'I'll leave you alone for a few minutes, Marshal,' the young man said, standing up. 'Then I'll be back. I have something to say to you.'

       'All right, son.'

       'I am not your son!'

       'Yes, you are,' Vivian whispered.

       Conrad whirled around. 'What did you say, Mother?'

       'Frank Morgan is your father.'

       'Mother! You don't know what you're saying.'

       'Mr. Browning knew you weren't his own son, but he raised you as if you were. Frank and I were married in Colorado right after the war. I was pregnant with you when your grandfather drove him away.'

       Conrad stared at Frank for a moment, then charged out of the office.

       Frank sat down in the chair beside Viv's bed and took her hand. 'I guess he had to know, Viv.'

       'It was past time.'

       'You're going to pull through this, Viv.'

       'No, I'm not, Frank, and you know it. I can read that in Dr. Bracken's eyes, and yours.'

       Frank didn't know what to say. He held her hand.

       'Listen to me, Frank. Please. I don't know how long I'm going to stay conscious. I don't want you to see me ... die. I don't want that to be the last memory you have of me. I don't want that image to be the one you carry in your mind for the rest of your life. Do you understand that?'

       'Of course I do, Viv.'

       'Promise me you'll take care of Conrad. Promise me you'll try to see him into manhood.'

       'I'll try, Viv. I'll do my best, if he'll let me. But if he won't ... what can I do?'

       'Nothing. If you'll try, that's all I ask.'

       Vivian closed her eyes, and Frank thought for a few seconds he had lost her. Then she took several ragged breaths and once again opened her eyes.

       'Did you sign the papers Jenkins brought over to you?' she asked.

       'What? Oh. Yes. I signed something this morning. He said it was important.'

       She tried a small smile. 'They were very important, Frank. Thank you. How is Jimmy?'

       'He's dead, Viv. And so is the servant.'

       'I'm so sorry. What a mess. It was a bank robbery, wasn't it?'

       'Yes. They tried to rob the bank. They didn't get away with a nickel of the bank's money.'

       She stared at Frank for a moment. 'You're going after them, aren't you?'

       'It's my job, Viv.'


       'I'm right here.'

       'I never stopped loving you. I want you to know that.'

       'Nor did I stop loving you, Viv.'

       'That makes dying so much easier, Frank.'

       'Now you stop that kind of talk. You hear me? You're going to pull through this, Viv. You are. You've got to try, honey. Try!'

       'I'm awfully tired, Frank. And I'm suddenly at peace. I ... really can't describe it.'


       'Try to look after Conrad, Frank. Will you? Remember, you promised.'

       'I'll do my best, Viv.'

       Vivian closed her eyes.

       'Viv! Viv!'

       Conrad burst into the room, the nurse right behind him.

       'Both of you get out!' the nurse commanded. 'Right now! Move.'

       Conrad confronted Frank in the outer office. 'I don't care what mother says. You're not my father!'

       'But I am, boy. She spoke the truth. Let me tell you what happened.'

       'I don't want to hear anything you have to say. It's all a pack of lies!'

       Frank checked himself before he could strike the young man. 'Your mother is not a liar, boy.'

       'Of course she is!' Conrad came right back at him. 'If what you say is true, she's lied to me for years. Now

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