It would seem that the fungus is unable to achieve adult form in humans and in juvenile form cannot survive my… inspection. I would suggest that we take an actual choud next.
Simoz removed his hand and the woman abruptly opened her eyes.
‘You all right?’ he asked. ‘You just keeled over.’
‘It’s dead. You killed it,’ she said.
‘You got me there,’ said Simoz, reaching into his pocket for a shock stick.
‘How did you do it?’
The woman sat upright. She was a choudapt without evident augmentations. Her hands and feet were two- toed and her skin a bluey green with the angular hardness of exoskeleton. She had retained her hair, which was long and anaemic blonde and spilled all the way down the plastimail slip she wore. She had used iridescent paint on her mouth palps so that they looked like some curious item of jewellery.
‘I have a doctor mycelium inside me,’ Simoz replied.
‘Then you must be ECS.’
Not surprising.
Mike’s reply had a hint of dry sarcasm behind it.
She is Earth Central Security as well. She is a Monitor. Her boosted immune system must have resisted infection for a long time and it is helping her recover very quickly now.
Simoz left the shock stick in his pocket and helped the woman to her feet.
‘Simoz,’ he said.
‘Haline,’ the woman replied.
What a gas.
Simoz frowned. It was very unlike the mycelium to make jokes. Perhaps it was feeling the strain.
‘What’s happening here?’ Haline asked.
Nodding to the mouth of the alley and heading in that direction, Simoz said, ‘I’ll tell you while you lead me somewhere I can, without interference, get hold of a choud.’
Haline stared at him then turned to the left as they departed the alley.
‘Something was controlling me,’ she said.
‘A parasitic fungus,’ said Simoz. ‘It was here when only chouds lived in the bladders of the wracks. Fairly simple vector: it lives in the choud’s body and drives the creature to climb into a bladder and cut it free. That bladder drifts to another wrack where there are uninfected chouds.
There it makes the choud find a secure place to encyst. . cocoon itself. It then feeds on the choud’s body and produces spores which spread through the wrack and infect other chouds. The set-up in the wrack is then something like that of social insects on Earth — the main fungus has a primitive mind and it controls the others by means of pheromonal messages. Those other chouds, once infected for a number of years, then act like new queens leaving a bee’s nest; they climb into a bladder and cut it away to start the cycle all over again. They start their own colonies. Only the fact that infected and uninfected chouds can detect each other has prevented a complete takeover by the fungus, but then that’s evolution for you.’
‘But. . us?’ said Haline.
‘Come on, you’re a choudapt. Ninety per cent human and ten per cent choud. It’s why you like the horrible things as pets.’
‘Oh yes, of course, but. . how is it I don’t know about this. . this fungus?’
‘It was supposedly wiped out two centuries ago by a manufactured retrovirus.’
‘Then how has this happened?’
‘That’s one of the things I’m here to find out,’ said Simoz as he gazed around, ‘Where are we going?’
‘To the centre. You can buy a choud there.’
‘I see.’
‘What else do you need to know?’
‘I need to know where the encysted choud is hidden. That’s why I need to lay hands on another one. Mike can winkle the location of the “mother” fungus from one of its mature kin. We tried it with you but the fungal form apparently doesn’t mature in human hosts and is a bit delicate.’
Unfortunately there is not enough seal in such mouth parts.
You will not have to put your hand over its mouth, but in its mouth.