he could sense Mariama’s presence and wanted to protect me. I could see little beyond the windows, but I had no doubt she was out there, seething with rage.

If I hadn’t already been in a precarious state, maybe I would have found the strength to push him away. We were asking for trouble, and Mariama would surely see that we got it.

But the drug still held me enthralled. I was trapped in the haze of that blue powder and had no will of my own.

The ties of my bathrobe had loosened and Devlin shoved it aside to trail kisses along my bare shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing his mouth to mine as his hands slid inside the robe. And all the while, he continued to kiss me. Even when my knees weakened, even when I shivered uncontrollably, he kept right on kissing me and didn’t stop for a very long time.

*   *   *

At some point we relocated to the chaise. I lay curled in Devlin’s arms, my head nestled beneath his chin as I rested a hand on his chest, basking in the afterglow of all that kissing. He was very good at it. I knew from our past that he was good at other things, too, but I wouldn’t think about that. Best not to rush. Our passion had once opened a terrible door, and I had no doubt the Others would yet again be drawn to our heat. We were safe in my sanctuary, at least for now, and I told myself I should be content to live only in the moment.

But I could already feel the exchange of energy, the stealthy siphoning of my warmth as Devlin unwittingly replenished his life force with mine. One of the ironies of falling for a haunted man. My haven protected me from his ghosts, but hallowed ground couldn’t shield me from him.

We hadn’t spoken or moved for a very long time, but now I felt him stir restlessly. His lips skimmed my hair, and I closed my eyes on a shiver.

“Tell me about Asher Falls,” he said.

The low rumble of his drawl vibrated against my cheek. I wanted to press myself even more closely to his heart, but instead, I pulled away. “I don’t like to talk about that place. I’m never going back, so why does it matter?” Although at the very mention, I felt a pang of loneliness for some of the people I’d left behind. Not just Thane Asher, but Tilly and Sidra. The two women—one old, one young—had had a profound effect on me. But, no matter, I wouldn’t be returning to Asher Falls. It was too dangerous.

“Did you meet someone there?” Devlin’s voice was carefully devoid of inflection.

“Why would you ask me that?”

“Because there’s a new wariness about you. A guardedness that won’t let me in. You seem stronger and yet more vulnerable at the same time.”

“I don’t think I was guarded at all a few minutes ago.”

“You know what I mean. There’s a reason you don’t want to talk about Asher Falls. What happened there?”

I gave a deep sigh and relented. “There was a man,” I said reluctantly.

“Were you in love with him? Are you in love with him?”

I answered quickly. “No. I might have been if I’d met him first. Now there will never be anyone else for me.”

His arms tightened around me. “Such a romantic,” he murmured.

“Actually, I’m a pragmatist. I just know myself really well.”

A frown fleeted across his face. “But you don’t know me.”

“You are a mystery,” I agreed. “There’s something I’ve always wondered about. You were so quick to warn me about Dr. Shaw and the Institute when we first met. You had such utter disdain for his work. And yet, I found out from Ethan that you were once Dr. Shaw’s protégé. A paranormal investigator, of all things. I find that so hard to believe.”

“It was a long time ago,” he said, his fingers idly sifting through my hair. “I was looking for any possible means to annoy my grandfather, and that seemed as good a way as any.”

“It’s an odd way to rebel. Drinking, partying…that I understand. But the occult?”

“Ethan was my best friend, don’t forget. I was exposed to a lot of strange things through his father.”

“Including Mariama?”

His fingers paused in my hair for a fraction. “She was the ultimate rebellion.”

“Because of her race? Because of where she came from?”

“All of that. She was exotic and mysterious and she had an uncanny way of knowing when and how to push buttons. She was scandalous in my grandfather’s circles, and I enjoyed that for a while.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear any more, and yet, a part of me listened eagerly. Despite what Devlin claimed about me, he was the guarded one. He didn’t like to share anything of himself, and so I knew these glimpses into his past, into the man, even into his relationship with Mariama, were moments to be cherished.

“Was it love at first sight?” I asked cautiously.

He grew pensive. “I’m not sure it was ever love. But whatever we had…it was powerful. All-consuming at first. And then Shani came along and everything changed. With my daughter, it was most definitely was love at first sight.” His voice softened, and I heard a catch when he said Shani’s given name.

He fell silent, and I knew that he’d revealed all he intended to for one night. He’d told me a lot, actually, and now I had to get something off my chest.

“I need to tell you something,” I said after a moment.

“I’m not sure I like your ominous tone.”

“It’s a confession.”

He paused as if to brace himself. “Let’s hear it.”

“I didn’t learn about gray dust from Dr. Shaw. We did have a conversation, but I already knew what it was. I went to the Institute specifically to ask him some questions about it.”

“I thought as much. How did you learn about it?”

“I overheard you and Ethan talking about it the other night at your house. It was the night I came to see you. I’d parked down the street, remember?”

“Because you were afraid you wouldn’t have the nerve to knock on my door.”

“I made it all the way to the steps and then I heard voices. I didn’t want you to find me there so I hid in the bushes beside the veranda. Another of my impulses,” I said ironically. “After that it was too embarrassing to reveal myself. You have no idea how mortified I am admitting this to you even now.”

“How much of that conversation did you hear?”

“All of it.”

I could tell he was thinking back.

“I’m sorry. I should never have eavesdropped. It was very wrong of me, but then you were both so tense when you talked about gray dust and Darius Goodwine, and I’ll admit, I became curious.”

“So you went to see Rupert Shaw.”

“Yes, and he had a similar reaction. He told me I shouldn’t repeat anything of what was said in his office.”

“At least he had the presence of mind to warn you,” Devlin said.

“Why did I need to be warned? What is gray dust, really? I know it’s a plant derivative that supposedly stops the heart and allows the user to cross over to the spirit world. I can understand why someone might be tempted to take it if they’ve lost a loved one, but otherwise…” I shivered. “If Darius Goodwine isn’t in it for the money, what does he get out of bringing it here?”

“You can’t be a god without true believers,” Devlin said.

“Does he really have that kind of power?”

“He has tricks and illusions. Some people don’t know the difference.”

“Are you sure that’s all he has?”

“You don’t still think you were somehow magically transported to that house on America Street tonight, do you?”

“It just seemed so real.”

“That’s why gray dust is so insidious and why Darius Goodwine is so dangerous. If he can make someone like you believe, think of the influence he has over people who are weaker and more gullible.”

Someone like you. If he only knew.

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