“Not nearly so nice as you look, m’dear.”

She giggled again. “Could you come along and lift something down for me?”

“My pleasure, pretty girl.” He quickly dabbed the towel over his neck and behind his ears, then put it back onto the hook where the girl found it.

“This way, please.” She started off toward the back of the lot where the boardinghouse was situated, and for a moment Longarm thought she was taking him to the outhouse where he’d just completed his morning’s business.

Instead, though, Fancy led him through some scraggly shrubbery and on to a building that might originally have been intended as a carriage house. It was too big to be considered a shed, he decided, but was much too small to be a barn. A storage building of some sort now, he concluded. It had seen better days.

“In here, Chet.”

Fancy pulled one of the broad double doors open, ancient hinges offering a squeal of protest at that intrusion, and disappeared into a gloomy interior that was highlighted here and there by dust motes flitting through slender beams of light that crept through gaps in the curling roof shingles. Longarm blinked, his eyes not yet adjusted to the darkness as he stepped in behind the girl. “Where …?”

And then he knew right good and well where she’d gotten to.

Pressed tight against him, that’s where she was. And if he didn’t take care she was apt to suck the breath clean out of his lungs.

Fancy didn’t seem to know a whole hell of a lot about the fine arts and sciences of the kiss. But she was for sure willing to do what little she knew how with gusto. Mucho gusto.

Chapter 42

Ah yes, the delicate and lovely nuances of genteel courtship. Fancy’s version of courtship was on the same order of things as illustrating the proper techniques of the social call with Sherman’s visit to Atlanta. Flames and all. Damn, but the girl was hot.

He meant that literally, actually. The day was another scorcher and Fancy was sticky with sweat. Smelled of yesterday’s sweat, too. And maybe a somewhat more extensive collection as well although he’d rather not have to think about that at the moment.

There were, ahem, other matters to consider just now.

Like how to get those damned buttons … there, that was better.

He got the top of her dress open while Fancy was busy with his fly. It’d seemed something of a race that turned out to be a tie. Not that there was any harm in that.

She was wearing a thin chemise under the dress. That posed no problem for a man of Longarm’s experience. Especially as the material of the chemise was old and often washed. The pale cloth kind of disintegrated under his touch—he swore he hadn’t jerked or pulled or tried to tear it open—and her tits popped out into full, glorious view.

More than a mouthful? These melons were more than a half gallon. Each. An incautious man might could smother himself to death if Fancy leaned down over him. Which might not be the very worst possible way a man could happen to die. But still…

She had a little heat rash underneath the sag of those bazooms and would have benefited from some powder. But he wasn’t complaining. He bent down and gobbled in a mouthful of nipple on her left one while he gave the other a hearty squeeze, and Fancy went to moaning like she was already in ecstasy.

“Oh God, honey, do me, do me quick, sweetie.” She snatched the hem of her dress waist high, the wonders thus revealed being instantly and fully on display as she hadn’t bothered with pantaloons when she dressed earlier. A shy girl, Fancy. Demure and withdrawn. Yeah.

“Do me, honey.”

She waggled her butt, which set her tits to flopping, and Longarm bore down all the harder to keep control of the one he was trying to suck. He didn’t know but what he maybe should set his spurs and hang on or else back away fast so as not to get slapped silly by all the meat that was being slung. He settled for taking a firm hold with his teeth and squeezing even harder on the other one.

Fancy groaned and wriggled and subtly indicated that, uh huh, she liked that just fine. “Harder, baby, harder,” she moaned. “Bite it, honey. Hard.”

He complied, hoping he wasn’t commencing to draw blood, and Fancy let out a loose, satisfied little squeal and kind of shivered some. He would almost have sworn that she reached a climax just then.

He moved over to the other tit and bit it too, and Fancy went so far out of it that her knees buckled and for about half a second there he thought he was gonna have to support her full weight on the nipple he was gnawing. Fortunately she got her balance back after that brief scare and continued to grope and grasp him.

She’d been having trouble getting his cock out where she could enjoy it but now she ripped the thing out of its confines—damned lucky for him he wasn’t fully hard yet so there was still some bend and give to the poor thing; otherwise he’d have had to set the break and put it in a splint and then where the hell would he have been—and got a good look at it for the first time.

The girl cackled and turned loose of him long enough to clap her hands in glee. “Sweetheart, I think I’m in love.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he told her.

“Take whatever you want, honey, just so I can take that big beautiful thing inside me.”

Uh huh. Shy. He hoped she’d outgrow that trait someday.

Fancy grabbed him by the nuts—she only wanted to fondle him, but she was such a vigorous broad that he was gun-shy and would have leaped away from her except she was too quick for him. If he’d pulled back once she had hold of him, he likely would have left his cojones behind, and she dragged him with her as she backed up in search of something to lean against.

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