'With the Finn. Rough stuff will hurt his shop just like it does Pete's. It'll have to be hurt some. I'd be a swell mutt to sit still while a 'guy like Whisper is on the loose. It's me or him. Think he croaked the broad?'

'He had reason enough,' I said as I gave him the slip of paper on which I had written my name. 'She double- crossed him, sold him out, plenty.'

'You and her was kind of thick, wasn't you?' he asked.

I let the question alone, lighting a cigarette. Reno waited a while and then said:

'You better hunt up Ricker and let him get a look at you so's he'll know how to describe you if he's asked.'

A long-legged youngster of twenty-two or so with a thin freckled face around reckless eyes opened the door and came into the room. Reno introduced him to me as Hank O'Marra. I stood up to shake his hand, :and then asked Reno:

'Can I reach you here if I need to?'

'Know Peak Murry?'

'I've met him, and I know his joint.'

'Anything you give him will get to me,' he said. 'We're getting out of here. It's not so good. That Tanner lay is all set.'

'Right. Thanks.' I went out of the house.

XXII. The Ice Pick

Downtown, I went first to police headquarters. McGraw was holding down the chief's desk. His blond-lashed eyes looked suspiciously at me, and the lines in his leathery face were even deeper and sourer than usual.

'When'd you see Dinah Brand last?' he asked without any preliminaries, not even a nod. His voice rasped disagreeably through his bony nose.

'Ten-forty last night, or thereabout,' I said. 'Why?'


'Her house.'

'How long were you there?'

'Ten minutes, maybe fifteen.'


'Why what?'

'Why didn't you stay any longer than that?'

'What,' I asked, sitting down in the chair he hadn't offered me, 'makes it any of your business?'

He glared at me while he filled his lungs so he could yell, 'Murder! in my face.

I laughed and said:

'You don't think she had anything to do with Noonan's killing?'

I wanted a cigarette, but cigarettes were too well known as first aids to the nervous for me to take a chance on one just then.

McGraw was trying to look through my eyes. I let him look, having all sorts of confidence in my belief that, like a lot of people, I looked most honest when I was lying. Presently he gave up the eye-study and asked:

'Why not?'

That was weak enough. I said, 'All right, why not?' indifferently, offered him a cigarette. and took one myself. Then I added: 'My guess is that Whisper did it.'

'Was he there?' For once McGraw cheated his nose, snapping the words off his teeth.

'Was he where?'

'At Brand's?'

'No,' I said, wrinkling my forehead. 'Why should he be--if he was off killing Noonan?'

'Damn Noonan!' the acting chief exclaimed irritably. 'What do you keep dragging him in for?'

I tried to look at him as if I thought him crazy.

He said:

'Dinah Brand was murdered last night.'

I said: 'Yeah?'

'Now will you answer my questions?'

'Of course. I was at Willsson's with Noonan and the others. After I left there, around ten-thirty, I dropped in at her house to tell her I had to go up to Tanner. I had a half-way date with her. I stayed there about ten minutes, long enough to have a drink. There was nobody else there, unless they were hiding. When was she killed? And how?'

McGraw told me he had sent a pair of his dicks--Shepp and Vanaman--to see the girl that morning, to see how much help she could and would give the department in copping Whisper for Noonan's murder. The dicks got to her house at nine-thirty. The front door was ajar. Nobody answered their ringing. They went in and found tile girl lying

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