“There is a reason why we didn’t go into Cheyenne, remember? We killed that deputy up there last year, and there’s just too many people that knows us,” McCoy said.

“I guess that’s right. Still, it don’t seem right that Red Plummer has got away scott free and we’re the ones bein’ hounded. Especially since it was all Plummer’s idea in the first place,” Sullivan said.

“Yeah, well, it ain’t all that bad. Once we get rid of Jensen, we’ll get as far away from here as we can,” McCoy said. “And don’t forget, we got us enough money that we can start over somewhere else. Maybe down in Texas.”

Matt had been in this same canyon less than a year earlier, and he knew that it was a dead end. But the two men he was chasing had gone into it, and that left Matt asking the question: did they not know it was a dead end? Or did they know, and were just trying to draw him in to set up an ambush?

It didn’t matter. They might think they were setting up an ambush, but as far as Matt was concerned, they had just ridden into a trap.

He rode all the way up to the mouth of the canyon, but instead of riding in, he dismounted and pulled his long gun out of the saddle holster.

“You go on in, Spirit,” Matt said. “But when you hear gunfire, you run like hell, you hear me?”

Spirit started on into the canyon, his hooves making loud clops on the stone floor. Several seconds after his horse entered the canyon a gun roared, and, as Matt had asked him to, Spirit broke into a gallop. The canyon exploded with gunfire as Spirit galloped through, the bullets whizzing harmlessly over the empty saddle, then whining loudly as they ricocheted off the rock wall on the opposite side of the canyon.

When the firing started, Matt tried to locate the men he was trailing, but it was impossible to do so by the sound of the gunfire because it was echoing and reechoing back and forth for the entire length of the canyon. However, he did see a wisp of smoke drifting up from halfway up the wall on the left side, and he smiled because he knew exactly where they were. There was a cave there, a cave that Matt had personally explored.

As he stared toward the area where he knew the cave was, he saw someone rise up to take a look. The acoustics of the canyon were like a giant megaphone, and when one of the two men spoke, Matt could hear him as clearly as if he were standing in front of him.

“What the hell? There wasn’t nobody on that horse, was there?” The words was there, was there, was there, like the gunshots, were repeated many times down through the length of the canyon.

As Matt studied the area where the two men had positioned themselves, he smiled. He not only knew about the cave, he knew what the men who had taken shelter there might not know. He knew that the cave had another entrance. When he had been up there last year, he had explored the cave just out of curiosity. He had no idea at the time that his curiosity would ever pay off, but now he was about to cash in on that knowledge.

Jacking a round into his rifle, Matt fired toward where he knew the mouth of the cave was, then he repeated it, firing and cocking the lever to jack a new shell in, then firing again.

Matt knew that he didn’t have a clean shot from here, but that wasn’t why he was shooting. He was shooting to drive them back into the cave, and to let them know that he knew where they were.

“You boys seem to have gotten yourself into a little trap, haven’t you?” Matt called up to them. “As long as you are in that cave, all I have to do is wait here until you decide to come out.”

“What do you want? ... What are you chasin’ us for?” one of the two men called back down.

“That was my brother and his family that you killed back in Livermore,” Matt said.

“You’re chasin’ the wrong people. We didn’t do that. What makes you think we did it?” the other of the two men yelled down at him.

“Jarvis Winslow told us it was you.”

“What? That’s impossible! The son of a bitch was dead when we left him.”

“Sullivan, you dumb shit, you just confessed!” McCoy said.

“Anyhow, I know he didn’t tell you.”

“He didn’t exactly tell us,” Matt replied. “But he left us a note in the bank.”

“I knew somebody should have went with him.”

“Why don’t you two come on down with your hands up?” Matt asked. “You know damn well that I’ve got you trapped there. The only way you can go is to come down, and unless you come down without your weapons, I’ll shoot you as soon as you poke your head out.”

There was no response from the two men, so Matt waited a few seconds; then he fired again, the one boom sounding like a cannon blast.

“No need for me to be wasting any more ammunition,” Matt said. “I’ll just wait here until you come out.”

“Well you can just wait until hell freezes over, ’cause we ain’t about to give up to you.”

“Oh, I don’t think I’ll have to wait until hell freezes over,” Matt said. “But I’m willing to wait here as long as it takes.”

Now that Matt had them believing that he was going to stay down there, he moved quickly to a part of the mountain that they couldn’t see from the cave. It wasn’t an easy climb up, but it wasn’t impossible, and within half an hour, Matt was on top, standing over the hole that ran, chimney-like, down into the cave.

Matt climbed down the shaft, which was about seventy-five feet long, but at enough of an angle that it was easier to negotiate than had been the climb up. When he dropped down into the cave, he was about two hundred yards behind them. Behind him was all dark, so he could walk almost all the way up to them without being seen. On the other hand, the two men he had been chasing were standing in the mouth of the cave, easily visible because they were backlit by the bright light from outside.

“How about you two boys tossing your guns this way?” Matt ordered.

“What the hell!” Sullivan shouted in shock and fear. It was obvious that neither of the two men had expected

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