Longarm was about to kiss her, but then he paused and looked at Julie. She smiled and said, “Go ahead. I’ll Just watch for a while.”

Longarm had to chuckle and say, “Lordy!” He usually took his loving one at a time, but he supposed in a circumstance like this …

Janice’s lips pressed hotly against his mouth. He didn’t say anything else for a while.

Her body was as soft and warm and intoxicating as he had expected it to be as she pressed against him. The encounters he’d had with each sister had been mighty pleasurable, but the circumstances had forced all three of them to hold back somewhat. He sensed there would be no holding back tonight, none at all.

The kiss finally ended, and Janice stepped back out of his arms. Julie swung her long legs out of the bed and stood up. “My turn,” she said, swaying toward him seductively. She looped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth down to hers.

If anything, her lips and tongue were hotter and wetter than her sister’s had been. Longarm’s shaft was achingly hard by now, throbbing with the need to be released from the tight confines of his trousers. The Cassidy sisters weren’t done tormenting him yet, however.

But it was mighty sweet torture, Longarm thought.

Julie stepped back and stood side by side with Janice. Both of the women slid the straps of their gowns off their shoulders and let the silky garments slide down over their smooth young bodies. The gowns fell in crumpled heaps around their feet. They stood gorgeously, gloriously—and identically—nude before him.

Well, maybe not quite identically, Longarm discovered as his gaze played hungrily over them. He lifted an eyebrow in surprise. Sure enough, he could tell the difference between the two of them. Janice’s breasts were full and round, crowned with large coral nipples. Julie was slightly less endowed, and her breasts were pear-shaped. Her nipples were smaller and darker but just as erect as her sister’s. Longarm’s eyes dropped lower, comparing creamy bellies. Janice’s was slightly softer, he judged, but Julie worked with the horses and got more exercise, so that was only logical. That brought him to the triangles of fine-spun blond hair at the juncture of their thighs. He cleared his throat and said, “Ah, I reckon if you wanted me to compare, I’ve spotted a few differences so far, but …”

“Oh, we’re not exactly alike anywhere,” Julie said.

“But it takes a very close examination to spot some of the differences,” added Janice.

Longarm grinned. “Well, then, I reckon I’d better keep investigating.”

They came toward him, Janice’s breasts bobbing a little, Julie’s firmer. Each of them took one of his hands. “There’ll be time for that later,” Julie said, “after we get you out of these clothes.”

They began undressing him, and the flawless way they worked together told Longarm they had done this before. Julie opened the buttons of his shirt and peeled it back, then twined her fingers in the thick mat of hair on his chest and lowered her lips to one of his nipples. At the same time, Janice slid his trousers down over his hips, and his shaft finally sprang free. She took his manhood in her hand, caressing it in a pumping motion that set Longarm to quivering all over.

“Come on,” Julie whispered. “Let’s get to bed.”

That sounded like a mighty fine idea to Longarm.

Chapter 9

There was one thing to be said for those Cassidy girls, Longarm told himself later, They were sure as hell inventive.

Over the next few hours, the three of them coupled in just about every way they conceivably could. Janice and Julie caressed each other a little in the process, but mostly they devoted their attentions to Longarm. At one point, he found himself flat on his back while Janice rode gasping in ecstasy on his burgeoning pole. At the same time, Julie straddled his head so that his tongue could probe the hot, wet folds of her feminine flesh. She let out muffled half-screams as Longarm worked his magic on her. While he was doing that, Janice’s hips pumped harder and harder until he could no longer hold back his climax. He emptied himself into her in long, throbbing spurts as her sister reached down and grabbed his head so that she could grind her mound against his face.

A man could die mighty happy this way, Longarm decided.

Finally there was no way any of them could continue, so they lay there cuddled together in a tangle of sheets and sweat-sheened flesh. Each of the sisters had a soft thigh flung over Longarm’s legs. He put his arms around them and fondled a breast with each hand. He recalled hearing a fella use the phrase “an embarrassment of riches” one time, and now Longarm surely knew what that gent was talking about. He heaved a long sigh.

“That was heavenly, Custis,” Julie said after echoing his sigh. “We’ll have to do it again.” Longarm let out a groan.

Julie laughed. “I didn’t mean right now,” she assured him.

Janice reached down and let her long fingernails trail through the tangle of dark brown hair at his groin. “Do you think Senator Padgett is in such danger that you’ll have to travel with us all the way to Denver?”

Longarm frowned a little and asked, “Who said the senator was in danger? I reckon that’s why I’m along, to keep any trouble from cropping up.”

“Well, that’s what I mean, of course,” Janice said. “And you seem to be doing an excellent job.”

Longarm shrugged awkwardly, considering his position. His shoulders nudged a breast on either side of him. “I’ll stay with the senator until my boss tells me to do otherwise.”

“Good!” Julie said. “That means we’ll have more opportunities to do things like this.”

Her fingers closed around his shaft, which he had been certain would be dormant for a while longer. To his surprise—and to the delight of Julie and Janice—it began thickening and lengthening again, the heat of Julie’s caress making his manhood grow the way the warmth of the sun touched the seeds in the ground and brought forth wildflowers.

As it turned out, Longarm didn’t get back to his own room until nearly dawn. Senator Padgett was still snoring next door. Longarm stripped off his clothes, fell facedown in the bed, and let oblivion claim him.

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