out but left behind a sharpshooter to finish him off when he showed himself.

But more time dragged past, and flies started to buzz around the horse’s carcass. The coppery stink from the pool of blood in which he sprawled filled Palmer’s nostrils and sickened him.

“Owen?” he called. “Owen, can you hear me?”

There was no response.

“Anybody else? Anybody alive out here?”

Nothing. Palmer’s teeth ground together as he tried to figure out what to do.

When he judged that at least an hour had passed, he muttered, “The hell with it,” and heaved himself up from behind the carcass. Nobody shot at him. He climbed laboriously to his feet and staggered toward the two bodies he could see. They belonged to a couple of Lundy’s men.

Palmer had never learned their names. He didn’t give a damn about that, either.

He spotted another body lying at the edge of the trees. When he hurried over to it, he saw it was the third member of Lundy’s gang. This man was as dead as the other two.

And sure enough, there was no sign of the pack horse as far as the eye could see. The saddle horses had stampeded and were gone, too.

In utter disgust, Palmer asked aloud, “Now what the hell am I gonna do?”

Somewhere not far off, somebody moaned.

Chapter 22

The sound made Palmer twist around and reach for his gun. His fingers found only empty air where the butt of the revolver should have been.

Shocked, he looked down and saw that the holster was empty. The gun must have fallen out when he was thrown from the falling horse, he realized.

His rifle was still in the saddle boot strapped to the carcass. He had been so stunned by crashing to the ground that he hadn’t been thinking straight. Otherwise he never would have gone wandering around this killing ground without any weapons except for a small knife hidden under his coat.

The moan sounded again from somewhere in the trees. The timber grew so thickly that Palmer couldn’t see very far into the woods. He glanced at the horse and wondered if he could run out there and get his rifle.

If he did, he would be turning his back to whoever was hidden in the trees, making him a perfect target.

But there was only one logical person it could be, he told himself. When he heard a strangled cough, he knew he had to risk it.

“Owen?” Palmer called. “Owen, is that you? Are you hurt?”

The voice that responded was so low and weak that at first Palmer wasn’t even sure if he had heard anything. Then it came again, and he knew.

“J-Joe …? Joe, I need … help … I … I b-been shot….”

“I’m coming,” Palmer said. “Speak up. Where are you?”

“H-here …”

Palmer followed the voice into the shadows under the trees. A moment later he found Lundy propped up against one of the trunks. His hat was gone. Lundy had a gun in his hand, but that hand lay in his lap as if it was too heavy for him to lift.

Palmer supposed it was, and he could see why. Lundy was weak from all the blood he’d lost. The right side of his shirt was soaked with it.

Palmer knelt beside him and asked, “How bad are you hit, Owen?”

“I … don’t know. Just know it … hurts like hell.”

“I thought you’d gotten away clean,” Palmer said as he carefully moved aside the blood-soaked shirt in an attempt to see the wound in Lundy’s side.

“I thought … I had, too…. One of the … sons o’ bitches … winged me … just as I got to the trees…. I fell off … my horse…. Don’t know where the bastard … ran off to.”

“Neither do I. All the horses are gone except for mine, and he’s dead.”

“What about … the pack horse?”

“Gone, too. I’d be willing to bet those bushwhackers took it.”

Lundy groaned. “The gold …”

“Yeah,” Palmer said grimly.

He had the hole in Lundy’s side uncovered by now. The bullet had torn through the outlaw’s flesh, but the wound didn’t appear to be too deep. Palmer reached around behind Lundy and brought his hand back with crimson smeared on the fingers.

Lundy cursed in pain. “What’n blazes … are you doin’?”

“Checking for an exit wound,” Palmer explained. “It’s there. The bullet went clear through, Owen. That’s good.”

“Yeah,” Lundy said wearily. “It is.”

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