inside, with Roxanne gone and all.”

He laughed incredulously and said, “But I thought you were a lesbian!”

To which she demurely replied, “Maybe I am. Why don’t we find out?”

Longarm searched his mind for a reason not to, decided he’d wind up sore at himself in either case, and helped her up those steps by playfully pinching her firm bottom.

The innards of her circus wagon were partitioned into two rooms, with the smaller one in back the bedroom. He saw what she’d meant about the space her missing pal had once taken up. The bed filling most of the chamber was ample for two, and it was the only bed there was.

Rowena was on it, naked and giggling, before he could even shed his hat and gun rig. But he sat down and she helped him shuck the rest in no time, and then they were both in the center of the bed, atop the quilts, and she was starting to cry some more. So he stopped just in time to ask what in blue blazes was wrong now.

She said, “I’m sorry. I’m trying to respond like a sweetheart, but my last man abused me and scared me, and it’s been a while since I’ve done it with any sort of man!”

He didn’t offer to roll off and get dressed. He didn’t like to make promises he couldn’t keep. But he did lay side by side with her in the nude and kiss her, more gently, in the soft rainbow glow from her small stained-glass skylight.

She kissed back, less shyly and with more tongue, as he let her get used to his strange body pressed to her own. She didn’t resist as he ran his free hand down between them to part her pubic hairs with two fingers and softly strum her old banjo. She tried to return the favor and then, finding herself with a delicate hand filled with throbbing cock, marveled, “Oh, you’re already hard and yet so considerate! That other brute made me suck him hard and then he’d shove-“

“I don’t want to hear,” Longarm said, shushing her with a warm wet kiss as he commenced to strum faster in jig time. As he did so Rowena gasped, “Oh, Lord, You’re making me so hot, darling!”

So he just rolled into her welcoming love saddle, and it sure felt swell to sink his raging erection into its overdue reward with his eyes closed and two young gals taking turns up and down his shaft with their tight hungry love maws. But he remembered who he was supposed to be doing it with when Rowena suddenly gasped, “Roxanne! We weren’t expecting you back.”

Longarm didn’t stop. He might have, with a gun to his head, but he was fixing to come as he craned his head to smile sheepishly up at the older and darker gal in the doorway and said, “Morning, ma’am. I would stand up in your presence but, just now, that might be sort of embarrassing to both of us!”

Roxanne laughed harshly.

Rowena wasn’t able to stop moving her hips either, but she was sobbing as she declared, “I wasn’t messing with a mark, darling. I thought you’d run out on me and this one is the law!”

Her older and darker lover demurely replied, “I know who this is. Albeit he had his pants on the last time we spoke. Heavens, will you look at those muscles ripple. How is he hung, honey?”

Rowena gasped, “Gloriously! And I’m comingggg!”

That made two of them. So Longarm wasn’t keeping track of anything but the sweetest tightest pussy in the world as Roxanne was explaining how she’d sold their mules and had a possible buyer for this particular wagon.

As she got in bed with them, naked as a jay, she said, “Nobody I tried seems to have any use for the old signal corps gas generator. Why don’t we go sixty-nine while he takes turns pronging us or, better yet, throws a good old- fashioned long-donging into the survivor?”

Longarm wasn’t too sure he followed their drift. But he made a grab for fresh meat as Roxanne literally rolled him off her younger pal.

The more fleshy and voluptuous Roxanne kissed him back, but then she shoved his hand away from her hairier crotch, purring, don’t be so impatient. That prospective buyer isn’t coming to look this wagon over until this afternoon, and you could obviously use a breather!”

That was the simple truth. So Longarm reclined on one elbow with a bemused smile as Roxanne took his place with Rowena. It was sort of interesting to watch the way lesbian gals went at it when neither had a dick.

At least, they surely acted like lesbian gals. They kissed a heap, and then Roxanne started kissing her way down Rowena’s slender form, dark hair trailing across heaving breasts and excited belly as the older gal cocked one shapely thigh over her partners to settle down in her face like a biddy hen fixing to hatch something.

So a good time was had by both as Longarm watched, feeling ever more inspired as the two of them gave one another some experienced and far from delicate licking.

From the way they were both moaning and groaning as they slurped, it seemed up for grabs who’d be coming first. But as the older gal must have known, and Longarm should have guessed, the less controlled younger one came first, sobbing aloud, “It’s not fair but don’t stop!”

So the smoldering Roxanne gave her a few good licks, and then she rolled off to lay spread-eagled between her two bed partners, saying, “Whee! I’m right on the edge but I won! So let me call you sweetheart, cowboy!”

Longarm’s old organ-grinder was feeling mighty edgy as well by then. So he chortled, “Powder River and let her buck!” as he mounted her and thrust home, hitting bottom, and Roxanne gasped, “Keerist! You might have warned me, Rowena!

But the younger gal was sitting up, pawing at Longarm’s bounding bare butt as she sobbed, “Hurry, hurry, do hurry, and then do it to me some more!”

Longarm couldn’t answer with Roxanne swabbing his tonsils with her tongue as she gyrated her bigger hips in jig time with his long-donging. How had he ever thought anyone else had the best damned pussy in the world when this was obviously it?

Of course, once the three of them had shared an after-orgasmic cheroot and he was dog-styling Rowena while the friendly child ate her older mentoress, she did feel a tad tighter. So then he had to put it in the moaning and groaning Roxanne some more to make sure, and in the end he was damned if he could decide whether he enjoyed hot pulsating wetness or wiggly-smooth tightness more. The grandest thing about women, bless them, was that

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