“Now, Sam, why do you have to be such a pessimist? Maybe nothin’ bad’ll happen while we’re here. Maybe it’ll be plumb dull the whole time.”

“I went to college, you know.”

Matt grinned. “Yeah, I seem to remember hearin’ somethin’ about that…like every time you try to convince me that I’m wrong and you’re right.”

“It’s just that I study history. And there’s an old saying about how those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

“And what do you mean by that? I’m just a poor, uneducated cowboy, Sam. You’re gonna have to explain things to me.”

“I’m saying that just because someone annoys you, that’s no reason to start a brawl…or a gunfight.”

“You’re sayin’ that I’m touchy. That I lose my temper too easy.”

“If the Stetson fits…”

“What’s this got to do with my hat?”

Sam held up a hand. “Never mind. Let’s just have a drink or two, stock up on supplies, and sleep in real beds for a change.”

“For a redskin, you sure do like what you call your creature comforts. You must’ve got spoiled back there at that university in the East.”

“Yes, well…I’d say something insulting about you being a white man…but I can’t think of anything right now.”

Matt threw back his head and laughed. “Sam Two Wolves struck speechless! Lordy, I never thought I’d live to see the day.”

“Just remember what I said about trouble,” Sam grumbled.

He turned his head to nod politely to several ladies who were going into one of the mercantiles, but they didn’t smile or return his nod. In fact, they hustled on into the store as if trying to avoid looking at him.

A man driving a wagon that they met refused to meet their eyes, too, Sam noted. The fellow whipped his team up into a trot instead as he rolled on past them.

A frown creased Sam’s forehead under the broad brim of his hat, but he didn’t mention the odd behavior of the townspeople to Matt, who seemed not to have noticed it.

They reined their horses to a stop in front of a false-fronted building with a gilt-lettered sign on its awning proclaiming it to be the Ten Grand Saloon. More fancy lettering on the big front windows promised cold beer and friendly hostesses.

A stocky, bearded old-timer in bib overalls and a plug hat was sitting in a chair on the saloon porch to the right of the batwings, whittling. He looked up at the newcomers and grunted, “Howdy, boys,” as Matt and Sam swung down from their saddles and looped the reins around the hitch rail. “New in town?”

“That’s right,” Sam said. “What’s this settlement called, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“Don’t mind in the least. This here is Arrowhead, territory o’ Arizona.”

“Friendly place, is it?” Matt asked.

“Oh, shoot, yeah. We’re friendly as can be around here.”

Sam said, “I noticed that the folks we rode past didn’t seem to want to look at us, like maybe they didn’t like strangers.”

“No, I wouldn’t say that. We get strangers passin’ through here pretty often. Like to think we make ’em welcome.”

Matt gestured toward the windows and said, “If there’s really cold beer and friendly hostesses inside, I reckon I’ll feel welcome, all right.”

“Go on in,” the old-timer urged with a wave of the piece of wood he’d been whittling on.

“What are you carving there?” Sam asked out of idle curiosity as he and Matt started toward the saloon’s entrance.

The old man frowned as he studied the stick in his hand. “I dunno. A snake maybe?”

Matt chuckled as he pushed the batwings aside and stepped into the saloon. Sam was right behind him.

Both of them froze as the batwings flapped closed behind them. Men with shotguns had been concealed on both sides of the entrance, and now those Greeners were pointed at the blood brothers.

“Don’t move, you sons o’ bitches,” one of the men warned. A dozen other men scattered around the room raised revolvers and pointed them at Matt and Sam. The one who had spoken before went on. “You try anything funny and we’ll blow your damn heads off.”

Matt took a deep breath and said, “Oh, yeah. Real friendly town, all right.”

Chapter 2

Being careful not to move, Sam said, “I believe that you gentlemen are making a mistake.”

“Shut your mouth, breed, and get your hands up,” one of the men pointing pistols at them said. “We know exactly what we’re doin’ here.”

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