“Yeah, there’s that old devil in me, Lily Gail. I don’t know what makes me get up to such things.”
With that innocent, guileless look on her face, she unbuttoned the button, and the strain of her breasts pushed the material of her dress back enough so that the V widened and he could see the rise of those milky white breasts. He could see the side of one of the big pink rosettes that made the nests for her big nipples.
He said, “Drink your drink, Lily Gail, and let me fix you another.” As an encouragement he downed his and then poured more whiskey in his glass. She followed him, quickly finishing hers, and leaned forward to hand him her glass. As she did, he could see clearly down the front of her dress. “My, my, Lily Gail, I do believe they have grown,” he said. “They’re two of the prettiest puppies that I have ever seen.”
She blushed prettily and made a feeble attempt at holding her dress together. “if you are not the beatingest, Longarm. You don’t care how you talk to a girl.”
He said, “Stand up, Lily Gail, I want to see something.”
She stood up. “What?”
Longarm said, “Lift your skirt.”
She automatically took hold of her skirt and lifted it to her knees.
He said, “Higher.”
“Why, Mister Long, how forward of you.” She slowly lifted it until the hem came creeping up her thighs to reveal that golden patch of flaxen hair that topped the soft little mound at the vee of her creamy thighs. That golden - triangle, if anything, was more burnished than her hair. He’d had his face there before and he intended, if things went right, to have it there again before the day was out. Still staring at her, he set his glass down on the bedside table and stood up, unbuckling his gunbelt as he did. He let it fall to the floor.
Longarm started toward her. As he did, she dropped the skirt of her dress and began unbuttoning the rest of her buttons. By the time he reached her, she had them undone down past her waist. He took her dress by the shoulders and pushed it gently off her so that it fell softly to the floor. As he did, her arms came up around his neck and she drew his mouth down to hers. Her lips were full and ripe and her tongue was a probing, caressing, darting messenger of passion. He could feel her hands go inside between his and begin to unbutton his shirt. He had his arms around her waist, and he held her tightly to him as he walked backwards slowly toward the bed. When he felt the bed against the back of his legs, he started to fall over backwards, but she held him up. Lily Gail finished unbuttoning his shirt and then tore it off his shoulders. She dropped to her knees and unbuckled his pants and dropped them around his ankles. With both hands, she guided his member into her mouth. He let out a long rising sigh as he went inside her, and he grabbed the back of her head as she began to pump back and forth on him. He said, his voice faint, “Oh, heavens, Lily Gail, you’d better stop. You’d better not do that.”
She put her arms around him and held herself tightly in place while she kept her head moving. He stood it as long as he could, and then forcibly lifted her to her feet. Her mouth went straight to his and stayed there as they fell over backwards on the bed. Her dress had stayed where it had fallen on the floor, but he was still encumbered by his boots and his jeans. He rolled her off for an instant and reached down to kick his boots off, but he only got one off and one pants leg free before she pulled him back to her.
She was shivering in excitement next to him, panting, her breaths coming in short gasps, her mouth busy over his face and neck. He tried to roll over on top of her, his mouth seeking the nipple of her breast, but she pushed him back and got on top of him. In his ear she said breathily, “This is ladies’ choice.”
Her lips and tongue against his ear made little shivers run all through his body. Before he realized what was happening, she had taken him inside her, sinking him deeper and deeper into her. She was over him, her breasts at the level of his chin. He moved his face to envelop one of the big red strawberry-tipped milk-white orbs.
Over him, she was gasping and sighing, her fingers gripping his shoulders as she rotated and rose and fell against him. He put his arms around her, drawing her down to him, feeling her softness almost melt into him. It went on and on until he felt like he was climbing a stairway that kept getting steeper and steeper.
She suddenly let out a long, shuddering cry, and at that instant he exploded, thrusting sharply up against her. She kept screaming, her head down, the sound muffled by his neck. They were fused, holding each other tightly by their arms.
How long it lasted, he didn’t know. All he knew was that he had somehow reached the top of that long, steep stair and then had fallen off the other end. It had been a long tumble, but now he lay on the ground, gasping for breath, spent by the long climb and then the fall. The breath had been knocked out of him by the landing. She slowly slid off his side, her mouth open, gasping for air.
After a period of time had passed, he slowly sat up on the side of the bed. He was amazed to see that he was still in the hotel room, that they were still on the bed, that Lily Gail was still lying crosswise, and that he still had on one boot and his jeans down around his ankles. He was amazed to see the whiskey in the glasses. He felt like a man who had just traveled halfway around the world. He didn’t expect to arrive back at the same place, not after such a trip.
When he could, he said, “Wow, Lily Gail. I’ve been on some rides before, but I believe that was the best one that I’ve ever taken. Look at this … my hands are shaking.”
When she didn’t answer, he glanced around at her. She was lying there, her beautiful body in perfect repose with her eyes closed. Nothing could have excited him at that instant. He was drained, spent, finished, but yet even in that condition, he had to admire the perfection of her female body. He didn’t know if she was asleep or not, and he didn’t much care right then. What he wanted was a drink and a smoke and a short rest.
As best as he could, he pulled his jeans up and put his other boot on. Then he reached over and drank the glass of whiskey that he had poured out but had never finished once Lily Gail had lifted her skirt. Her drink was there also and he drank that, in spite of the fact that it had been watered. After that, he felt better. He found a small cigarillo and then lit it, blowing out a cloud of smoke and shaking his head. “I’ve got to admit, Lily Gail, that I had forgotten. I’ve been with many women, but you’ve got to be the best. I don’t know what it is that you do. I don’t know how it is that you do it, but you can suck a man dry better than any woman I have ever had. That thing of yours seems to open up and suck a man right on in there. It’s amazing. It’s like you have little fingers in there.”
He looked around at her again. She was still lying silently with her eyes closed, but he could see that her breathing was smoothing out. He thought she would be all right in a moment. He became aware of his neck hurting slightly, and put his hand up and felt the left side. It was moist. He pulled his hand away and looked and saw that it was bleeding.
He said, “Why, you little bitch. You bit me, dammit.”
He crossed the room to the basin stand. There was a mirror on the wall and he could clearly see the outline of