'Good enough.'

       The wounded were carried off to the jail. Dirt was kicked over the bloody spot in the street, and Frank told Jerry to locate one of the town's carpenters and have him get busy repairing the awning and the broken boardwalk. He sent another man to find the mayor and arrange for a meeting.

       Conrad had not moved from his spot in the doorway across the street. Frank spotted the young man and walked over to him.

       'How is your mother this morning, Conrad?'

       'Very well, Marshal. Thank you for inquiring. That was quite a performance a few moments ago. Do you always twirl your pistol after a shooting?'

       Frank did not remember doing that. It was just something he did automatically. 'I suppose so, Conrad. It's just a habit.'

       'Very impressive, I must say. You are quite proficient with that weapon.'

       'I try.'

       'Tell me, Marshal, if you will, how long have you known my mother?'

       Frank had no idea what Viv had told the young man, but he wasn't going to start off whatever relationship that might develop with a lie. 'I knew her years ago, Conrad. For a very brief time.'

       'Before she married my father?'

       'Oh, yes.'

       'I see. Well, at least you both have your stories straight. Good day, Marshal.' Conrad turned away and walked off toward the Henson Enterprises office building without another word.

       'Boy damn sure suspects something is not quite right,' Frank muttered. He also knew that he and Viv had better get their heads together and plan something out, and do it quickly.

       Mayor Jenkins strolled up, all smiles. 'Well, Marshal,' he said, grabbing Frank's hand and shaking it, 'congratulations. I was just informed about the incident. I was told that was quite a dandy bit of shooting on your part. Knocked the pins out from under that gunman quicker than the eye could follow. And I'm told you have a new deputy. Jerry, ah, what's his name? Consider him on the payroll.' He named a very generous monthly sum of money  --  about twice the going rate, even for a boom town. 'You can swear him in. That goes with the office, Marshal. I should be hearing something from Arkansas in about a week. I'll let you know immediately. Good day, Marshal. Great job you're doing. Yes, indeed.'

       'Most happy fellow,' Frank muttered. He went in search of Jerry to swear him in.

       Frank did not notice Conrad peeping around the corner of a building, watching his every move.



       Frank swore Jerry in as deputy marshal and pinned a badge on him. Then they went over to Willis's store and bought provisions for the small private room at the jail. Back at the jail, Frank fixed a pot of coffee and the two men talked while Doc Bracken worked on the wounded in the cell block.

       'Never married, Jerry?'

       'Once. Had two kids. Boy and a girl. She didn't like the West, and she really didn't like me, I guess. We lived in Kansas. Took the kids and left one day when I was out with a posse. I've not seen hide nor hair of any of them since. That was twenty years ago. Don't know where they are. You, Frank?'

       'A long time ago. Right after the war. We weren't married long. It didn't work out. I've been drifting ever since.'

       'Yeah, me too, but I don't blame that on her. I reckon I'm just meant to wander, that's all.' Jerry stood up. 'I need to go back to the roomin' house and get my things, Frank. OK with you?'

       'Sure. Go ahead. I've got an appointment to see Mrs. Browning this morning. I'll probably be gone time you get back.'

       'That's a nice lady.'

       'Yes, she certainly is.'

       Jerry left and Frank looked in on Doc Bracken and his assistant. 'You going to be much longer. Doc?'

       ''Bout ten more minutes. I've got all the shot out of this man's butt that I can. The rest will have to stay. Some will work out in time, but he'll be sitting on a lot of bird shot for the rest of his life.'

       'I'll kill that son of a bitch who shot me,' the butt-shot Bud groaned through his laudanum-induced haze.

       'Shut up,' Doc Bracken told him. 'You'll have lots of time to think up threats while you're in prison. You'd better be thankful it wasn't buckshot that hit you, fellow. You wouldn't have any ass left.'

       'Gimmie some more laudanum,' Bud mumbled.

       'You've had enough,' the doctor told him.

       Frank closed the door and sat down at his desk, bringing his jail book up to date. He checked all his dodgers for one on Bud Chase. There were no wanted fliers on Bud, but he did find the dodger on Lou Manning. He wrote out a wire to send to the Texas Rangers.

       He glanced at the wall clock. He still had a few minutes before he was due to meet Viv. Frank leaned back in the wooden swivel chair. He did not delude himself about the likelihood of getting back with Viv. His chances were slim to none. Their worlds were too far apart now, and Frank was man enough to admit that. But they would enjoy each other's company while they had the opportunity. After that? Well, only time would tell.

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