“Why did he shoot them?”

“One of them took a shot at us as we was leavin’ the bank, and Harley, he just spun around and shot all three of them. He’s fast with a gun.”

“So I’ve been told,” Smoke said.

“He’s damn fast. He may even be faster ’n you.”

The door to the front of the building opened then, and Sheriff Dennis came through. “It’s time, Parnell.”


“Turn your back to the bars, then put your hands behind you.”

Parnell did as he was directed. “Is there a crowd of folks to see my send off ?”

“It’s going to be a show, all right,” the sheriff said.

“Jensen?” Parnell called. “I’m sorry your woman got shot. Was she kilt?”

“No. She’s going to be all right.”

“I’m glad about that. Listen, I’ll tell you somethin’ else. You think you are just goin’ after Dinkins, Harley, and the Slater brothers, don’t you?”

“You mean there are others in the gang?”

“No, not exactly. But, ever since that newspaper article come out, saying that you was comin’ after us? Well, it spooked Dinkins somethin’ fierce. So, what he has done is, he has put up a thousand dollar reward to anyone who kills you.”

“How has he done that?”

“How? He’s just let it be known, that’s all. Folks like us, we got our own way of spreadin’ the news around. I’ll guarantee you there ain’t an outlaw in Colorado, Wyoming, or Arizona that don’t know it’s worth a thousand dollars to kill you. They’ll be comin’ after you from ever’where.”

“Thanks for telling me that,” Smoke said.

“So, seein’ as I told you that, I want you to do me a favor, will you? Sort of like a last wish from a dyin’ man?”


“I want you to stick around and watch me hang.”


Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace

our path when wont to stray;

stream from the fount of heavenly grace,

brook by the traveler’s way.

The members of the First Methodist Church Choir had formed four half circles just in front of the gallows, and they were already singing when Smoke went back outside. The crowd of spectators filled the street from side to side, so Smoke found a place across the street from the gallows in front of Haussler’s Apothecary. Standing on the front porch and leaning against a roof support post, he had a pretty good view of the gallows, which, for the moment, was empty.

The choir finished their song and Smoke checked the program he had bought from the boy. He saw that the choir was singing, which meant the mayor had already spoken, and he was thankful for small pleasures. He had already missed the mayor’s speech.

“Here he comes!” someone shouted, and a buzz of excitement passed through the crowd.

“Hey, Parnell!” someone shouted. “How does it feel to know you’re going to have supper in hell tonight?”

“It will probably be better than the supper I had in jail last night,” Parnell responded.

Some, but not all, of the crowd laughed at the remark.

“You think gettin’ hung is funny, do you boy? We’ll see who is laughin’ half an hour from now.”

Parnell did not respond to the taunt. His face was without expression of any kind.

He was led up the thirteen steps to the gallows, and carefully positioned over the trap door. His arms were then tied to his sides, and his legs were tied together. Sheriff Daniels stepped to the front of the gallows, cleared his throat, and read the warrant which stated that Cole Parnell, having been found guilty in a legally constituted court of law, was hereby sentenced to death by means of hanging.

“You’ve got it coming to you, you horrid person!” a woman shouted. “My husband was a good man, a father of three children, and you took him away from us!” She broke down in racking sobs.

There were a few other taunts, jibes, and sneering verbal attacks, but they quieted when a tall, very thin man, dressed all in black but with a bright white collar, started up the thirteen steps to the platform. He stepped over and whispered something to the prisoner. Parnell shook his head, and the priest spoke a second time. Parnell nodded in the affirmative.

With that, the priest walked away from Parnell, and opening the little black book he was carrying, began reading the prayer Prayers for Persons under Sentence of Death from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer.

Dearly beloved, it hath pleased Almighty God, in his justice to bring you under the sentence and condemnation of the law. You are shortly to suffer death in such a manner, that others, warned by your example, may be the more afraid to offend; and we pray God, that you may make such use of your punishments in this world, that your soul may be saved in the world to come.”

As the priest droned on, Smoke looked into the faces of the crowd, seeing in them a mixture of morbid

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