Fisher said, “What in hell makes you think that you’re going to need that?”

“I still think that we’ll be badly outnumbered, or at least I’ll be badly outnumbered. You’ll be coming back this way. I think I’ve got a bad need for that nitro.”

Fisher said, “I think that you’ve got a bad need for somebody to cut a hole in your head and look inside and see what’s in there. I think there’s a whole bunch of crazy people running around in there.”

Longarm said, “Fish, we’ve got to get moving. We’re late right now.”

As they set off eastward at what Fisher declared was too fast a pace, although in reality it was nothing more than a steady walk, Longarm fretted about the time and the distance to the line. He said, “Fish, this is the best chance that I’ve ever had in my life to get the worst men that I’ve ever known. I can’t mess this one up. This one has got to happen.”

“Well, hell. Looks like we made a pretty good start on them back yonder.”

Longarm said, “Yeah, but it’s like what the engineer done took note of. Those were two-bit gunhands. The Gallaghers can get fifty more with just a wave of their hand. We didn’t do more than cut down on the force at hand. I’m going to bet that they have anywhere from half a dozen to a dozen back with them in Quitman.”

Fisher shook his head. “You wouldn’t think there was that many bad folks in this world, would you?”

“Well, you were a lawman, Fisher. You should know.”

Fisher said, “It’s the times, Longarm. When times are hard, everybody turns to crime. They don’t think there is any other way of getting any money, so they turn to pointing pistols at other people. I blame the government for this.”

Longarm gave him a look. “That’s like blaming the bull that fathered the calf that grew up to be a steer that you ate a steak off that was too tough. That don’t make a bit of sense. A man can make his own way, he don’t need no outside help.”

“Spoken like a man who gets his meals at the federal trough.”

Longarm smiled thinly. “What are you doing way over there, Fisher? I’m getting tired of raising my voice talking to you. Why don’t you ride up closer?”

Fisher said, “I’m just fine right where I am.”

Longarm chuckled. “Do you think that twenty-yard separation’s going to make any difference to this nitro? It’s going to blow you just as high as it’s going to blow me, if it goes off.”

“Longarm, don’t be turning your head toward me. You look straight ahead for gopher holes or anything else that your horse might stumble over. You better handle that animal better than anything you’ve ever handled in your life.”

“Fisher, if you’d have caught a stray bullet while we were up on that butte, would you have been any less dead than you would have been if you’d been blown up by this nitro?”

“The point is, I didn’t get hit by no stray bullet, and yet here I am, a damn fool, riding alongside of a man that has enough explosives on the ass end of his horse to make us as flat as this prairie.”

“I think we’re going to have to strike a trot to get there in time.”

“You just strike all the trots you want to, but you give me fair warning when you do so I can get the hell out of here.”

Longarm laughed slightly. “No, I’m serious, Fisher. What I think that you better do is to lope on ahead and see if you can spot them. If you do, get word to them that I am coming but my horse is lame and I’m having to take it slow.”

Fisher smiled. “You know, I think that’s the best idea that I’ve heard you have in my life. You keep on thinking like that and you’ll never get any argument out of me. Are you serious?”

“It appears to me that we’re going to be about half an hour late. I calculate it’s still four or five miles to the border and it’s after two and at the pace we’re going, we’re not going to make it. Why don’t you gallop on up there and see if you can keep the situation in hand.”

“I can promise you that I am more than willing. Do you want me to bring the other brother back—Rufus, the one with the scar on his jaw?”

“I doubt that he would come until they got me. I wouldn’t get too close to them, Fisher. Just keep within shooting distance and let them know what is happening, let them know that I will be along in no less than half an hour. Don’t go up there and get yourself taken prisoner, do you understand me? If they act hostile, get your ass out of there.”

“Longarm, you’re still talking sensible. I think there may be hope for you yet.”

“There’s one other thing that we need to get settled before we come up on them. Let’s assume that everything goes smooth and Rufus comes on this side with you and I go off with Clem. As soon as you get out of sight of us, I want you to take care of Rufus.”

“Do you mean kill him?”

“Not unless you have to. I’ll leave that to your own judgment, but as quick as you can, I want you to get the drop on him and knock him on the head and tie him up. Do something so he will stay where you leave him. As soon as you are finished with him, I want you to come toward where I am and kind of scout around.”

Fisher gave him a sly look. “So it turns out that you figure that you might need my help. Is that correct, Mister Deputy Marshal Custis Long?”

“Yes, Fisher. I am reduced to such a level that I might even need your help. I hate to admit it, but that’s the case. I don’t know what I’m going to run into. But if you do see that I am in big trouble, don’t try and get me out of it by yourself. Go for help, do you understand? Wire Billy Vail at Denver and get every damn marshal you can to get me loose from whatever bear trap they got me in.”

“That part I think I can handle.”

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