“My what?”

“Your trickery?”

“I’ll worry about that if and when it happens.”

“I think I would not like you for an enemy, young man,” Mac said.

“When this is over, Mac, you’ll probably never see me again. I intend to drop out of sight, change my name, hopefully get married, and settle down.”

“I wish you luck, Kirby Jensen.”

“Thank you, Mr. MacGregor.”

With much good-natured grumbling among the mountain men, the ladies were settled in for the night. Guards were posted on the ridges, although none believed they were really necessary. The lights in the town of Bury blazed long into the night as the men prepared for war. Around midnight, very late for a western town, the lanterns and candles began to go out and the town was a dark shape in a velvet pocket.

The town was stirring before the first silver fingers of dawn began creeping over the mountains, touching the valleys and lighting the new day.

On the ridges, the men and women watched the citizens of Bury saddle horses and check out equipment.

“Mines is shut down tight,” Dupre told Smoke. The Frenchman had just completed a night-long tour of the country.

“The miners?”

“They around, but they keepin’ their heads down and their butts outta sight. They know all hell’s about to break loose around here.”

“You see any PSR riders?”

“Several. They watchin’ the town. Been there all night. I allow as to how they know ’bout the deal you made with Potter and Stratton. Seen one haul his ashes back towards the spread, hell bent for leather.

Smoke’s grin was visible on the rim of the tin cup full of scalding black coffee. “Going to be a very interesting day,” he said.

“So Wiley and Keith sold out to Smoke Jensen,” Josh mused aloud. “Interesting. Thank you for that news.” He waved the cowhand away and concentrated on his breakfast, conscious of the eyes on him as he ate.

Marshall and Lansing and Brown sat at the long table in the dining room. Marshall finally said, “They got us outnumbered just a tad.”

“Not enough to cause us any concern,” Josh replied. “As soon as they start pulling out, my riders will come fogging with the news and we’ll have time to get ready. Besides, they’re shopkeepers and store owners, not gunfighters.”

Brown dashed cold water on that remark. “Josh, there ain’t a man among them ain’t a veteran of either the Civil War or a dozen Injun fights. They may be scoundrels and the like, but they ain’t pilgrims.”

Josh laid his knife and fork aside. He patted his mouth with a napkin. “Yes, you’re right. They aren’t going to just roll over and give up.” He was thoughtful for a moment. He picked up a tiny silver bell and rattled it, bringing the houseman to the dining room. The other ranchers hid their amusement at that. “Thomas,” Josh said to the black houseman, “tell Wilson and McNeil I wish to see them. Now!”

“Boss,” Wilson said, uncomfortable in the lushly appointed dining room with carpet and heavy drapes and expensive chandelier. McNeil stood by his partner’s side. The men held their hats in their hands.

“Pick a half-dozen boys from each ranch and take a dozen of our men. Ambush the men from town. To get to here, they’ve got to come through Levi Pass. Hit them there. Draw enough ammo and food for several days in the field. And, Wilson…” He met the man’s eyes. “If you fail, don’t bother coming back.”

“Yes, sir.”

Smoke stood on the ridge overlooking the now-deserted town of Bury. His eyes were bleak. Savage-looking. Sally stood by his side, gazing up at him.

“What are you thinking, Smoke?” she asked.

“Take a good look at Bury, Sally.”

“I see it. What about it?”

“’Cause this is the last time you’ll be able to see it.”

“Are we pulling out?”

“No. Not yet.”


“I’m going to burn it to the ground.” He checked both his Colts and picked up his Henry repeating rifle. He slowly walked down the hill, Matt, Preacher, Tenneysee, and Greybull following him.

Sally stood on the crest of the ridge, Audie by her side—standing on a large rock. Little Ben joined them, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

“What are your feelings toward and for that young man?” Audie asked.

“I love him,” Sally said quietly.

“It bloomed very quickly between you two. Are you certain of your feelings?”


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