to almighty well now that she’d tried it.

“Tell me something,” he said.


“Were you really a virgin?”

She giggled. “For the, what? tenth time? yes. Technically speaking. I mean, I’ve had sex for almost as long as I can remember. Since I was a girl. But never with a man before.” She laughed. “It felt nice.”

“You’re really …?”

“Lesbian is the word you are looking for, I think. The same as you but the female version of it. And, yes, I am one. At least, I always thought that I was. Now I’m not so sure. A good little lesbian is supposed to hate the mere thought of being with a man. But once I got to thinking about you, well, I have to admit that I found the idea exciting. That was just in theory. In actual practice,” she rolled her eyes and grinned, “it really was a lot of fun.”

She abandoned his left nipple and sat upright beside him. “You didn’t seem to have any trouble getting interested in me either.”

This was a good time to correct her past misimpressions. On the other hand, why destroy a perfectly good delusion? If the girl wanted to think she’d accomplished a first, and maybe saved some innocent kid in the bargain, why the hell not? “Not only got interested,” he said, “I think I could be again.”

“Really?” The thought did not appear to make her cringe.

“Throw a lip-lock on that dead soldier down there and see what happens,” he suggested.

Clarice laughed. And bent her head to his middle, enveloping him in the wet heat of her mouth.

Nope, he had no trouble at all rising to the occasion.

Half an hour or so later he stretched, utterly worn out now but not minding that in the least, and reached for a cheroot. Barely in time he remembered Clarice’s prohibition against smoking, and put the cigar back into a pocket. “Damn shame you don’t live here alone,” he complained, seriously wanting the taste of a good smoke now in the aftermath of such a good blow job.

“It’s lucky for me I have a place to live at all. This isn’t my home, actually. I’m just a poor relation.”


“This is my Aunt Edith’s house. You remember her, I’m sure.”

“I do?”

“She owns the ice cream parlor. You saw her yesterday at the store.”

“The older woman with the hair like slicked-back steel wool?”

“If she ever heard you say that she’d probably grab a knife and try to cut your balls off. She just might be able to manage it, too. But, yes, that’s her.”

“She isn’t …?”

“A lesbian too? Of course she is. All of us girls are.”

“All of …?”

“Me, my cousin Barb … she’s my other aunt’s daughter though I don’t know how my aunt Doris ever had a baby, hating men just as badly as Edith does … and my other cousin Louise. Louise is my mother’s brother’s daughter. My mom and her brother are all dead, of course. Only Doris is left now. And Herbert. But he doesn’t count.”


“No. We never talk about Herbert. He’s the black sheep of the family.”

“Let me get this straight. Doris and all the rest of you girls are lesbians, and most of the family is dead, but you don’t talk about Herbert because he did something the rest of you are ashamed of. Is that right?”

“Pretty much so, yes.” She bent down and began licking a convenient nipple again but this time he was just too far gone to get much out of it. Although it did feel rather good, come to think of it.

“What the hell did Herbert do to deserve that?” he asked.

“Really, Longarm dear, we don’t like to talk about it. Does this feel good?”

“Better’n I woulda thought possible at this point.”

“What about this?”

“That’s even better.”

“And … this?”

“Oh, jeez. You better quit that or else.”

“Or else what?” There was a glimmer of impishly evil glee in her eyes when she asked that question.

“Well, uh …”

“And what about this?”

“I’ll be damned.”

“That may be true, dear. But not until I’ve had my fun again. Now hold still … no, lift your leg just a little so I can wriggle under … yes, like that … a little more, please hold still. Oh!”

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