“I have to tell somebody.”

“Yes,” I said. “I suppose you do have to tell somebody.”

“I'm going to use make-up like this all the time,” Ruth said. “From now on before I go out you'll find me making my cunt pretty too. If I'm going to continue to show it to people I think I ought to, don't you?”

I didn't answer her because I had my mouth on her cunt and my tongue digging into it. The lipstick had a sweet, perfumed taste that I didn't like very much, but I didn't notice it after a couple of minutes. Lying there holding her legs back and kissing and sucking her I didn't notice much of anything but her cunt in a little while. She put her arms around her hips and held her cunt open, and she moved it with her fingers all the time that I was Frenching her.

“I think you like to go down on a cunt as much as I like to suck off a prick,” she said. “You wiggle your tongue around as though it was a good feeling to have my hair around it. I wish I knew what it was that you like so much about Frenching me.

I stabbed her a few more times and then I let her stretch her legs out and I lay with my head on her belly and licked her pussy. She was still jerking herself off.

“You know what it is,” I said. “You'd go down on it yourself if you could reach it. You love your cunt so much that you jerk yourself off even when I'm Frenching you.”

“Your mouth is covered with lipstick.”

“Damn it, take your hands away from it,” I said. If your cunt interests you so much why the hell don't you go to bed with girls?”

“There's one coming this afternoon. Maybe I will take her to bed. You can have the other bedroom.”

“She'll have adenoids and bad teeth.”

I grabbed her and began to French her again and I felt her stiffening. She jazzed around and bounced her cunt into my face in a way that she did when she was going to come.

“You can look through the keyhole and watch me Frenching her,” Ruth said. “You can stand there and jerk off.”

“I'll jerk off into your mouth,” I said. “I'll give you something to think about besides cunt.”

I ducked my head up and down and licked and then I stuck my mouth to her and sucked as hard as I could without sucking her inside out. She fought me when she came, but I held her and Frenched her until it was over. She tried to push me away with her hands and with her feet, and she kicked and twisted, but I kept at her. After a minute she stopped fighting and I stopped sucking her.

“Now get down on me,” I said.

She didn't move fast enough so I pushed her back on her ass and went after her. I socked my prick into her mouth and made her suck it and then I pulled it out and made her lick my balls. She really liked to have me give it to her that way, but anyone seeing us might have thought that I was trying to kill her, or at least was liable to kill her if she didn't come across the way I wanted her to. I made her suck my balls, and then I turned around and shoved my ass in her face.

Sometimes she pretended that she didn't want to suck my ass and sometimes she was so hot about it that when she got started I could hardly make her stop again. I didn't take time to find out how she was then. I sat back and slammed my ass on her face.

“Suck my ass or I'll smother you with it,” I said. “You're not playing with Toby now.”

She licked it and she grabbed my cock and started to jerk me off. She was trying to say something, and I stopped pushing my ass in her face.

“Wouldn't make that mistake,” she said. “Toby never had anything like that.”

She hung onto my cock and jerked me off. I rubbed my ass on her mouth again.

“I'd rather suck your prick,” she said. “I don't want anything to be wasted.”

I jerked around and gave her my prick, and just then I shot. Some of the jism struck her on the hand, but all the rest of it went into her mouth. She held that hand away from herself and tried to keep it from running off onto the bed. She kept working on my prick and I kept shooting.

Afterward I got up to get Ruth a cigarette and I got a handkerchief for her. She didn't use the handkerchief until she had sucked the jism from her hand and from between her fingers. She lay on her back with the ashtray on her belly and smoked. I watched her smoking, and pretty soon I fell asleep. I was tired and I dreamed about walking up a mountain that had no summit.

A car in the driveway woke us up. I got up and looked out of the window. It was an old Ford, and it was in pretty bad shape. While I was looking at it the car stopped and a man got out and then a girl got out. I called down that I would see them in a minute, and Ruth and I got some clothes on and went down.

The car was the one that our landlord had been talking about, and I didn't think much of it, but the girl was all right. She was nervous, and she acted awkward, but she was pretty. She had one small bag in the car and she took it and followed Ruth into the house while the fellow who had brought the car showed me how to start it and all the various tricks it had. It had plenty of tricks. “What about the girl?” I said. “How?” he said.

“Never mind,” I said. “I'll find out.” He wanted to stay around and talk, but when he found out that I didn't know anything to speak of he started down to the cross road to get a ride back with the mailman. I drove the car into the barn and went into the house.

There were a few letters I wanted to write, so I did that while Ruth and the girl went around the house cleaning things up. One of the letters was to a girl I had fucked when I was in high school. She had read the book of short stories I got out last fall and she wanted fifty dollars in a hurry. The letter I wrote to her was one of the best letters I ever wrote to anybody, and I got so interested in it that by the time I got it finished it was time to have dinner.

After we ate Ruth and I walked around the place until the sun was going down. It was pretty, but I didn't feel so good to see that. It made me feel the same way that I used to feel about it when I was a kid, and I wasn't so sure about this being in the country. While we were walking back to the house the frogs started up down at the pond and the bats began dodging around in the dusk. When we went into the house the girl was listening to the radio, and she looked as though she wished she could be someplace else too.

“Are you lonesome, Jane?” Ruth asked her.

The girl stood up. She had never worked for anybody before and she didn't know how she should act. I didn't know how she should act myself.

“A little bit,” she said.

“For god's sake, what do people do around here for entertainment?” I asked.

“That one's easy,” said Ruth. “Look at the size of the families they raise.”

“They must do something else.”

The girl said that there were movies in a town about fifteen miles away.

“Do you know anything about that car?” I said. “Can it be trusted to go fifteen miles?”

Jane said she thought so.

“Get your things,” I said to Ruth. “We're going to go to the movies and have a big night.”

“You too, Jane,” Ruth said.

I went out and backed the car out of the barn. Ruth came out and got into the car.

“I might as well take my letters,” I said.

I took the letters from the desk, and I went upstairs to get stamps. The door to the bedroom Ruth and I had taken was open, and the girl was in the room. She hadn't heard me. I thought at first that she was stealing something, and I felt uncomfortable. But she was just standing there looking at something. In a minute I realized that she was looking at the pictures of Ruth, and I watched her. She didn't do anything. All she did was look at them, studying each one a long time before she put it down and took up another one.

I went back downstairs and out to the car with my letters. Ruth looked at me.

“What's keeping Jane?” she said.

I leaned on the horn, and the girl hurried out of the house. She started to get into the back seat, but Ruth held open the front door.

“It's going to be chilly,” Ruth said. “We have a blanket up here.”

The girl was very quiet, and she kept looking at Ruth while she edged in beside her. I felt like throwing her out of the car. Then I felt like throwing them both out of the car. I was sore about something, but I couldn't put my

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