“You do know where we are, don’t you?”

Hoffman got to his feet and glared angrily at Frank. “Of course I know where we are. Taking readings has been difficult because of the weather, but I’ve sailed these waters more than a dozen times. We’ll be fine, Mr. Morgan, and the best thing you can do is go back to your cabin and wait. If there’s anything you need to know, I’ll make sure you do.”

“All right,” Frank said, his face and voice grim. “I don’t mean any offense, Captain, but I promised an old friend that I’d get Mrs. Devereaux and those young ladies safely to their destination. I intend to do that.”

“So do I, Mr. Morgan. So do I.”

Frank went back to his cabin, and paused in front of the door to shake off some of the ice pellets that clung to his hat and coat before he went in. While he was standing there, the door to Fiona’s cabin opened. She peered out at him, her face haggard with strain.

“We’re not going to make it, are we, Frank?” she asked.

“I reckon we will,” he replied, trying not to sound as worried as he felt. “I just talked to the captain, and he says this is nothing to worry about.”

“Of course he says that! He’s not going to admit that we never should have left Seattle this late in the season!”

Frank refrained from pointing out to her that she had been just as determined to get to Skagway as Captain Hoffman was, if not more so. That wouldn’t do any good.

Fiona pawed hair out of her eyes and moaned. “We’re all going to die,” she said. “Frank…Frank, come in my cabin and hold me. I…I don’t want to die alone.”

“None of us are going to die,” he told her. “And I’m covered with melting ice right now.”

“I don’t care.” She clutched at his arms. “I’m so scared, I can’t be alone—”

With a grinding racket, the ship gave a sudden lurch. The deck tilted for a second under Frank’s feet, then settled back. That tilt was enough to throw Fiona into his arms. She screamed in fear as she fell against him. He held on tightly to her to keep her from toppling to the floor.

Eyes wide, she stared up at him and exclaimed, “Oh, my God! We hit something! We’re going to sink!”

“No, we’re not,” Frank said, although he didn’t know if that was true. “I’ll go find the captain and see what happened.”

By now, the doors of the other cabins were opening and the brides started to pour out into the corridor. Fear had banished their sickness for the moment. Several of them cried out, demanding to know what was going on.

Meg Goodwin was really the only one who didn’t look like she was on the verge of hysteria. Frank called her over and practically thrust Fiona into her arms.

“Take care of Mrs. Devereaux,” he said. “I’ll go find out what’s going on.”

“We hit something,” Meg said. “It’s just a matter of how bad the damage is.”

Frank figured she was right about that. He said, “I’ll be back as quick as I can.”

He left the crowd of panicky women in the corridor and ran up the stairs to the deck. Something felt wrong, and as he emerged from the hatch, he could tell what it was. The ship had started to list a little to the right. Starboard, that was what the sailors called it, Frank told himself, then shoved that thought aside because it didn’t matter now. The important thing was that the Montclair must have suffered some serious damage, or it wouldn’t be tilting like that.

As he hurried toward the bridge, slipping a little on the ice that coated the deck, he saw that a frigid fog had closed in around the ship, but through those billows of white, he saw dark, hulking shapes sliding past. Ice-mantled pine trees thrust up from some of them. The ship was in the middle of a bunch of rocks and tiny islands, Frank realized. That meant they were a lot closer to shore than he had thought they were.

He wondered if Hoffman had known just how close those rocks were. Frank had a hunch that they had taken the captain by surprise.

Unfortunately, the storm was as fierce as ever. The waves tossed the Montclair back and forth. Frank felt the deck shuddering under his feet as the engines strained mightily to keep up. As he started to climb the steps to the bridge, he heard a dull boom somewhere from the bowels of the ship, and felt an even stronger shudder go through the vessel.

“Damn it,” he said under his breath. He didn’t know what the explosion meant, but it couldn’t be anything good. A boiler bursting, maybe?

He stumbled onto the bridge, saw Hoffman wrestling with the wheel while he shouted orders to several officers clustered around him. Over the howling of the wind, Frank caught one of the commands.

“Ready the lifeboats!”

Frank Morgan wasn’t the sort of man who ever gave in to despair, but even his fighting heart sank a little at the sound of those words. Hoffman wouldn’t order his men to prepare the lifeboats unless he planned to abandon the ship, and he wouldn’t abandon ship unless it was sinking. Frank glanced out at the storm-tossed waves and the jagged rocks sticking up through them like fangs. The thought of trusting his life and the lives of Fiona and the brides to a little boat in that maelstrom made a chill even icier than the wind go through him.

“Captain!” Frank shouted as he came up behind Hoffman. “Captain, what can I do to help?”

Hoffman spun toward him. “Morgan! Get those women together and into a lifeboat! The ship’s going down!”

“Do you have enough lifeboats for everybody?”

“Of course! They’ll be crowded, but we can make it! I recognize these islands! We’re not far from Glacier Bay. I…I miscalculated somehow!” Hoffman’s pale face under the rain hat was stricken as he made that admission. “But the current will carry the boats in to shore if they can stay off the rocks! You’ll be all right! Take as many supplies

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