So it wasn’t really Trench’s fault that Leon Haggarty had tried to ambush him from that alley, or that the bullet had come within a whisker of Frank’s head. It was just bad luck all around.

Not too bad, though, considering the fact that Haggarty was dead and Frank and his old friend were still drawing breath.

“Anyway, when I recognized you, I knew I had to talk to you and let you know what was going on,” Trench continued. “It’s on my account that the other Haggarty brothers will likely come after you, too, now, just like they’re after me. I figured I had to warn you.”

“I appreciate that,” Frank said. “To tell you the truth, though, this won’t be the first time I’ve had people gunning for me.”

Trench laughed. “I should hope to smile it’s not. Hell, you’re Frank Morgan, The Drifter. You must be used to it by now.”

“I didn’t say that,” Frank drawled.

Trench drained the last of the cold beer from the mug and then said, “Well, you don’t have to worry too much about it, because I’ve got a plan.”

“You do, do you?”

“Yeah. You’re coming with me to Alaska.”

Frank started to shake his head. “I already told you—”

Trench lifted a hand to stop him. “Just hear me out, Frank. I’ve got a good deal working. The money’s not great, but it’s not bad, either. The work’s easy and downright pleasant.”

“The money’s good enough to split two ways?” Frank still wasn’t interested in whatever Trench was proposing, but he was curious to hear what the man would say.

Trench hesitated. “Well…sure. I guess.”

Frank knew then what was going through Trench’s mind. Trench was afraid that the Haggarty brothers would follow him all the way to Alaska to settle their grudge, and he wanted Frank along to help him handle that trouble. Frank didn’t really blame him for that, but he didn’t want to be roped into Trench’s ruckus, either.

“You said that in a few weeks, it’ll be winter up there. Do boats get in and out once that happens?”

Trench grimaced a couple of times, then admitted, “Not to speak of.”

“So if I go with you, we’ll be stuck up there until next spring.”

“You could look at it like that. But we’ll be in Skagway, Frank. It’s a new town, a boomtown. All the prospectors go through there on their way to the Klondike, just over the border in Canada. That’s where the big strike is going on. The closest, easiest way in and out is through Skagway.”

“Have you been there?”

“Not yet, but I’ve heard plenty about it. There’ll be saloons and whorehouses, and all we’d have to do all winter is sit by the stove and roast our old bones. Maybe sip a little whiskey and cavort with the soiled doves when the mood struck us.” That infectious grin appeared on Trench’s face again. “Doesn’t sound like a bad way to spend the winter, now does it?”

“I sort of had in mind staying here.”

“In Seattle?” Trench sounded like he couldn’t believe it. “Hell, it’ll rain for three or four solid months, Frank. You don’t want that.”

“I don’t want to sit in the middle of a blizzard for three or four months, either.”

“It won’t be that bad. I give you my word.”

“Thought you said you’d never been there.”

Trench leaned back in his chair and shook his head. “All right. I’m not going to argue with you. I was just trying to show my gratitude to you by letting you in on a good deal, but if you’re not interested…”

Frank heaved a sigh. “When are you leaving? I’m not saying that I’ll go with you, but I reckon it won’t hurt anything to think about it.”

Trench leaned forward again, the eager grin reappearing. “That’s all I’m asking,” he said. “The boat’s called the Montclair. It sails day after tomorrow. I’m expecting the cargo to arrive tomorrow.”

“You didn’t say anything about any cargo, Jacob,” Frank pointed out. “Are you in the freight hauling business again?”

“Not exactly…Anyway, I can tell you all about that if you decide to come along, which I sure as hell hope you will.”

Frank downed the last of his beer. “I want to get on to the hotel now and get something to eat. Why don’t you drop by there tomorrow? I’ll have made up my mind by then.”

Trench nodded. “Sure thing, Frank. Thanks for considering it.”

Somewhat to Frank’s surprise, he actually was considering Trench’s proposition. He still wasn’t sure about spending the winter in all that snow and ice up in Alaska, but he didn’t like the idea of being waterlogged by spring in Seattle, either. Maybe he ought to turn around and ride south instead, he thought. He had spent a number of winters in Mexico.

Mexico was a hell of a long way off, though, and there was something to be said for passing the long winter months with a friend. Trench didn’t make Skagway sound half bad, either. The idea was worth thinking about.

But not until he got some hot food in his belly. He put his hands on the table and pushed to his feet. Trench stood up as well. “I’ll walk across to the hotel with you,” he said.

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