“I want you to remember it,” Coleman countered. “I want you to remember that you aren’t the law in Cottonwood. I am. As for those cousins of yours, if they hadn’t taken those shots at me, they’d have likely just been fined for disturbing the peace and would be out of jail by now. Trying to kill a peace officer is something else entirely. It’ll be up to the circuit judge to decide what to do with them when he comes through in a couple of weeks. Until then, like I told you, they stay locked up.”

Kane’s arm hung at his side, the revolver still tightly gripped in his hand. But as Sam continued to cover the rest of the bunch, Kane holstered the gun and heaved an angry sigh. He started toward his horse and snapped, “Let’s get out of here.”

“But what about Dud and Nelse and Wiley?” one of the men asked. “What are we gonna do about them?”

Another man spoke up. “Yeah, Cimarron. You gonna let kin just rot in jail?”

“Shut up!” Kane blazed as he jerked his reins away from the man who’d been holding them. “I still give the orders here, and you’d damn well better not forget it. We’ll deal with that law dog some other time.”

Stiff with fury, Kane swung up into the saddle and hauled hard on the reins to pull his horse around. The others got out of his way as he cruelly dug his spurs into the animal’s flanks and sent it galloping back down the street. The others followed him, although not without visible reluctance on the part of some of them. Sam waited until they had vanished in a cloud of dust at the end of the street before finally lowering his gun.

Marshal Coleman came up beside him, holding the shotgun he had used to threaten Kane. “Glad you came along when you did, Sam,” he said. “If Kane hadn’t gotten distracted by what was goin’ on out here, I don’t know if I’d have been able to get my hands on this scattergun.”

Sam slid his Colt into its holster. “I take it Kane came to town to try to get his cousins released?”

“Yeah, he heard about them being arrested. Figured he could ride in with some of his gunslinging kinfolk, bluster a little bit, and get me to turn them loose.” Coleman shook his head. “He figured wrong.”

“He won’t let it go at that, though, will he?”

Coleman sighed. “Probably not. But we’ll worry about that later.” He tucked the shotgun under his left arm and clapped his right hand on Sam’s shoulder. “It’s good to see you again, son. Where’s that side-kick of yours?”

“Matt had some business of his own to tend to,” Sam replied, being deliberately vague with his answer.

He was in an awkward position. He had promised Matt that he wouldn’t tell the marshal about the hidden saloon or the moonshining going on at the Harlow farm. Yet he felt that Coleman had a right to know about those things. For now, he would have to continue walking a fine line between keeping his word to his blood brother and following what he felt was his civic responsibility.

“Well, come on in the office,” Coleman invited. “I’ve got coffee on the stove.”

They went inside. Sam heard angry voices coming from the cell block. Coleman waved a hand toward the cell block door and said, “Don’t pay them any mind. They’ve been carryin’ on and raising a ruckus most of the night, and it got worse when they heard Cimarron out here. I try to just ignore ’em.”

Sam saw the wisdom of that approach but doubted it would be easy to carry out, considering the profanity that was coming from the cells. Coleman didn’t seem bothered by it, though. The marshal poured two cups of coffee from the pot staying warm on the stove and handed one of them to Sam.

“I’m glad you came by,” Coleman said as he sat down behind the desk. “I’ve been thinking about something. Were you planning to be around town for a while, Sam?”

“We didn’t really have any plans, one way or the other,” Sam answered. “I don’t think Matt intends to move on any time soon, though.”

Of course, that would depend to a certain extent on Frankie Harlow, he added silently.

“Well, then, how would you boys like to have a job while you’re here? I could sure use a couple of deputies.”

“Did the town council decide to let you hire someone?” Sam asked, remembering what Hannah had said the day before.

Coleman’s mouth tightened a little. “No, the council says the town can’t afford that. So I’d be payin’ you out of my own pocket. I can’t offer much in the way of wages, but you’d get three square meals a day, plus there are a couple of cots in the back room where you could sleep and save the price of a hotel room.”

Coleman had no way of knowing that with their successful ranches in Montana, both of the blood brothers could be considered rich men, especially out here on the frontier.

Sam started to shake his head. Then, as a look of disappointment came over Coleman’s face, he hurried on. “I can’t speak for Matt, but I’ll take the job, Marshal. But only on one condition. You won’t owe me anything in wages.” He smiled. “I’ll take the three square meals a day, though, if Hannah’s going to be cooking them.”

Coleman sat forward and slapped the desk. “She sure is! You got to let me pay you something, though.”

“No, that doesn’t matter,” Sam insisted. “Maybe if the town council sees that it’s a good thing for you to have a deputy, they’ll realize they need to find the money for a real one.”

Coleman opened one of the desk drawers and reached inside. He brought out a badge, which he slid across the desk to Sam.

“Pin that on. You’re hired, Sam, and as far as I’m concerned, you are a real deputy. Let me know when Matt gets back to town, and I’ll make the same offer to him.”

“Sure,” Sam said as he picked up the tin star. It was easier just to agree rather than trying to explain why Matt wasn’t going to be pinning on a deputy’s badge.

“Hannah will be awful glad to hear about this. You know she’s been tryin’ for a while to convince me that I need some help. I don’t know if I do or not—I’ve always been able to keep order here in town—but I’ve got a hunch that Kane is about to start raisin’ more hell than ever.”

Considering the attack on Frankie Harlow and the fact that three of Kane’s cousins were locked up here in town, that seemed like a safe bet to Sam. And that was the main reason he had agreed to take the job. Coleman wouldn’t be any match for the Kanes by himself. It was always possible, too, that the clash between the Kanes and

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