little, make talking to people a bit easier.

Alex stared into the cooler in dismay.


Renton looked over at him from where he was hitting on some curly-haired first year student, confused.

“All this power and technology; a secret school in another world,” Alex recited numbly. “Plus, some of the people here are really rich! So, how could this be?”

Renton looked him with a puzzled expression. Alex reached into the cooler that he held open.

“Keystone,” Alex said sadly. “Still warm.”

Renton laughed like he’d heard the funniest joke ever. It was obscene, unpleasant, and probably designed to be exactly that. Alex was starting to realize that Renton had mastered that art of being friendly and despicable at the same time.

“It’s like fucking Bakersfield in a can, you realize,” Alex said to no one in particular. Then a nasty idea occurred to him, and he turned to confront Renton. “Is this some kind of joke, Renton? Should I take offense?”

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to get beer when you’re stuck in the Ether, you ungrateful little shit?”

Renton extracted a can from the cooler for himself, smacking his lips with satisfaction.

“We can’t even bring it in the dorms, you know. They have a protocol on all the student buildings, it puts you to sleep if you try and bring this sort of thing in.”

“Same thing if you try and get it on with a girl in the dorms.”

Alex looked over at the speaker, a chubby upperclassman named Todd that he had just been introduced to. Seemed like a nice enough guy, although he had a bit too much of the white-boy hip-hop act going for Alex, but maybe that was an East Coast thing.

“You try some shit, you both wake up to find the staff member on duty standing over you.”

“Really? Even if she was only there to study or something?”

“Study, right,” Li said with a grin. “That’s a good one. In that truly unlikely scenario, nothing would happen. Not until one of you tried to take your clothes off, I guess.”

Alex laughed nervously while he considered the implications. He hadn’t really realized what an opportunity he’d blown at Emily’s place.

“It happened to a girl in my hall, last year. She was so embarrassed when the teacher came to get her in the morning.”

Alex turned to look at the new voice. Anastasia, wrapped in a surprisingly cutesy winter coat and fringed scarf, was glancing at the contents of the cooler with obvious contempt. Behind her was Emily in a tailored coat, heavy woolen skirt and felt boots, laughing cheerfully and walking with a plump, dreadlocked blond girl he didn’t recognize.

“You do realize that you’re staring, don’t you?”

Anastasia hissed at him as she walked near, stopping a discrete distance away.

“Sorry,” he mumbled into his beer. “I was surprised to see you here, that’s all.”

Anastasia made a sour face at him.

“Aren’t you going to introduce us, Ana?”

The dreadlocked girl interposed herself between Alex and Anastasia, looking indignant.

“Alex, meet Serafina Ricci,” Anastasia said, sounding as bored as she looked. “Serafina, meet Alex Warner.”

“Call me Sarah, everyone does. How do you do?”

Sarah greeted Alex with a smile. Alex nodded back, and took a sip of his wretched beer to cover his discomfort. He was never sure, meeting a new girl, whether he supposed to shake her hand or what. It seemed so inappropriately masculine, somehow.

“I have, of course, heard all about you.”

She said it as if he would find that reassuring.

“Seems like everyone has,” Alex agreed. “Saves time on introductions, I guess.”

“Serafina is a second-year student,” Anastasia explained. “And her cartel, I might add, has the bad taste to associate itself with the Hegemony. Despite that, and her awful, she is my second cousin, and therefore my responsibility.”

Sarah looked scandalized.

“And your friend, too, I would hope. And I’ve told you a million times to call me Sarah. After all I’ve done for you…”

“Please,” Anastasia said, her voice deathly bored. “I only came because you made me promise to introduce you to Alex. That done, I am afraid that I have better things to do with my time. Do enjoy yourselves…”

Anastasia breezed off, brushing by a puzzled looking Emily on her way to the door. Alex sipped from his can as sparingly as possible and felt tremendously out-of-place. How could beer be warm when it was this cold outside? It defied logic.

Alex grabbed Renton by the arm as he walked by. Renton met Alex’s look with slightly glassy eyes. Alex realized the boy was probably a touch drunk already.

“Okay, then, so why the party?”

“We are sort of the welcoming committee,” Vivik admitted, emerging from the group of people behind the tangle of pipes on the center of the roof. “We would have done it sooner, but you keep falling asleep at eight o’clock, so it’s been a little tricky.”

“Vivik!” Alex exclaimed. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

“Don’t look so surprised,” Vivik said, obviously hurt. “I’m not that big of nerd, you know.”

Renton winked at Alex.

Emily walked up and tried to say something, only to be cut off by Renton shouting a greeting and then pushing his way through the group, running over to the far wall. Alex watched in astonishment as Margot, the vampire from the day before, floated up from the side of the building and over the retaining wall, coming smoothly down in front of the cheering Renton.

“Shush.” Margot’s voice was prim and cold, but not unfriendly. “One of the staff has to be doing rounds, Renton.”

She held out a brown paper bag, which Renton promptly snatched.

“It’s Rebecca tonight, so we’re cool. And you’re great, Margot. I appreciate this.”

Renton was looking at the contents of the heavy paper bag with obvious satisfaction. Given the clinking noise it made when he moved it, Alex was pretty sure he’d just seen how the beer had made it to the roof in the first place, without tripping any of the Academy’s security measures.

As Alex approached them, he realized that he’d been wrong — Margot hadn’t actually landed. She was still floating, her bare feet dangling lazily, centimeters above the concrete and rebar, her long brown skirt around her calves, teased by the cold wind.

“Am I done?” Margot said, looking vaguely annoyed. “I have Eerie waiting down there…”

Renton chuckled to himself, and then looked at Alex evilly.

“Why don’t you bring her up, then, and hang out for a while. I’ll introduce you guys to Alex. You can have a beer with us or something.”

Margot looked at him, clearly taken aback.

“I can’t drink alcohol, because of my metabolism, and Eerie’s pathologically shy, because she’s a nutcase.” Her intonation made it obvious that she wasn’t making excuses; rather, Margot was just stating the facts as she saw them. “What kind of party are you having, exactly?”

“That was a pretty big favor that I did you, right?” Renton said softly, his smile wide and mean. “And while I do appreciate you bringing up all this stuff up to the roof for me, maybe you should consider if things between us are really squared. What do you think, Margot?”

Margot’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment, Alex wondered if she was going to attack him. She was, after all, a vampire, right? He had been planning on introducing himself, but found himself standing by nervously, not sure what to make of the conversation. The mood didn’t seem right for him to interrupt.

“Very well.” Margot bowed her head for a moment, and then continued on evenly. “I can’t speak for Eerie, though. She will probably just go home by herself.”

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