“Are you just passing through our town?” Tipton asked.

“No, I plan to stay awhile,” Matt said.

The marshal squinted his eyes. “Are you what they call a shootist? Have you come here to make money with your gun?”

“I’ve come to take a job at the newspaper,” Matt said.

“The newspaper?” Tipton said, nearly shouting the word. “Mister, you have just killed one of the deadliest men in all of Dakota, and you tell me you don’t do nothin’ but work for the newspaper?”

“Nothing but work for the newspaper?” Matt repeated. “Surely, Marshal, you are not unaware of the power and influence a newspaper can and should exercise? The freedom of the press is one of our nation’s most powerful freedoms.”

“Yeah, well, what I mean is, I know Butrum,” Tipton said. “That is, I knew him. And he was an evil bastard, true enough, but I’ve never know’d him to just come into a saloon and start shootin’ like that. Got any idea what might have got him all riled like that?”

“I don’t know,” Matt said. “It could be that he got upset because I took his gun away from him.”

Paul, Stan, and the others in the saloon laughed.

“You took his gun away from him? You expect me to believe that?”

“I did take his gun away from him,” Matt said, “but it turns out that he had another one I didn’t know about.”

“Why did you take his gun away from him?” Tipton said. “No, a better question is, how did you take his gun away from him?”

“I took it away from him because he pointed it at me. I don’t like for people to point guns at me. And as to how, when I knocked him down he dropped the gun, so I picked it up, brought it in here, emptied it, and handed over to Paul, the bartender.”

“That’s right, Marshal,” Paul said. He reached under the bar, then picked the pistol up, holding the handle by his thumb and forefinger. “This here is Butrum’s gun.”

“I’ll be damn,” Tipton said. “You knocked him down, you say?”

“Yes. When he drew on me.”

“Why did he draw on you? Not that a fella like Butrum needed much of reason to draw on anyone.”

“He was standing out front when I came up, and he got all upset when I didn’t show him the coupon.”

“Yes, that would be the coupon you got when you paid a toll at the road,” Tipton said. “So, why didn’t you show it to him?”

“That was the problem, Marshal. I didn’t pay the toll, so I didn’t have a coupon to show him.”

“Wait a minute,” Tipton said. “Are you telling me that when you came through the tollgate, you refused to pay the toll? Denbigh has at least two men, sometimes more, manning that gate. So I’m going to be just real interested in hearing how you got by them.”

“I just convinced the two men who were watching the gate that I was not going to pay them, so they let me through.”

“That would be Bleeker and Carver,” Tipton said. “They are both hard men, Mr. Jensen, but you want me to believe that you were able to talk them into letting you through without paying the toll.”

“Maybe I should have made myself more clear,” Matt said. “As it so happened, I had a gun in my hand, and they didn’t have one in theirs. That might have made it a little easier to convince them.”

Tipton sighed, and shook his head. “Jensen, if I was you, I wouldn’t be takin’ that newspaper job. I’d be ridin’ on out of here as quick as I can.”


“Because you are trouble, mister,” Tipton said. “You refused to pay the toll, and you just killed one of Denbigh’s men. He ain’t going to like this. No, sir, he ain’t going to like this one bit. If you want to stay alive much longer, you’ll climb up on your horse and ride out. Only, don’t leave by the Ellen-dale Road.”

“Oh, I can’t leave town now. Like I told you, Marshal, I have just taken a job with the publisher of your local newspaper. Plus, I have just paid for a week’s lodging at a local boardinghouse. Leaving now would not be the honorable thing to do.”

“Well, all I can say is, if you really are working at the newspaper, you and John Bryce should get along just fine. Bryce is nothing but a hardhead who seems to enjoy agitating Nigel Denbigh.”

“What do you mean by agitating Denbigh? Do you think perhaps it is because John Bryce tells the truth?”

Tipton stroked his chin. “I don’t know about that,” he said. “All I know is, he seems to love to cause trouble. It would be far better for everyone if the paper wouldn’t be quite so hostile toward Denbigh, and I’ve told him that too. Maybe Bryce should just publish articles about church socials, ladies’ teas, barn dances, and such. I don’t know if you seen it when you come into town, but we’re havin’ us a firemen’s ball comin’ up soon. What he ought to do is write more about that.”

“I’m sure that Mr. Bryce covers all the social events and news of local interest,” Matt said. “But I know him, and I know that he is the kind of man who feels that a newspaper should stand for things like truth, justice, and the rights of the citizens of this town to make a fair living, without being held up by an outlaw like Nigel Denbigh.”

“An outlaw? Look here, that’s pretty serious language, isn’t it? It’s not like he is robbing banks, or holding up stagecoaches. He is a rancher, the largest and wealthiest rancher in the county.”

“He is a rancher who extracts an illegal toll from people who use a public road just because it passes through his land. And since you say that you can’t do anything about it because it is out of your jurisdiction, then John Bryce is the only one who is standing up to him.”

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