He almost said no a second time, but good sense saved him. “All right,” he said, “come in.”

Irma came into the compartment, looked at him, and said, “You’re all wet.”


“You need towels to dry off with.”

“I need more than towels.”

Irma began to unbutton her blouse. “I can see that.”

“What are you doing?”

“You know.”

“What about Lady Caroline?”

“I really like her, but Mrs. Addie is a pill. She doesn’t like me very much. So I excused myself and came to say goodbye.”

Longarm felt like a heel, but what was a man to do when a girl as pretty and passionate as Irma was already half undressed.

“We got an hour or two still before we get to Laramie,” she said with a coy smile. “But we’re going to be so wet and slick that we’ll probably keep sliding over the edge of that skinny little berth and falling on the floor. If I’m on the bottom and you’re big and hard inside me, I could get hurt.”

“I promise that won’t happen,” he said.

Irma was reassured enough to smile. “You’re a very nice man, Marshal Long. I sure wish I was traveling all the way to Reno with you.”

“Well, I do too,” he heard himself say, and realized that he meant it. “I think it would be best all the way around if we parted company in Laramie.”

She unbuttoned his pants and found his manhood. “Custis, I really am dead broke. Do you suppose I could borrow ten or twenty dollars?”

He could not refuse her. “Yeah.”

Irma beamed. “You are a nice man!”

“Just peel off those panties and quit talking so much, all right?”

“Whatever you say.”

Longarm kicked off his pants, and Irma her panties. Her big breasts were already glistening with sweat, and he could hardly wait to lick them dry. Irma climbed on top of him, and when she eased down on his thick root, she sighed.

“Talk can get old after a little while, Custis, even with a princess.”

“I guess it can,” he said, pulling her breasts down to his hungry mouth and thrusting upward with his rod until she squirmed and moaned with pleasure. “Sometimes, it’s better just to screw.”

“I agree.”

Their sweaty bodies made loud sucking sounds as they slammed in and out of each other and the train struggled over the mountains toward Laramie.

Much later, when the train actually did pull into Laramie, Longarm was having too good a time to let Irma go.

“What would you think if I extended your ticket on to Rock Springs?”

“Anything. Anyplace. Just don’t stop doing this to me, Custis!”

“Maybe you’d even like Elko better,” Longarm gasped.

“Why not Reno?” she panted.

As Longarm grew ready to spew his hot seed into Irma, he decided that Reno would be just fine.

Chapter 5

Longarm considered himself a patient and even forgiving man, but after two days of roasting in his traveling compartment, he knew that something drastic had to be done soon. Irma and Lady Caroline had struck up a peculiar friendship that had no common basis as far as Longarm could tell other than they were both young and very attractive women.

The pair of unlikely new friends now spent most of their days together, talking about all matter of things relating to England, the American frontier, and such mundane things as the price of dresses and shoes. Longarm was completely bored, and so he found himself spending more and more time in the parlor car, and also in the second-class traveling coach where an ordinary fella could scare up some good, down-to-earth talk and an honest low-stakes poker game that never really ended.

In this way, Longarm had managed to spend all but his nights away from the “sweatbox” compartment number three. At night, however, he and Irma would make furious love despite being bathed in perspiration.

“You can’t be serious,” Irma said one hot night as their train chugged across the flat, broken sagebrush of northern Utah. “If you wreck the furnace, all the other firstclass compartments will get very cold at night.”

“I realize that,” Longarm said. “And I’ve even pleaded with the porter to lower the temperature, but he refused. He said he’d be fired if he allowed the heat to drop and the other firstclass passengers started complaining.”

“Well,” Irma said, “you can’t just destroy the furnace.”

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do,” Longarm vowed.

Вы читаете Longarm and the Helldorado Kid
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