He said grimly, “That’s just the reason, Lily Gail. I’ve got to put you out of my reach. You’ve got a power over me that I don’t like. That thing that you’ve got between your legs is more dangerous than any gun I’ve ever been up against, so yes, I’m fixing to stick you in jail.”

She almost wailed. “But you can’t!”

He took her firmly by the arm and led her through the door. He said, “You watch me.”

Over her protests, he marched her firmly down the street to the sheriff’s jail. As they went, they created a wake of people turning to stare after them. Longarm had neglected to put on his badge, so it occurred to him that he appeared like a man dragging a woman somewhere against her will. He reached in his pocket and hooked his badge where it would be obvious.

They turned in at the jail. The outer office was empty except for one deputy. Longarm said, “I’m Deputy U.S. Marshal Custis Long out of the Denver office. This young woman is under arrest on a serious charge. I want you to hold her in a cell while I tend to some business. I’ve got to say adios to an old friend, pick up some tickets for the evening train, and then get my gear and saddle. I’ll be back in an hour, maybe an hour and a half. I want you to watch her, she’s pretty damn slippery.”

The young deputy had arisen from behind the desk when they came in. He stood there, openmouthed, staring first at Longarm’s badge and then at the much more appealing sight of Lily Gail Baxter. He stammered out, “You mean, you want me to put this … this … this young lady in a jail cell?”

“Preferably one with two locks.”

The young deputy said, “Well, yes, sir. If them are your orders, Marshal.”

“Them are my orders. What’s your name, son?”

“Clinton Watts, sir. I’m a new deputy here.”

Longarm said, “Well, Deputy Watts, you see to it. I’ll be back anywhere from an hour to two hours.”

With that, he turned on his heels and walked out of the door, first to find Fish, then to go to the railroad station, and then finally to pay his hotel bill and get the rest of his gear.

It was an easy parting for Fisher, for they would be seeing each other soon enough since Fisher had plans to be in Denver within the next couple of weeks. Longarm reassured him that he was going to put Fisher in for the reward money. He said, “Hell, Fisher. Somebody deserves it, and you damn sure rode into the eye of the storm and did your part. I wish like hell I could collect it.”

Fisher said, “We could split it.”

Longarm shook his head ruefully. “No, I can’t let myself do that, but I damn sure can collect three hundred of it for that horse. That makes me mad all over.”

“Well, you took that bay.”

“No, I gave that to Simmons. I didn’t like the thought of riding a Gallagher horse.”

Fisher shook his head and laughed. “Longarm, you’re as crazy as hell, do you know that?”

“So they keep telling me.”

After that, Longarm went to the train depot and bought two tickets for Denver. Since he didn’t have a horse, he bought chair coach tickets, though he hated riding in the coach, preferring to ride back in the stock car with his animal. He went back to the hotel and paid his reckoning for his stay there. Then there was nothing to do but sling his battered saddle over his shoulder, collect his valise, and with his carbine in one hand and his saddlebags over his shoulder, head out of the hotel and back down to the jail. He only had half an hour to catch the train since he and Fisher had spent more time talking than he had reckoned. He was somewhat surprised to see the young deputy emerging through the door that led back to the cell area. The deputy was buttoning his pants and buckling his belt.

Longarm suddenly had a sinking feeling. He said, “Deputy Watts, fetch out my prisoner. I’m ready to go.”

The young man’s face went scarlet. He said stammering, “Uh … sir … uh … Marshal. She ain’t here.”

Longarm took a few steps toward the deputy. “What the hell do you mean, she ain’t here? Where is she?”

The deputy cut his eyes back and forth. “Well, the truth of the matter is, sir, the fact of the business is … well, she got loose from me just now and just ran out of here. I’m the only one on duty and I’m not supposed to leave the office.”

Longarm almost slapped him. “Boy, don’t come out from back there licking cream off your whiskers and tell me that you’ve been branding cattle. I know exactly how she got out of here. Deputy, you’re under arrest.”

The young deputy took a step backwards. He said, “What?”

“That’s right. You’re under arrest for interference with a federal officer in pursuit of his duty. Trust me, young man, that’s a serious offense. Hand me your side arm.”

The deputy swallowed. He said, “Sir, I ain’t got one. You ain’t supposed to go back to the cells with a gun.”

“Then it’s just as well. Open that damn door behind you.” With the door open, Longarm marched the deputy back into an empty cell before he slammed the door and stood there holding the keys. He said, “You are under arrest. I don’t know how long I will be gone, a day, two days, two weeks, I don’t know. You damn well better be in this cell when I get back or else I’ll hunt you all over the world because I don’t ever let anyone get away from me. Do you understand that? Your next stop is going to be about five minutes in a federal court and then you’re going to be doing about ten years at Leavenworth if you get out of this cell. Understand?”

The deputy was white-faced. He said, “Marshal, please. it was more than I could take.”

Longarm said dryly, “Don’t tell me about her, son, I know all about her. I’m telling you once again, Deputy, that you better be in this cell when I get back.”

“What if the sheriff lets me out?”

“Then tell the sheriff that I’m liable to arrest him.”

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