The owner of a pair of such amused her by venturing out and then immediately afterwards returning in as if he had just arrived. Begging her pardon, he asked if he might take a seat at her table and-this permission being granted-was soon engaging Caroline in conversation.

She affected shyness at first, but soon allowed herself to be seemingly carried away and tittered at his occasional, feeble jokes.

Thinking himself no doubt a lucky dog, the fellow fell to boasting of his adventures, the greater number of which Caroline discerned to be as transparent as he, but gave great appearance of believing. Having thus warmed himself up to her acquaintance, as he thought, he fell to more suggestive talk. Caroline, being an excellent actress, appeared to succumb to this until the conversation grew even more intimate as to their various follies. Giving the most skillful appearance of appearing secretly excited (the which I have seen her do on later occasions in my presence when we have been nurturing young ladies), and having accepted a brandy which appeared to add to her intrigued flutterings, Caroline responded to her would-be seducer by teasing out a tale of her own.

“I should not tell you this-indeed you will think me utterly immodest-but I too have attended private parties at which there was a certain naughtiness,” she said to his delight.

Having him thus hooked, she was able to convey more hesitations as to the nature of her imminent confession, this driving him quite frantic to hear all.

“Well, then, I will tell you, provided you promise to tell no one else,” said Caroline, and went on to engage herself in a description of a quite imaginary occasion at which a form of Postman's Knock was played. Not in the usual way, as she said, wherein a gentleman or lady is called out by the “Postman” to be kissed in the hall, and everyone thinking it the most jolly of fun, but a libertine variation which provided for the Postman's “Knock” to become something quite other.

'That is to say,” she went on-casting glances around lest anyone else might hear-“the Postman's real offering, as soon as a lady was called, was in the nature of a word that rhymes with 'Knock.' But oh, how rude you will think me, sir!”

“I say, go on, go on!” the fellow interjected with some agitation.

“I should not tell you-really I should not-but, oh, if you insist! Instead of placing himself simply in the hall, as is the custom with the ordinary game, the Postman was required to place himself outside the front door where, of course, there is a letterbox. The ladies meanwhile were closeted in a separate room so that they knew not who the Postman was from moment to moment. When a man was called, however-and this being done as usual by drawing them from a hat-she entered the hall and advanced towards the front door. And there, presenting himself in the most unusual way, was the hidden Postman presenting himself through the letterbox. The lady then had the choice of accepting his 'delivery' or not. If she liked what she saw, she would feel the offered instrument of his desire and then open the door to him.”

Naturally enough, the man's eyes glowed at the receipt of this intelligence. “I say! Do you mean he was actually putting his-er… I mean to say, through the letterbox?” he asked in breathless tones.

At that, Caroline appeared to become aware of the time or, if not, of her seeming indiscretion, for she rose and excused herself.

“Really, I have said too much. The brandy, I believe. I know not what you will think of me. I am not a loose girl, you know,” she averred, and made to bid him adieu.

“Pray let me escort you home,” was then said by he whom she had aroused. Demurring at this at first (though in pretence), Caroline finally acceded to his wish and allowed him to call a cab whereat, once ensconced, he plied her with more questions such as gave Caroline to even more clearly understand that he knew little enough of women whom he had earlier so boasted of.

“How naughty of me to have told you at all. I know not what came over me. Well, yes then, if you will-my sister too was there.”

“I say, did you both receive a package?” chuckled he and laid his hand upon her thigh.

“Really, sir, what a question to ask! I am sure you would have been too modest to play Postman.”

“I? Good heavens, no! Why, I recall one day in India…” he began and then launched into an even more unlikely tale than Caroline's, she seeing through it, but pretending fascinated interest. By then, however, they arrived at Adelaide's abode and he accompanied her to the front door, having by all sorts of lecherous hints given her to understand that he was a ladies' man of the highest repute.

“Is your dear sister in?” he asked as they approached the frontage.

“Why? Would you be as bold with her, sir, as you have with me? In such case you would have to present yourself to her as I've described. She liked the naughty game more than did I,” said Caroline whose warm thigh, yielding to his touch in the conveyance, had caused him an erection which she plainly saw a-prodding in his trousers.

“Oh, I say!” he uttered, quite taken aback by this bold proposal and gazing in some surmise at the brass letterbox.

“Have you not the heart for it? Certainly you appear to have the package,” Caroline averred and passed her hand across his trousers as she spoke.

“My goodness!” he exclaimed, being confronted by reality rather than such dreams as boastful men are wont to be possessed of. Enlivened the more by Caroline's daring touch, he passed his arm about her waist and prepared to kiss her in the porch.

“Oh no, that is not the game at all. You have not yet presented your credentials, sir. I will knock in a special way and Adelaide will answer. She may not do so, though, if she does not see a suitable offering!”

“Well, I… goodness me… I say, what fun!”

'There are two of us, remember-though from all that you have told me, sir, you can satisfy us both.”

“By jove, I can-I'll cream both of your buns,” he boasted, but even so showed hesitation still to reveal his member in that way. Brooking none of that, however, Caroline reached across him and gave a triple knock.

“Quickly now-get it out and push it through the letterbox,” she ordained.

Blushing deeply, for all his talk, the fellow did so, inserting his rigid member with some effort through the aperture and standing most awkwardly, of course, while Caroline-in appearing to assist him-pressed at his buttocks from behind.

Adelaide meanwhile had not only heard the signal but had peeped through a side bow-window prior to that and realised Caroline's intent, for they had often spoken of such a prank. Of this the hopeful fellow knew nothing. The next thing that he knew was that his prick-poking through the letterbox and into the hall-was seized by my sister who thereupon unlatched the door, but still kept hold of it. Thus he was forced to follow the movement of the door while Adelaide stood half behind it and Caroline then followed swiftly in to frantic gurgles of astonishment from their male captive.

“Hold him, dearest.”

“Yes, I am. Fetch a rope quickly-bind his arms,” said Adelaide to wild yells form the gentleman who was then secured in quite a different way, his arms clamped to his sides while then his penis was released and no doubt slightly painfully was drawn back from the letterbox and the door closed.

I have said before (or trust I have) that one gentleman does not boast of conquests to another, and certainly not to a lady unless they are of the most intimate acquaintanceship. Even so, it will then not be boastful, but a civilised description of events which may well stir the two to amourous combat even while they speak of it.

I have heard tell of men who frequently prostrate themselves before ladies and beg to be allowed to kiss their boots or even lick their toes. I have played such games myself, as well you know by now, but never with obsessiveness. If I am to be frank, I see no difference in such unmanly curs as a girl who bends before the birch, though the only equation to be drawn from this is that the one is submissive all his life while the girl Is merely schooled to pleasure and deserves the highest praise on ceding to the probing cock.

I will not say that this gentleman was such of whom I speak. He was merely to have an entirely new experience, albeit one that changed his way of life, I do believe, for he courted both thereafter by letter and begged them to do the same again. This indeed was the way that Caroline first described the adventure to me-which is to say in the convoluted fashion of women who keep one an eternity before the reaching of the point.

“What did you do-thereafter?” I first interrupted her.

“I am trying to tell you,” quoth she. “Having secured him well, and amid much blustering and yelling on his part, he was drawn into the drawing room and there we got his trousers down and tucked his shirt up. I will not relate his imprecations. Some were really those of a foul man and not a gentleman. Adelaide twisted his prick and

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