told you at the time I understood the spot you were in, honey. I thought we agreed down in Texas, the first time we ever did this, that it didn’t mean the two of us were engaged.”

She hugged him down closer with all four limbs as she told him he was the most understanding man she’d ever met who could treat a gal so right. She said, “I was so afraid you’d never forgive me, seeing I left you all alone up there in the mountains like that.”

He chuckled, kissed her throat, and murmured “I’d tell you who I wound up with right after you lit out with that other jasper. But I ain’t one to brag.”

She laughed and sighed in mock anger. “I might have known you’d never be faithful to me, you brute. Could she do this with her pussy, Custis?”

He started moving in her faster, as any man would have with her smooth innards literally sucking on his shaft with hot wet contractions. He didn’t answer because, bless every one of them, it was always tough to decide between pussies when one enjoyed them all at different times. He could tell she was coming. He held back as long as he could, and then he made her moan like a paw-trapped she-bear when he really let fly with a grand gallop over the moon through swirling stars.

As they slowly drifted back to sanity, Red Robin crooned, “That was lovely. Can we do it some more?”

He allowed he needed some time and maybe a smoke to catch his second wind. So she said she’d as soon get on top as he relaxed just a bit.

It felt swell to lie there, propped up with pillows as he smoked a cheroot and let Red Robin sort of suck him off with her whole hourglass body, her round marshmallow tits gently bobbing in time with her posting on the saddlehorn. But by then they’d both gotten over the first frantic passion and he knew that, not unlike himself, Red Robin liked to chat with old pals as she screwed them.

So he asked her once more about those high rollers crowding into a dinky railroad stop, and she said the railroad stop was the key to the whole mystery.

He demanded, “How come? The spring veal has been shipped. The stock meant for the fall market has been marked, branded, and run out on the open range to graze far and wide for now. None of the outfits would be hiring, and a heap of them would be firing, or laying hands off for the summer leastways. So where would all this gaming for high stakes be likely?”

She answered simply, “I just told you. Here in Florence, where all those laid-off cowhands have to catch a train out to greener pastures if not home-sweet-home.”

Longarm started to make a dumb objection. Then he blew a thoughtful smoke ring at one of her tits, and as he watched it encircle the turgid nipple in the soft lamplight he said, “I follow your drift. When a hand’s been a good worker and you have to lay him off, it ain’t sporting to send him packing without some bonus money on top of his last month’s pay.”

He thought harder and added, “Everyone ought to be flush around the end of the month, but a laid-off hand with just enough to get home on is the kind of sucker Mr. Barnum crowed about.”

Red Robin moved her bare heels up under her center of balance to bounce even better as she casually remarked, “I’m glad my conscience will be clear when the last of those poor cowboys hops a freight out. I think it’s cruel to fleece a poor kid who’s worked hard as anything for no better than forty a month, don’t you?”

Longarm said, “Let me get on top again. Healthy men like to work hard, and there’s no federal law against gambling.”

As he snuffed out the smoke and they rolled over together in a pleasant flurry of limbs, he could have told her there was no way any law could prevent a sucker from being parted with his money once he thought he could beat the game. But he was too busy humping her luscious pale flesh to talk sensibly. He could only answer her baby talk with soft nothings and hard thrusts until they were back among the stars some more. Red Robin screwed far better than she played piano.

She listened good too, considering she seemed to be tone-deaf. One of the nice things about going to bed with Red Robin was her intelligent conversations. She only talked like a flighty female when she was fixing to come. The rest of the time she made more sense than most men. A tumbleweed gal who’d lived by her wits all over the West could tell most men a thing or two. She’d not only met, but been to bed with, more than one famous gunfighter in her time, and Longarm was hardly the first such man to share a few thoughts on the subject with her.

After they’d screwed enough to talk calmly, she naturally wanted to hear more about his mission, and he just as naturally told her, leaving out such details as the fact that Undersheriff Brennan over in the next county had more hair on her snatch, but not hiding half as much as he’d have to at a time such as this with some other old pals. Red Robin didn’t have a jealous bone in her voluptuous body, and if a man couldn’t take her own love of adventure, it was just tough as far as Red Robin was concerned.

She prided herself on having good taste, and didn’t consider it professional to screw where she’d been hired to play piano. But Longarm knew she was just as bad as he was when it came to a discreet crack at something pretty.

It was sort of annoying when you found yourself holding the short end of that particular stick. Knowing Red Robin, in the biblical sense, could be an educating experience if you didn’t lose your temper.

By the time he’d brought her up to date on the confusing pictures in his own head, Red Robin had agreed nothing made more sense for a naughty gal called Miss Medusa Le Mat but the one bank in Minnipeta Junction.

Longarm snuggled her closer and rolled one of her nipples between thumb and forefinger thoughtfully as he said, “The bank’s been alerted. Any bank on the prod would be too big a boo for three men and a gal. Let’s talk some more about high times for big money here where the trains home stop.”

She took his free hand by the wrist and removed it from her pale marshmallow breast as she snuggled closer and replied, “If you think robbing one bank would be a hard row to hoe for her usual crew, study on holding up crap and card games all over a bigger town, with most of the players at least half drunk and fully armed!”

Longarm grimaced at the picture, then smiled as he saw where she seemed to be leading his free hand. He’d thought she’d been finding it distracting to converse while being felt up. But she placed his unresisting hand firmly in her warm lap, and spread her hairless love-lips so he could rock the boy in the boat for her as she continued talking. “With the roundup over, hands being laid off with extra pay, and the Eastern brokers bidding for veal on the hoof, those cattle barons over in the Flint Hills will be cashing money orders and writing checks a mile a minute. Those laid-off hands will want to cash their generous severance checks close as possible to the rascals who sign them too. So that country bank in Minnipeta Junction had better have a heap of hard cash on hand at the end of the month and … Just a little faster, lover. I don’t like to come while I’m talking, but I’m not ready to go to sleep down there

Вы читаете Longarm and the Maiden Medusa
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