Denise Hamilton, Michael Connelly, Naomi Hirahara, Emory Holmes II, Janet Fitch, Patt Morrison, Christopher Rice, Hector Tobar, Susan Sraight, Jim Pasco, Neal Pollack, Lienna Silver, Gary Phillips, Scott Phillips, Brian Ascalon Roley, Robert Ferrigno, Diana Wagman
Los Angeles Noir
The Akashic Books Noir Series, 2007

L.A. is epidemically everywhere and discernible only in glimpses.
– James Ellroy, “James Ellroy Comes Home,” 2006
– Kate Braverman,
I write crime novels now, but for a decade before that I was a reporter for the
Walking into the newsroom each morning, I never knew whether I’d face a triple homicide at South Pasadena High, a celebrity stalking in Malibu, or a brown bear that lumbered down from the San Gabriel Mountains to splash in someone’s pool. The city was mythic and alive, pulsing with a thousand short stories unfolding all at once, tales of heartbreak and triumph, survival despite incredible odds and tragedy so horrifying it could have come straight from the ancient Greeks.
Each night when I got home, the voices of Los Angeles played like a broken tape loop in my brain. As time passed, I began to yearn to tell these stories unfettered by the constraints of journalism. Eventually I left the paper and started writing fiction. And if my books have a noir sensibility, well, it’s a long and hallowed tradition among the city’s writers. L.A.’s just a noir place.
So when Akashic Books publisher Johnny Temple asked if I’d be willing to edit an anthology of new fiction called
I think you’ll agree that it’s about time. Los Angeles is the birthplace of all things noir, starting with the Depression and World War II-era films that oozed an edgy fatalism and sexy recklessness mirroring the social anxiety of the times. Many of film noir’s architects were refugees from Hitler’s Europe, steeped in Expressionism and existential despair, and they brought that sensibility to the shadows, silhouettes, urban labyrinths, and hard- boiled plots of their movies. Over time, this narrative style infiltrated our waking lives and even our dreams, helping to define how we see the city and to shape the stories we tell about ourselves.
More than a half-century later, Hollywood continues to cast a giant shadow. Maybe it’s the seductive blur of artifice and reality, the possibility of shucking off the past like last year’s frock and reinventing yourself beyond your wildest dreams. Maybe it’s the desperation that descends when the dream goes sour, the duplicity that lurks behind the beauty, the rot of the jungle flowers, the riptides off the sugar sand beaches that carry away the unwary.
Writers like James Cain, Dorothy B. Hughes, Nathanael West, Chester Himes, and Raymond Chandler understood both the hope and the terror that Los Angeles inspires, and they harnessed this duality to create their masterpieces. Hollywood, always a dowsing rod of the culture, reflected it back to the world through film. Even essayists from Carey McWilliams to Joan Didion to Mike Davis gave us prose about Los Angeles that’s shot through with noir imagery. When you consider the earthquakes, the fires, the mud slides, the riots, the poverty, the glamour, the wealth, the crime, the crackpots, the cults, the gangs, the scandals, perhaps it’s inevitable.
Of course, Los Angeles has changed beyond recognition since Philip Marlowe stalked the mean streets. Today’s suburbs were orange groves in Chandler’s day, and many of the ethnic enclaves that make the city such a vibrant Pacific Rim megalopolis hadn’t yet taken root. But the noir essence of Los Angeles never really went away, it just morphed into something more colorful and polyglot. Twenty-first-century L.A. is more noir than ever, a surreal sprawl where the First World and the Third World live cheek by jowl and people are connected across lines of race and class and geography, especially when crime, secrets, and passion intersect.
We’ve got National Book Award finalist Susan Straight writing about a group of Rio Seco characters who wash up at a Downtown L.A. bar called the Golden Gopher. Janet Fitch takes us inside a Los Feliz love triangle that evokes the movie
There are newer talents as well, like Naomi Hirahara, whose tale of obsession set in a Koreatown day spa evokes Patricia Highsmith. Many of these stories overlap and layer like the city itself, ending, in true L.A. commuter style, far from where they began. The protagonist in Gary Phillips’s story ticks off the changes in his neighborhood-a bar on Wilshire now engulfed by Koreatown, the Ambassador Hotel where Robert F. Kennedy was shot falling to the wrecker’s ball, his own Mid-City streets invaded by cacti-planting, Southwest-decorating homeowners-as if to ground himself amidst an ever-shifting reality. Brian Ascalon Roley’s working-class Mar Vista