“That young man she used to see—Matt something-or-another, he’s out there. Yeah, that’s it. Well… I hope she’s happy. God knows the kid deserves it.”

To be as smart as you are, Raines, you don’t know jackshit about women. “Doctor Canale’s a good man, Ben, runs a fine clinic. Jerre will be all right. We intercepted one of Ramos’s transmissions; set on the same scrambler frequency. I like your plan, Ben.”

“I think it’s the only way, Lamar. The people have to get involved. We can’t do it all for them. Hell, I won’t do it all for them.”

“We’re moving to link up with Ramos in a few weeks, Ben. You know the plan—I’ll see you on target.”

Ben grinned. “Watch your blood pressure, old man. It’s tough taking care of a woman young enough to be your granddaughter.”

“What! How…?”

Ben signed off, leaving Doctor Chase bellowing into a cold mike. He turned just as Ike walked into the communications tent. Ben’s second-in-command wore a funny expression on his face.


“Ben… you ’member that female reporter on NBC; that one you always said you’d like to strangle for her liberal views?”

“Roanna Hickman. Yes. What about her?”

“She just pranced her ass up to our easternmost outpost. Says she wants to do a story on you—for broadcast.”

Ben looked at him for a few seconds. “Well, I’ll be goddamned.”

“Probably,” Ike agreed. “But let’s not get into that.”


The word went out from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to all base commanders: Order all personnel to keep a low profile when off base. No interference with Ben Raines’s Rebels unless the men are provoked. This is a fight between Lowry and Raines. Stay out of it.

The message was intercepted by Al Cody’s people. Cody went straight to VP Lowry. He tossed the decoded message on the VP’s desk and sat down.

“It’s all in the open now, Weston. No more playing pitty-pat.”

VP Lowry read the message and then pushed it from him. “Fuck the military. We don’t need them. Hartline is beefing up his men to the tune of a hundred a day. The intelligence reports we’ve received all state that Raines won’t make a move before the first of the year—at the earliest. By that time Hartline will have a full division under his command. Maybe more than that. Raines is helping destroy himself and doesn’t even know it. The bastard is stupid.”

Cody shook his head. “Don’t ever think that, Weston. Raines may be a lot of things; stupid is not one of them. He’s got something up his sleeve.”

But Lowry would only shake his head. “He’s too confident in the people. Oh, they’ve had their little victories in the towns around the mountain base of Raines. But that is because Raines’s main force is so near. Let him play his game—it just gives us more time. Hartline’s plan is working.” The VP giggled. He clicked on a Betamax. “You never saw this, did you?”

“Saw what?”

“Sabra Olivier sucking Hartline’s pecker.”

“You’ve got to be kidding!”


Al Cody watched with a sick sort of sensation in his stomach. He was solidly opposed to this type of filth… but still, he felt himself becoming sexually aroused at the sight. He glanced at Lowry. The VP was rubbing his crotch, a tiny bit of spittle had gathered at the corner of his mouth and his eyes were… odd-looking.

Cody closed his eyes and willed his slight erection to go away. It’s for the good of the people, he reminded himself. All this… perversion is for the good of the entire nation.

The end will justify the means, he thought. Got to keep that thought in mind. The end must justify the means. Who said that? Hell, I don’t know!

“Come on, baby,” Hartline’s rough voice cut into Cody’s thoughts. “We’re almost there.”

It’s all for the good of the people. Cody kept that thought.

“Don’t tell me you’re not gettin’ your rocks, too, Sabra-honey…”

The good of the people. Raines must be stopped…

“…you’re slick as 10W40.”

…by any means possible. And if that entails something as…

“You’re not shivering from the cold, Sabra-honey. It’s…”

…disgusting as this is, then so be it. This nation must…

“…just that you like my cock, right, baby?”


“Ah—that’s good, Sabra.”

Must endure.

“How’d you like to mount that from behind, Al?”


Cody opened his eyes just as Lowry was turning up the lights, turning off the Betamax.

“She’s still a good-looking piece of ass, isn’t she?”

“Yes,” Cody sighed. “Yes, she is, Weston.”

For the good of the nation.

“I think I’ll ask Hartline if he’ll…”

Cody swallowed hard.

“…bring Sabra to me. We can use the retreat. I like women in…”

We? Good God, does he think I want a part of this filth? I couldn’t do…

“…their forties. All that maturity. And did you see those tits—the way her nipples…”

…anything like that! I was raised in the church. I…

“…stuck out. God! that turned me on, Al. You and I—I’ll get Hartline to get you that blonde-headed reporter that you…”

…just couldn’t do anything like that. Disgusting! It’s…

“…once said was so sexy-looking.” VP Lowry laughed. “I bet you she could give you head you’d never forget, Al. You know, Al—we go back a long ways, don’t we, ol’ friend? We know the American people have to be controlled, just like the press. Reviewing history, say, oh, from the early ‘60s on… well, I think—believe—that if the press had been muzzled and the people controlled a bit more firmly, none of this tragedy would have occurred. I sure do believe that, Al. Yes, sir, Al, you know as well as I, it’s all for the…”

…good of the country.

“…good of the country.”

* * *

“What kind of game are you playing, Miss Hickman?” Ben asked her.

They were seated outside, a cool but not unpleasant breeze fanning them. Roanna had seen Dawn and the two women embraced and chatted for a few moments. Dawn now sat beside her on one side of the camp table, facing Ben and Ike and Cecil.

“No game, General,” Roanna said firmly. “Game time is all over. We’re all putting our lives on the line this go-around. For the women, our asses, literally.”

She brought the men up to date on what Hartline was doing, and had done.

“If this is true,” Cecil said, “and for the moment we shall accept it as fact, Ms. Olivier is playing a very dangerous game.”

“And you, as well,” Ike added.

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