fallen asleep in the wagon, and on waking and finding his brother

gone, he had supposed they were at home and scrambled for his

pack. He stood in the doorway, blinking his eyes at the light,

looking astonished but eager to do whatever was required of him.

What if one of her own boys, Mrs. Wheeler thought…. She

went up to him and put her arm around him, laughing a little and

saying in her quiet voice, just as if he could understand her,

“Why, you’re only a little boy after all, aren’t you?”

Ernest said afterwards that it was his first welcome to this

country, though he had travelled so far, and had been pushed and

hauled and shouted at for so many days, he had lost count of

them. That night he and Claude only shook hands and looked at

each other suspiciously, but ever since they had been good


After their picnic the two boys went to the circus in a happy

frame of mind. In the animal tent they met big Leonard Dawson,

the oldest son of one of the Wheelers’ near neighbours, and the

three sat together for the performance. Leonard said he had come

to town alone in his car; wouldn’t Claude ride out with him?

Claude was glad enough to turn the mules over to Ralph, who

didn’t mind the hired men as much as he did.

Leonard was a strapping brown fellow of twenty-five, with big

hands and big feet, white teeth, and flashing eyes full of

energy. He and his father and two brothers not only worked their

own big farm, but rented a quarter section from Nat Wheeler. They

were master farmers. If there was a dry summer and a failure,

Leonard only laughed and stretched his long arms, and put in a

bigger crop next year. Claude was always a little reserved with

Leonard; he felt that the young man was rather contemptuous of

the hap-hazard way in which things were done on the Wheeler

place, and thought his going to college a waste of money. Leonard

had not even gone through the Frankfort High School, and he was

already a more successful man than Claude was ever likely to be.

Leonard did think these things, but he was fond of Claude, all

the same.

At sunset the car was speeding over a fine stretch of smooth road

across the level country that lay between Frankfort and the

rougher land along Lovely Creek. Leonard’s attention was largely

given up to admiring the faultless behaviour of his engine.

Presently he chuckled to himself and turned to Claude.

“I wonder if you’d take it all right if I told you a joke on


“I expect I would.” Claude’s tone was not at all eager.

“You saw Bayliss today? Notice anything queer about him, one eye

a little off colour? Did he tell you how he got it?”

“No. I didn’t ask him.”

“Just as well. A lot of people did ask him, though, and he said

he was hunting around his place for something in the dark and ran

into a reaper. Well, I’m the reaper!”

Claude looked interested. “You mean to say Bayliss was in a

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