Asara shrugged. “We could demand some of Nomako’s as reparation.”

“And give the impression we need his assistance?” Takado asked, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at the emperor’s representative.

Asara grimaced and said nothing.

Takado looked towards the village. “Are there any horses left in the area?”

Dachido followed his gaze. “There was one, but it was old and we slaughtered it to feed the slaves.”

“If we look further afield we might find some,” Asara said.

“Further west, where they do not expect us to go.” Takado smiled.

“So we’ll try it?” Asara asked, her eyes gleaming.

“Yes. And I have a first target in mind.”

The pair looked at him expectantly.

“Did you notice their apprentices were not with them?”

“Ah,” Dachido said.

“Ah!” Asara exclaimed.

“Yes,” Takado replied. “It seems they have forgotten one of the key rules of battle, and we are going to remind them.”


By the time the army stopped for the night, exhaustion had almost overcome Jayan’s curiosity to know what had happened when the magicians had confronted the Sachakan invaders. All Dakon had said was that the enemy had been stronger than the Kyralian army. Sabin had ordered a retreat. The Sachakans hadn’t pursued them, but the possibility they were following at a distance couldn’t be discounted. The Kyralian army needed to gain some ground between themselves and the enemy, so they had a chance to recover some magical strength before the next confrontation.

It was amazing to think that, despite losing the battle, nobody had died. But from the uneasiness and haste of the magicians, Jayan guessed that was due to luck or the ignorance of the enemy.

All day Jayan had seen the flashes of blades and hands briefly linked as magic was transferred on the ride. Though the apprentices and servants had given their strength only that morning, and so did not have much to offer, the magicians feared attack at any moment and wanted to be as prepared as possible.

Dakon, however, shook his head when Jayan suggested they do the same. “I am fine,” he said. “The benefit of having two apprentices. I’d rather you and Tessia had a chance of defending yourselves if we are attacked. And you may need to take charge of the apprentices again, if we do engage the enemy.”

The army had moved off the main road a while before in a weak attempt to confuse any pursuit, and followed a smooth road into a fold between two hills. They were hidden from the sight of anyone travelling down the main road, but Jayan suspected they’d left so much evidence of their passing that even the most unskilled scout would have been able to locate them.

The road wound through low hills and shallow valleys, all striped and divided by fields. Dusk settled like a growing mist, then darkness fell. Scouts galloping along the road reported no pursuit. The Sachakans had returned to the village of Lonner and appeared to be settling for the night.

Then, long past nightfall, the ghostly white walls of buildings appeared ahead. Several were storehouses, one had many doors and Jayan guessed it was accommodation for servants, and the two-storey mansion was clearly the owner’s residence.

“What is this place?” he asked Dakon.

“Lord Franner’s winery.”

“Oh.” Jayan grimaced.

Dakon chuckled. “His wine may not be particularly good, but he has plenty of food to offer. As he pointed out, better we have it than the Sachakans.”

“Is there another exit from this valley?”

“Yes.” Dakon smiled approvingly. “Sabin made sure of that. We won’t be trapped here.”

As the army gathered between the buildings, Jayan saw Werrin turn in his saddle, searching the crowd. His gaze snapped to Dakon and he beckoned.

“Ah, the inevitable meeting,” Dakon murmured. He looked at Tessia, who had been silent the whole afternoon, then at Jayan. “Will you two be all right alone?”

Jayan grinned. “Of course. And we’ll hardly be alone.” He gestured at the army around them.

Dakon nodded, then rode away towards Werrin and the small group of magicians gathering about him. Looking at Tessia, Jayan shrugged.

“Want to explore this place?”

She shook her head. “Avaria asked me to see her tonight.”

Jayan shrugged off disappointment. “I’ll see you at dinner, then, whenever that turns out to be.” He looked up at the stars. “I’ll make sure our old fellow apprentices are behaving themselves.”

Tessia rolled her eyes. “You’re not in charge any more, Jayan.”

“Is it so hard to believe that I enjoy other apprentices’ company?” he asked.

Her eyebrows rose. “The more important question is whether they enjoy yours.”

Turning her horse, she sent it trotting away too quickly for him to think of a retort. He watched her go for a moment, then pushed away the wistfulness that was threatening to creep in, and began to search the crowd for the faces of familiar apprentices. He longed for sleep, but he was hungry and rest could wait until after he’d eaten.

Refan was standing with four other apprentices over by one of the large storehouses, so Jayan made his way over to him. One of the youngsters looked familiar. As Jayan approached the newcomer looked up and grinned, and with a shock Jayan recognised him.

“Mikken!” Jayan exclaimed, slipping off his horse. He looked around and caught the eye of a servant, who stepped forward to take the reins. Then he ran up to Mikken and grasped his arm in greeting. “When did you get here?”

Mikken returned the gesture. “A few hours ago. Fortunately before the army turned off the road, or I would have ridden into the Sachakan army.”

“How did you escape the Sachakans at the pass? No, wait. I bet that story is a long one.”

“Long, but not particularly interesting.” Mikken shrugged. “Unless you find stories about scavenging for food and hiding in caves and abandoned houses interesting.”

Jayan grinned. “You can tell them when we’re trying to get to sleep tonight.”

“You watch out, I might just do that. How’s Tessia?”

A traitorous flash of jealousy shot through Jayan, but he ignored it. “Still healing anyone she can get to sit still long enough.”

“Lots of those, I’d imagine.” Mikken’s gaze became haunted. “I began to wonder, on the way back, if the Sachakans had left anyone alive. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tessia hasn’t had many patients to work on.”

“She’s had plenty,” Jayan assured him. He thought of the burned man, and shuddered. Deciding to change the subject, he looked up at the storehouse. “Apparently this is a winery.”

“Yes,” Refan replied. “And they don’t just make wine here.”

“What else do they make?” one of the other apprentices asked. “Bol.”

Jayan grimaced, and saw a similar expression on all faces but Refan’s. The boy looked thoughtful.

“You know, by the time all the magicians get their share of Lord Franner’s wine, there probably won’t be any left for apprentices. I bet we could find a barrel or two of bol for ourselves in one of these storehouses. Bol may be a poor man’s drink.” Refan smiled. “But it’s a lot stronger than wine so we wouldn’t have to drink as much.”

As much as what? Jayan wondered. To his dismay, the other apprentices looked interested.

“Where do you think it’s stored?”

Refan looked around, his eyes narrowing as he considered. “Let’s have a look around.” He started along the side of the storehouse they were standing beside.

As the group began to follow, Jayan considered leaving them to it. But I ought to make sure they don’t get into trouble. For their own sakes and mine. Dakon might think twice about making me a higher magician if I let these boys make fools of themselves. He hurried after them.

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