Outwardly, I showed no reaction, but my pulse jumped as our gazes met. I tried to assess her without the ghost of Fremont in my head or the specter of Devlin’s arms wrapped around her, but that was impossible. I could see him even now slipping up behind her, murmuring in her ear.

She was gorgeous. Naturally, she would be, and I wasn’t a big enough person to stifle the needle of jealousy that nicked at my poise. She was tall, with dark hair that spilled over her shoulders in windblown spirals and hazel eyes fringed with thick, curly lashes. Her lips were tinted with a light-colored gloss, but I thought the roses in her cheeks were natural. She looked a good deal like Clementine but without her sister’s effervescence. Isabel was much more subdued, much more guarded, as she stood there returning my stare.

In the split second before either of us spoke, it occurred to me that she must have come in another way because I hadn’t heard the front door or her footsteps. She’d just appeared there in the archway. Despite the mild weather, she wore a coat in a chic military style that complimented her lean lines. She unbuttoned it now as she took a step into the room.

“I hope you don’t mind my having a look around,” I said awkwardly. “I was just waiting for Clementine.”

“Not at all. You must be Amelia. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

From who? I wondered.

She came forward and offered her hand. “I’m Isabel.”

“Clementine has told me a lot about you, too,” I said.

The handshake was brief, but her grip was warm and firm, and she looked me directly in the eyes when we spoke. I appreciated that.

“So, you’re Amelia,” she murmured again, and I thought she studied my face a shade longer than was polite.

Discomfited by the scrutiny, I turned. “This is such an interesting room.”

“I’m glad you like it. It’s a little over the top, but it serves the purpose.” She slipped out of her coat and tossed it onto the back of a chair. As she moved about the table, her scent came to me again, dreamy and exotic, and now it reminded me of the fragrance I’d smelled on the walkway just before I’d entered Clementine’s garden. On anyone else, such a heady perfume might have been cloying, but somehow it seemed as much a part of her as the green-gold eyes and dark hair.

Picking up the deck of tarot cards, she idly tossed out a few face up on the table. I saw Justice, the Page of Swords, the Moon and one that might have been lovers before she quickly scooped them up. A little shiver went through me because I had the notion she’d just done an impromptu reading, and judging by the speed with which she’d returned them to the deck, she hadn’t liked what she’d seen saw.

Clementine appeared in the doorway with a tray just then. “I see you two have already met. Come in to the parlor and have some tea. Grandmother sent over your favorite macaroons.”

“Bless her heart,” Isabel murmured as we exited the room.

I took one last look at the tarot cards, then followed the sisters into the next room where I perched on the edge of a black leather chair as they seated themselves side by side on the cream chenille sofa. Ursula came in and made herself at home on Isabel’s lap while Clementine poured out the tea and passed around the cups. “This is a brand-new blend,” she said. “It has the most luscious flavor.”

“Oh, it’s peach,” I said, after sampling the tea. “You’re right. It’s delicious.”

“The single origin makes all the difference,” she said. “That’s hard to find these days except in specialty shops like ours.”

“I’ll have to pick up some next time I’m in.”

Isabel grew weary of Ursula and our small talk. She shooed the cat away and picked up her cup, eyeing me over the rim. “Tell me again how you two met? You’re neighbors, you say?”

“No, we’re not neighbors,” Clementine corrected. “I saw Amelia and Angus out walking one morning and invited them to breakfast.”

“Angus is…?”

“My dog.”

Clementine turned to face her sister. “You have to meet him sometime, Isabel. He’s such a sweetheart and he has the most beautiful eyes.”

“I’m sure he does, but you know I’m a cat person.” Was that the tiniest bit of reproach I heard in her tone? “No offense,” she added.

“None taken. Ursula is a real beauty.”

“She’s certainly the queen bee around here,” Isabel said. “She’s a very special cat.” She took another sip of her tea. “My sister tells me you’re a cemetery restorer. She’s quite impressed, aren’t you, Clem? She and Grandmother have always loved poking about in old graveyards. How did you come by that line of work?”

Why did I have a feeling she already knew more about me than I would ever voluntarily reveal? “My father was a caretaker. I grew up in a house at the edge of a cemetery. I always loved playing there as a child. I thought it very peaceful and beautiful.”

Clementine leaned forward. “Have you ever seen a ghost?”

“Why, yes,” I said benignly. “Old graveyards are full of them.”

She looked horrified. “Really?”

“She’s pulling your leg, Clem.” Isabel laughed, a deep, throaty, sultry sound that made me think of her with Devlin. “I’m sure if you took a midnight foray into an abandoned cemetery, you’d be in far more danger from criminals and drug addicts than from ghouls.”

“Crime in cemeteries can be a problem,” I agreed, my mind on Oak Grove. It was just a matter of time before I would be going back there, to the place where it had all begun. I pictured Devlin that first night, standing among the headstones, stoic and professional in the face of such a brutal discovery.

I felt Isabel’s eyes on me and took another sip of my tea to suppress a shiver.

“I don’t like to think that someone could come back from the dead,” Clementine said uneasily. “The very idea makes my blood run cold.”

“Don’t worry,” Isabel murmured, placing her hand on her sister’s arm. “No one is coming back from the dead.”

I had no idea why, but her words troubled me, and I thought again of Robert Fremont. Her scent is still on my clothes, he’d said. I can smell it even now.

My gaze went from sister to sister. They made such an attractive pair, sitting there side by side on the sofa. Almost like bookends, with the same dark hair, the same hazel eyes. The same polite smiles.

Maybe it was my own uneasiness with the circumstances or the specter of Devlin still hovering in the background, but I had a feeling there was more to the Perilloux sisters than met the eye. I couldn’t help remembering that fleeting hesitation when Clementine had mentioned buying her house and settling in Charleston. I’d sensed then some unpleasantness that had driven her decision. And now her references to ghosts…to her fear of someone coming back from the dead.

It probably was my imagination, I decided. I’d been charmed by her that first day, and as far as I could tell, nothing had changed except my own attitude.

I tried to bury my discomfort as I glanced at Isabel. “I hope you don’t mind my asking, but your perfume…it’s so haunting. Almost hypnotic.”

Hypnotic indeed. What with the heat of the tea, my imagination and Isabel’s perfume, I was starting to feel a little woozy.

“What a gratifying description,” she said. “A fragrance should haunt, don’t you think? Like an elusive memory.”

Did her scent haunt Devlin? I wondered. “I’ve been sitting here trying to identify the top notes. Tuberose? Freesia? Orange blossom?”

“She’ll never tell.” Clementine gave her a sister a dark look. “I’ve been asking her to share for years.”

“It’s an unsuitable scent for you,” Isabel scolded. “You know that.” To me, she said, “Our mother is a perfumer. She created signature fragrances for us on our eighteenth birthdays.”

“What a lovely gift,” I said.

“Yes, it was. But Clem never wears hers anymore.”

“And you know why.”

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