'Here come Vivian and Jimmy,' Frank said, looking up the street as a carriage came rolling up. A servant was handling the reins, and Jimmy was sitting in the back with Viv.

       Frank walked out into the street as the carriage came to a halt. 'Conrad's all right, Vivian. He didn't get a scratch. Actually, he was the hero this night. Did you know he had bought a pistol?'

       'Conrad?' she asked, her eyes wide. 'My God. Conrad bought a pistol?'


       'I had no idea. He's never fired a gun in his life.'

       'Well, he sure busted a few caps this night. He didn't kill anyone, but he sure gave a couple of those ole boys sitting over there on the boardwalk a fright.' Frank couldn't help himself. He started laughing, and Vivian gave him a strange look.

       'You find this funny, Frank?'

       'Well, Viv,' Frank said, wiping his eyes. 'Yes, I do. If you'll pardon the crudeness, one of those attackers thought Conrad shot his ... well, privates off.'

       Jimmy almost swallowed his chewing tobacco.

       Vivian tried to look stern, but just couldn't pull it off. She fought back laughter. 'Well,' she finally managed to say, having a terrible time attempting to control her mirth. '_Did_ he shoot the man's balls off?'

       That did it for Jimmy. He swallowed his chew. 'Mrs. Browning!' he gasped.

       'No,' Frank said. 'But I have to say the man had a few anxious moments.'

       Jimmy got out of the carriage and was coughing and hacking and spitting.

       'What's the matter with you, Jimmy?' Viv asked.

       'Swallered my chew,' Jimmy gasped.

       'I'll get Conrad for you, ma'am,' Jerry said. 'And you can take him home. He's some shaky.'

       'Thank you, Deputy.' Vivian looked at Frank in the flickering streetlamps. It was past time for them to be snuffed out. 'I believe I've had quite enough excitement for one day, Frank.'

       'I agree, and I'm pretty sure Conrad will say the same.'

       'Quite. And another thing: I shall make sure he puts away that pistol.'

       Frank smiled. 'That's wise, Vivian. At least until he puts in some long practice hours. Although I have to say it was his shooting that broke up the assault tonight.'

       'No, Frank. His days as a pistol shooter are over. He starts his second year at Harvard this fall. I'm tempted to send him back right now.'

       'That also might be wise. Viv, what about this Charles Dutton?'

       'Here's Conrad. I'll talk to you about Charles tomorrow, Frank. And we must talk.'

       'All right. There are some things I want to tell you, Viv. No proof, just pure suspicion.'

       Frank watched the carriage until it was out of sight and then turned to Jerry. 'Is Doc Bracken about through with those boys?'

       'I think so. None of them was hurt bad.'

       'Let's lock them down and hit the sack.'

       'If I can get back to sleep,' Jerry said with a smile.

       'The way you saw logs, Jer, I don't think you'll have all that much trouble.'

       'Are you tellin' me I snore, Frank?'

       'Either that, or there's a railroad runnin' through the office.'

       'Maybe it's my snorin' that wakes me up sometimes. You reckon?'

       'Could be.'

       'Doc!' The voice carried to the men across the street. 'Are you sure I ain't been shot in the precious parts? It's all numb down there.'

       'On second thought,' Frank said, 'if he keeps that up, maybe you won't get much sleep.'

       'No, damn it, you haven't been shot in your parts. Good God, man. I've told you ten times. Why don't you look for yourself, you ninny?'

       'I'm afeared to. Are you real sure, Doc?' the man persisted. 'You won't lie to me about that now, would you?'

       'If you don't shut up about it,' Doc Bracken said, clearly irritated, 'I can fix it so you won't have to worry about your precious parts ever again.'

       'How would you do that, Doc?'

       'I'll cut the damn things off!'

       The man started howling again, and that started the dogs in town answering him.

       'Oh, Lord!' Jerry said. 'It's gonna be a long night.'


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