Betsy dropped down to her knees hard enough to cause the floor to shake and the surface of the water to ripple. She took the 'young man' in her mouth and gripped Longarm's buttocks with her greasy fingers.
'Ummm-ummm!' she murmured. 'You're my dessert, honey!'
Longarm just stood there up to his knees in warm bathwater, thinking he ought to protest but finding he hadn't the willpower. So he wiped his own greasy hands on his chest, patted Betsy's head, and closed his eyes with a sigh of contentment.
'Honey,' she said ten minutes later, 'your skinny little legs are startin' to bow like a pair of wishbones. Let's get you over to the bed and get down to business.'
Longarm had decided that it was impossible to resist Betsy any longer, so he slopped out of the tub, padded wetly over to the bed, and collapsed. Betsy peeled off her clothes, and she was even bigger than Longarm had imagined. Three hundred pounds if she weighed an ounce. Longarm was wondering how he was going to handle this when she hopped onto him, causing the bed to groan and nearly buckle.
'Uggg!' Longarm grunted as her thick, powerful thighs clamped onto his waist and she slapped her immense bottom down hard on his stiff rod.
'Feels like old times, don't it!' she gushed. 'Maybe you've shrunk a little, but not so's I can't enjoy you.'
'I think,' Longarm gasped, 'you've just grown a little bigger.'
That caused Betsy to howl with mirth. But soon she was squashing Longarm down into the mattress and grunting like a pen of pigs as she worked over him. To his surprise, Longarm found that he was still able to breathe and that Betsy, while she might have ballooned to gargantuan proportions, still knew how to drive a man to the heights of ecstasy.
'Oh, honey,' she moaned, 'we're gonna have a wonderful time! All night long!'
Longarm tried to suck in enough breath to mount a protest, but couldn't. With all his strength, he managed to roll Betsy over onto her back and she loved it.
'I never forgot you,' Betsy said, her chins jiggling as he began to plunge in and out of her. 'Never forgot how good you did it to me that night in Abilene.'
'Was that where it was?'
'Oh, yes, honey! I was just seventeen and you were the first man who really taught me how good it could be.'
'I'm glad,' Longarm panted, 'that I could do that for you, Betsy.'
'Whooo-wee!' she squealed as her body exploded like an erupting volcano.
Longarm rode Betsy to the finish line, and then he rolled off and collapsed into a state of near- unconsciousness.
Longarm awakened to find her snoring but wearing a broad smile early the next morning. He couldn't exactly remember how many times Betsy had awakened him in the night to satisfy her great, hungry body, but it had to have been three or four times at least.
The amazing thing was that Longarm felt good. Kinda loose in the guts, but good. His hands were steady and his mind was clear, probably because she'd drunk almost all of the champagne. In a fit of guilt for leaving Betsy, Longarm left ten dollars on her bedside--enough, he hoped, to buy her that stagecoach ride to San Diego.
'Good-bye, Betsy,' Longarm said as he stood by the door. 'It was worth a memory.'
As if she heard him, Betsy snorted, lips fluttering as she rolled over and crushed a pillow to her mammoth breasts.
Longarm headed for the livery in order to reclaim his horse. The proprietor was mucking out stalls when Longarm appeared.
'Hello there!' Longarm called.
The liveryman turned and leaned on his pitchfork. 'Well, I'll be damned! It's the marshal. Say, where are those two pretty women you had with you the last time through?'
'They're in Yuma.'
'Hell of a place to leave 'em.'
'I guess,' Longarm said. 'I'm here to claim my horse.'
'He's waitin' along with the other two horses. You owe me a little board bill, though.'
'I figured I did,' Longarm said, digging into his pants for some cash. When they settled up, Longarm dusted off his saddle and led his gelding out of its stall. 'He looks a whole lot more rested.'
'He is,' the man said. 'You gonna come back and get the other horses?'
'I expect I will in a day or two,' Longarm said, thinking that it would take that long to arrest Hal Brodie and bring him back down from Prescott.
'What then?'
'I'm not altogether sure,' Longarm said, not wishing to discuss his plans with anyone.
'You gonna bring them pretty women back?'
'I hope you do,' the liveryman said with a lascivious grin. 'I told everyone about you and them all sleepin' together in my stall. I bet you had a real high old time with them pretty fillies.'