By Tabor Evans


Just as surely as there'd never been a bronco that couldn't be rode, or a rider that couldn't be throwed, there were some gals a man was only wasting flowers, books, and candy on. So that was why Deputy U.S. Marshal Custis Long was alone in bed when a horse-drawn fire engine thundered past the open window of his furnished room in the wee small hours.

Longarm, as he was better known to friend and foe, struck a match to consult the dollar alarm clock on his bed table while assuring himself the comings and goings of the Denver Fire Department were no business of a federal peace officer. Then he cussed them good when he saw it was almost four A.M. So that damned rooster down the alley wasn't just complaining about the noise.

Longarm punched his pillow thicker in the middle, and lay his head back down to see if he could catch a few more winks before it was time to cuss that alarm clock. It sure seemed to be ticking a whole lot louder than it needed to just to move its hands. And that damned fire seemed to be close, and even worse, upwind.

It sure was odd how almost identical smells could be mouth-watering or gut-wrenching, depending on whether one smelled bacon sizzling over a log fire or humanity going up in smoke along with a frame building. Some gal down the way seemed upset as hell about that as well, judging by all that screaming. So Longarm sat up to swing his bare feet to the threadbare rug as he wiped at his sleep-gummed eyes and muttered, 'Sounds as if they could use a hand with that crowd, and it's almost time to go to work in any case.'

This was not the whole truth. Longarm wasn't supposed to report in until well after dawn, and he'd seldom arrived on time without a damned good reason in the six or eight years he'd been riding for the Justice Department under Marshal Billy Vail of the Denver District Court.

A few minutes later he had his federal badge pinned to a lapel of his tobacco tweed suit as he legged it along the cinder path toward the ruddy false dawn of that fire. As a rule, he tended to keep his badge, like his vest-pocket derringer, out of the light until such time as he might need to show them to somebody. But he knew there'd be local lawmen moving in on that same fire, and some few members of the Denver P.D. might not know him. So this was just not the time to let strangers wonder why a tall drink of water with a determined stride and a.44-40 riding cross-draw under an opened frock coat was bearing down on them so suddenly.

But as Longarm approached the surprisingly large mob gazing up at that pillar of fire against the sky to the west, he heard a familiar voice call his name. So he broke stride in his low-heeled cavalry boots, spotted Sergeant Nolan of the Denver P.D., and elbowed on over to join him, saying, 'Morning. I know this is none of my own beeswax, Sarge. But ain't that Widow Dugan's rooming house, and how come they seem to be pouring coal oil instead of water on the fire?'

The shorter and stockier Nolan grimaced and said, 'You're right about the old gal who ran the place. They think she's still inside. Along with at least half-a-dozen others. Only one who got out was the Mex serving gal. As you can plainly see, they ain't figured out what they're pouring all that water on across the way. A fireman I was just talking to said he suspects the serving gal poured a heap of something that floats on water inside, before she struck a match and tossed it as she was skipping out to give the alarm!'

They both heard that same shrill female scream from somewhere closer to the puffing steam engine. Nolan confirmed all that noise was indeed coming out of a skinny young Mexican gal. 'The fire marshal wants her to see the bodies when they bring 'em out. She keeps hollering she's innocent, as you just now heard. But lots of firebugs break down after they see what a mess they've wrought.'

Longarm told himself he'd only legged it over here to help them with the crowd. He almost meant it when he told Nolan he'd go see if they needed help around the engine, small boys and smoke-shied fire horses being such an uncertain mixture. But as he worked his way through to the fire engine, stepping over the canvas hoses on the trampled muddy ground, he saw Nolan's copper badges had things so under control he had to argue some to get himself and his own badge through to the group gathered round the tall diamond-stacked steam engine. It was pumping water from nearby Cherry Creek through the air at that raging inferno of stubborn ruins, causing growing mud puddles.

Someone had cuffed the gal by one wrist to a brass fitting of the engine's big red chassis. She was young, but not all that skinny as soon as a man looked closer. Most men would have. Her frilly Mexican blouse was down off one tawny shoulder, and her pretty left tit was all the way out in the ruby light as well. She was bawling too hard to tell whether she was really pretty or not. Longarm glanced down to see she had her Mexican zapatos neatly laced around her trim ankles as well. But most damning of all, her flouncy print fandango skirts had been firmly cinched around her trim waist with a red sateen sash. So Longarm had no call to question the fire marshal's suspicions about a gal smelling smoke, waking up, and tear-assing out to sound the alarm in attire suitable for a church fiesta.

As Longarm joined the group, the fire marshal in command cast an uncertain eye on his federal badge, tried to shrug it off, and then just had to ask how come Uncle Sam seemed so interested in private property burning on the unfashionable southwest side of Cherry Creek.

Longarm smiled sheepishly and said, 'I can't afford the fancier rent on the other side, so I room just a couple of streets over. I answer to Custis Long, riding for Marshal Billy Vail, who gets to sleep up on Capitol Hill with the other swells.'

The fire marshal smiled knowingly and said, 'We know all about you, Longarm.' He proved it by never mentioning that other pal of Longarm's up on Capitol Hill, one far prettier than his boss. The back-fence gossip had that pretty young widow woman sore at Longarm because of some new gal in town.

Pointing his chin at the handcuffed Mexican maid, the fire marshal said, 'She keeps pretending not to understand us when we ask her what she poured all over the wood inside that had been already varnished. I understand you savvy Spanish, Longarm?'

Longarm shrugged and replied, 'Enough to find my way to the railroad station or buy me a tamale instead of a straw hat, I reckon.'

He moved closer to the weeping gal, ticked the brim of his dark brown Stetson to her, and introduced himself in Spanish by his formal name and title. But the young suspect stared up at him owl-eyed and gasped hopefully, 'Are you not the muy simpatico lawman my own people call El Brazo Largo?'

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