speak when you are being pleasured- not at first, at least. Half close your eyes and let your lips be still. You look most tempting then. Your titties are divine, your bottom, too.”
“Whooo-oooh!” A small and quivering cry that was answered by another from above. I did not doubt that Adelaide was tonguing Norma now. The minx would yield to her with open legs. I was a beggar at the feast, yet played the willing partner to them both, “har! Not up there! You make me feel more swoony-I shall fall!”
“That is because you are the more receptive to it now, Myrtle. Don't squeeze your bottom quite so much. Just let me get my finger in-and then the other in your honeypot, you see?”
“Gooo-oooh! No, don't! Not up my…”
“Myrtle, yes! That's where his prick will go up first; you know it will.”
“Don't want to-not with him. Oh, it's too big!”
“You witch-then you have seen it, haven't you!”
“J… j… just once, har-hooo!”
“You're coming on, my pet, you are. Come, drench me now and let my finger work right up your bottom as you do. Then think of naughty things and lovely nights and big balls bouncing underneath your quim.”
“Oh no! ah-oooh!”
That gargled cry. I knew it well-I knew the pantings, rushings of the breath, and that last dying sigh that speaks of pleasure loosed. A sound of kisses-small, small kisses-such as makes me think of ripples on a pond.