Janice Longbright rose before Bryant’s bookcase and pulled down the dust-encrusted volume entitled
The detective sergeant shifted uncomfortably on her chair. J
Longbright tapped a crimson nail against her teeth.
“So she was a bit of a Goth,” said Longbright aloud. That wasn’t so unusual in Camden Town; there were so many that pubs painted with angels and demons specifically catered to them. She returned to the chapter.
Longbright closed the book and carefully replaced it on the shelf as revelations tumbled through her mind.
No wonder everyone had been so guarded about admitting the truth. Lilith’s parents had not lied; they had, in a typically English manner, hoped their omissions would speak for themselves. They had borne and raised a redheaded son, Samuel, who had escaped from his stifling upbringing and come to London in order to change his life. It explained why his mother had been loath to find old photographs of the boy. Samuel had discovered the legend of the scarlet woman, the goddess of transformation, the woman in a man’s body. He had proudly changed the spelling of his name, even going so far as to have it tattooed onto his arm.
But the hormonal war being waged within him had only just begun, and it had been fought as it had between the ancient gods, with Samael finally being subsumed into the persona of Lilith.
Longbright thought,
Sam Bronwin had come to London hoping to define his identity, and had been preyed upon. He had been fed hormones, had taken drugs-
She needed air. Standing at the opened crescent window, she thought about Owen Mills. Lilith had met him on the Crowndale Estate and had fallen deeply in love. What’s more, her love had been reciprocated, despite the fact that Lilith had been born a male, despite the fact that she took drugs to deaden her painful memories, despite the fact that she had possibly even turned tricks to pay for-
Longbright ran back to the desk and picked up the phone. “Giles, you’re still at Bayham Street?”
“I was just about to leave-‘
“Stay there until I arrive. And don’t touch anything.”
Longbright ran through the alleyway slush, darting between trucks and motorbikes on Camden High Street; the home-going rush hour had already started. At the morgue, she found Kershaw seated at Finch’s desk, resigned to the coming conversation, calmly awaiting her arrival.
“Giles, did you have any reason to examine Lilith Starr’s body?” she asked, catching her breath and looking around.
“I saw her when I first came to the morgue,” he replied guardedly. “Why?”
“I mean, did you make a full examination of her corpse?”
“No, there was no need. Finch had already conducted the preliminary examination.” Kershaw looked unnerved.
“But you’re the one who found Oswald’s body. What did you do before you called me? I’m not saying you did anything illegal, but you did do something, didn’t you?”
“Look, Finch collapsed and died before he could put Lilith Starr’s corpse away, so I did it for him. You know the new regulations specify that they must be kept locked in the drawers when the room is occupied by nonmembers of staff.”
“I’m not doubting that you meant well, Giles, but as a consequence nobody else checked her after Oswald’s death. You have to open the body bag all the way and tell me what you see,” she said.
Kershaw slowly rose to his feet. “Okay, but-‘
“Just do it.” She waited, pacing the floor.
He unlocked the drawer and pulled it out, unzipping the body bag to the bottom. “Well, yes.” He sighed. “What do you want me to say, Janice? Lilith had had an operation, such a neat one that it’s pretty hard to spot.”
“She was born a man, Giles, born with the name Samuel Bronwin. I know gender reassignment has come a long way in the last few years, but you’d think that would be the first thing Oswald noticed during his examination, wouldn’t you? The first observation he’d write down in his report book? Owen Mills came to see Finch, to explain that he had made a pact with Lilith. He wanted to make sure that no-one found out the truth about her in the event of her death, so of course he followed her to the mortuary that morning. It wasn’t just for her sake, either, but for his. Mills has brothers and sisters who look up to him as a role model. Check her breasts for me.”
“I don’t have to; I already know they’ve been enhanced,” Kershaw confirmed. “I noticed it straight off when I first saw her lying there, but so many girls have augmentation these days that I doubted anyone else would spot it.”
“I think she had a spill. Mills said Lilith was vague and acting strangely the night of her death, complaining of a