bathtub, “but I’ll come back over later an’ see what we can figure out about this mess. In the meantime if any o’ you has any ideas about what we’re looking for, get your thoughts in order ‘cause I’ll want t’ hear your arguments soon as I get back. Okay?”
The cops seemed to like the idea of being consulted—Longarm had the impression that listening to the thoughts of his subordinates might not have been among Michael Bender’s habits when he was chief—and were already conferring among themselves when Longarm departed.
When he got back to the hotel the desk clerk motioned him over. “I hope you ain’t gonna tell me that my bath isn’t ready,” he said.
“Not at all. Your tub and water are waiting for you. So is a visitor.”
“Pardon me?”
“It seemed … inadvisable for this particular visitor to wait in the public lobby. Not seemly, if you know what I mean.”
“No, I reckon I don’t know what you mean.”
“She said it was official business, deputy. She said she had to see you regarding an investigation?”
She, Longarm thought. Janie again. Damn, but that was one horny woman. Well then, she could just scrub his back for him. He supposed there were worse ways to spend a morning. He thanked the clerk and started up the stairs.
Chapter 37
It was not Janie Sproul who greeted Longarm on his return to the hotel room but slim and vibrant Clarice. She was smiling hugely when she ran lightly across the room and flung herself onto him, demanding kisses and hugs.
“I have the day off and I got to thinking that … well … the first time was so nice that I thought we should do it again just to make sure I really do like it as much as I think I do,” she told him.
Longarm chuckled and carried her over to the bed where he unceremoniously dumped her on her butt. “Some things oughta be checked out real careful before you reach conclusions,” he agreed.
Clarice smiled. And began unfastening the buttons at her throat.
Longarm stroked the soft curls of her pubic hair, petting her there while he gently sucked and licked at her nipples. Clarice liked that uncommonly well, and he’d discovered it was a surefire way to arouse the girl.
Not that either of them likely could stand much more in the way of arousal right now. He’d made it twice and she’d climaxed at least three times already. But the activity was still pleasant. And kind of friendly. He lightly stroked and licked while she fondled his limp, wet pecker and sighed repeatedly in his ear.
“You like?” he asked.
“Better than being with any old girl,” she said. “Can I tell you something?”
“I think I might not be a lesbian after all. Isn’t that awful?”
“Oh, I don’t think I’d call it awful. Hell, I think it’s kinda nice.”
Clarice shivered. “It sort of frightens me. I mean, all this time I’ve thought I knew who and what I was. Now I’m not sure at all. That is scary.”
“I expect I can see how it would be. But let me tell you something, Clarice. You are one sweet, lovely, sexy lady. You got a lot t’ offer. To anybody. You know what I’m telling you?”
She smiled and kissed him. “I think so. Thank you.”
Longarm squeezed her tit and returned the kiss. “Tell you what.”
“By now that bath water is prob’ly cold as a fresh mountain stream in springtime, but me, I feel rank an’ nasty as a old billy goat.” He grinned. “And if you don’t mind me mentioning it, lady, you don’t smell like no petunia your own self. Let’s wallow around in that tub a while. Then after, well, maybe we’ll have recovered enough that we can have another go at makin’ the beast with two backs one more time.”
“Promise?” she asked.
Clarice laughed. “I’ll scrub your back, dear, if you’ll scrub mine.”
“Deal,” he said.
It was some considerable time afterward that, thoroughly sated, he lay on the bed with a cheroot in one hand and Clarice’s soft tit in the other. “I’m glad you got a day off,” he said sleepily.
“Me too. Aunt Edith is so mad it’s a wonder she doesn’t spit. But I’m glad.”
“What’s she s’ mad about?” Longarm asked.
“I’m really not sure. Something to do with Uncle Herbert.”
“Oh, yes. I remember now. Herbert the black sheep. But I’d kinda got the impression he wasn’t around much.”
“He wasn’t. Not for about as long as I can remember. He was away for simply years and years. Now he’s back. At least I think he is. I haven’t seen him, but I heard Aunt Edith talking last night, something about Uncle Herbert. I didn’t hear what exactly. And then this morning when I got up she was already gone. Barb said she came downstairs in time to see Aunt Edith on her way out and when Barb asked about the store Aunt Edith said don’t bother to open it—she didn’t know when she would be back and she couldn’t be bothered having to think about ice