fact, I expect impeachment proceedings to be filed on several of us. However, we are all wealthy and remain the most powerful body on the planet; we are also skilled in all the tricks of politics. I doubt any of us fear impeachment. I suggest that for the time remaining to us, we cast aside all thought of personal gain, and simply act for the good of our planet.'
'Hmph. That is it? That's your grand idea?' the Minister of the Interior said incredulously. 'Some idealistic nonsense? Bullshit! Oh,' he continued savagely, 'you're probably right about our careers. So what we should be doing is using every ounce of our power to get what we can, while we can! Statesmen? Ridiculous!'
Tomas shook his head. 'And if we do that, what then? The new council appoints investigators to come after us.' He shook his head. 'No, Ricardo, you might want to be the richest man in the central prison, but I'd rather spend my remaining years with a family that can respect me.'
'And I,' the President put in, 'would rather be remembered as a good man who made some mistakes than as a crooked politician who got caught with his hand in the till. All right, Tomas, suppose I agree. What do you suggest?'
'I haven't had time to give it a lot of thought, yet, senor Presidente,' Tomas replied. 'But I suppose the best way to start is to deal honorably with the Ilocanos and our own people.'
'Hmph!' The Minister of the Treasury grunted disgustedly. 'Ilocanos! You mean those savages that even now are destroying the orbital factories right over our heads?'
The President nodded. 'Yes, with them. Tomas, you are right. Come, we will together draft a message to our attackers.'
The meeting adjourned, with the Minister of the Interior still seething, still determined to milk every peso from his remaining time in office, and wondering how he could turn this 'statesman' nonsense to his own profit; but most of the remaining Ministers were looking thoughtful.
Cale was watching Zant's Strengl as it rained destruction on yet another orbital factory. Zant was obviously enjoying the experience, but Cale was finding, as had Emo Arror before him, that destruction for its own sake held no attraction for him. In short, he was ready to leave.
'Captain,' Tess said quietly in his ear, 'I'm receiving a transmission from the surface.'
Cale was startled. 'For us?'
'It is unencrypted, and is addressed to the commander of the Ilocano forces now in the Santiago system. It bears the seal of the President of the Republic of Santiago, and contains several attachments.'
'Let's hear it,' he said, then changed his mind. 'On second thought, I'll hear it in my cabin.' He took one more look at Zant's efforts, and then turned to his cabin to play the message.
The message opened with a distinguished-looking man seated at a large real-wood desk. 'I am Alfredo Vincencio Calderon, and at least for the moment, I am President of the Republic of Santiago.' The man had apparently undergone body sculpting quite some time ago, as the signs of normal aging were beginning to become apparent; but his voice was deep and resonant, his manner assured, and his standard flawless. A wry half-smile punctuated the 'for the moment' phrase.
'I hope you will cease your destructive activity,' he continued, 'but I have no means of enforcing that desire, and that is not the reason for this message. Two messages are attached to this one; the first I hope you will deliver to the President of the government of Ilocan. I consider it urgent, as it relates to ending this horrible war. It is my hope that to avoid confrontation, you will place the second in a message torpedo and send it through to Admiral Gonzales-Villareal at Ilocan.
'The message for the Admiral is encoded in Santiago military code, so he will know it is authentic. However, I will tell you what it says. It orders the Admiral to immediately cease all offensive military activity, and to render any appropriate aid to the citizens of Ilocan. It also instructs him to release all prisoners except those undergoing medical treatment immediately, pending discussions regarding ending the war.
'This war has been a horrible and tragic mistake, and it was my mistake, mine and my advisors'. We cannot bring back the lives lost; all we can do is try to make amends.
'Please, I beg you; deliver our messages as soon as possible. This tragedy must not last a second more than necessary.'
Cale stared at the empty viewscreen. 'Damn, Tess, that's the most amazing thing I've seen since Raqal Wilkins took me to the gym after school. Do you think he means it?'
'Based on my studies of body language and speech patterns,' Tess replied, 'I feel certain the man was sincere. Of course, he could be a pawn in a complicated game, but it is difficult to envision a planetary president in that role.'
Cale nodded soberly. 'I agree. Let's call Zant back, and boost max for the jump point. We have messages to deliver.'
'Then you will send the message torpedo to Admiral Gonzalez-Villareal?' Tess asked.
Cale shrugged. 'That's the president's decision. Personally, I would send it — after it's been decrypted, translated, and scanned for secret content. It may save a lot of lives.'
'I will begin the decryption procedure at once. Sire Jenfu reports that he will return after this run. I interpret this to mean when he completes his current firing pass.'
Cale shook his head. 'Connect me,' he said. When Zant's face appeared on the viewscreen he said, 'Damn it Zant! Get your ass back here. Something's come up, and we've got urgent business.'
Zant just grinned. 'Urgent, huh? What's up?'
Cale grinned. 'You'll have to get back here to find out. I'll be closing the cargo door to the hold in ten minutes, and we boost in fifteen.'
'You can't scare me. Strengl s have jump engines.'
Cale shrugged. 'True, but do you have enough fuel to make it to the mine? Or would you rather just drift around the system until the Santies rescue you? Ten minutes.' He signaled Tess to cut the connection.
Zant was irritated at having to cut his attack short, but when he saw the President's message, he agreed that they should be going. Cheetah boosted max in pursuit of the slower Ilocan's Revenge and their prizes.
They escorted the prizes through the first jump point. Then Cheetah boosted max for the next jump point on their way to the mine. The jumps seemed interminable, but finally Cheetah emerged in the mine's nameless system, and headed for the mine at nearly 1.5G.
The prizes from Santiago had not arrived yet, probably wouldn't for several days, but already space around the mine was crowded. Cale counted seven ships being held in orbit. He wondered how the government intended to sell them, but that wasn't his problem. He had a message to deliver.
'So, what do you all think,' the President asked. 'Should we send on Calderon's message?'
'To hell with him!' the man speaking had been introduced as the Secretary of the Interior, though Cale had forgotten his name. 'Why the hell should we deliver his mail?
Jessica whirled on him. 'Because, Artut, this mail tells the Admiral to stop killing our people! Because this mail might help end the damned war! And because the Admiral doesn't know about anything that's happened, and he'll keep shooting until he does!'
The man she called 'Artut' flushed and looked uncomfortable. 'I'm sorry, Jessie. I ran my mouth before my brain was in gear.'
She smiled. 'No problem, Artut. But now we all need our brains in gear to decide the best course.'
'Hell, we should send the damned message for all the reasons you've just spelled out,' replied Artut. 'Oh, there's a slight chance it contains some kind of secret coded message, but if our experts couldn't find one, I doubt it.' Heads nodded all around the table.
Jessica turned to Cale. 'Well, Cale, we appear to have decided. Would you like to make a speed run and fire off a message torp?'
Cale bowed from the waist and smiled. 'Madam President, I would be delighted,' he replied.
Chapter 12
Admiral Gonzales-Villareal gasped in disbelief. First, there was the mysterious message torp, an obsolete