But they held plenty of danger as well. Beautiful or not, carelessness could get a man killed in a hurry here.

As he walked along the creek between the trees, he saw birds and small animals, but no elk or moose. He decided he had come just about far enough and was about to turn around and go back to camp when he heard something.

The crackle in the brush behind him made him spin around and bring the rifle to his shoulder, ready to fire.

“Frank, wait! It’s me!”

He found himself staring over the Winchester’s sights into Meg’s blue eyes, which were wide with surprise and even a little fear right now.

Biting back the curse that sprang to his lips, he lowered the rifle and said, “Blast it, Meg, you know better than to sneak up on me like that.”

“I didn’t sneak up on you,” she protested. “I was just walking along behind you. I’m surprised you didn’t hear me before now.”

So was he. Surprised and angry, mostly at himself. He had let himself get caught up in contemplating his lonely past, and if Meg had been an enemy, he would probably be dead now.

“I thought you were going to gather some firewood,” he said in a gruff voice as he dropped the rifle to his side.

“I did. Then I decided to come after you.”

“Something wrong back at camp?”

Meg shook her head. “No, not unless you count Salty’s snoring.” She came a step closer to him. “I just thought you might want some company.”

It would have been rude to tell her that he didn’t, so he just said, “I was about to start back. Didn’t see any game worth shooting.”

Meg looked around and took a deep breath. “It sure is lovely here,” she said. “And the air smells wonderful.”

“That’s because of all these evergreens,” Frank said. “And because there’s no town close by to foul the air.”

He was trying not to think about the way her breasts had lifted underneath the soft buckskin of her shirt when she inhaled deeply like that.

“You don’t care much for civilization, do you, Frank?”

He shrugged. “I like civilization just fine.”

“Then it’s the people you don’t like.”

“I like people, too. Just not some of the things they do. Most folks are too greedy, and they’re too quick to judge other folks.”

“Isn’t that what you’re doing right now?” Meg asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Frank had to chuckle. “I reckon you’re right.”

“Anyway, you shouldn’t hold people to your standard. Not everybody can be as perfect as Frank Morgan.”

He grunted and shook his head ruefully. “I’m a long way from perfect. That just goes to show that you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”

“I know that most men would have had me in their bed a hundred times in the months that I’ve known you, Frank. I’ve pretty much thrown myself at you.”

He looked away, fastening his gaze on the stream that danced and bubbled merrily a few yards away.

“We don’t need to talk about that.”

“I think we do,” she insisted. “Damn it, if you don’t know by now that I love you, you’re a lot dumber than I think you are.”

“I’m smart enough to know that I’m twice your age.”

“But not smart enough to know that I don’t care about that?”

Frank sighed. He was going to have to put it to her plain.

“Listen. I’ve been married twice. I don’t intend to ever get married again.”

“Who said anything about getting married?” Meg shot back. “You see a preacher anywhere around here? I don’t. But I see a nice, thick bed of grass on that creek bank, and I see mountains and blue sky and all the beauties of nature. I’m just saying we ought to add to those beauties, Frank, and if that shocks you, I’m sorry. I just don’t believe there haven’t been other women in your life besides the ones you married.”

“There have been,” he admitted. More than he could remember, really. In those days, he had taken comfort where he could find it and then ridden on without regret, taking with him only memories … and those always faded.

“Then why is it a problem?”

“Because, blast it, I’m too damned old for this!”

“I don’t think so.”

How had she gotten so close to him without him noticing? He couldn’t answer that, but suddenly she was close enough that he could feel the warmth of her breath against his face. She lifted her arms and put them around his neck before he could pull away.

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