'Mr. Leopold.' Polite, you know? Showed some respect.'

'It's little things that make all the difference.'

His pie had arrived while we were talking, and now it was mostly gone. He held a bite balanced on his fork and said, 'Funny about the forty kay. First it was too much and now it ain't enough.'

'He cashed in an insurance policy,' I said, 'and that would have brought him only a fraction of what he had in the bank. So in that sense the forty thousand was too much, but…'

'Somethin' wrong?'


'Way you just broke off an' started starin'.'

'Too much money,' I said. 'Glenn Holtzmann had too much money. It was in his closet when he died.

And I dreamed about him, and that's what the dream was trying to tell me. Too much money.' I looked across at TJ, who still had the last bite of pie on his fork. 'I thought the dream was about Will. But it wasn't. It was about Byron Leopold.'


It still didn't have to mean anything. It had been a dream, after all, and not a message from Glenn Holtzmann in the spirit world. (If his shade had indeed contacted me from beyond the beyond, he'd probably have had more on his mind than some guy who got himself shot on a park bench in the Village.

'Hey, Scudder,' he might have murmured, 'what's this I hear about you and Lisa?') The dream was my own self talking to me, and I wasn't necessarily all that much sharper while I slept.

Anyway, sometimes it's just a cigar.

* * *

'If,' TJ said, and stopped himself. 'No,' he said, holding up his hands as if to stop himself from running into a wall. 'No, I won't say it.'


'But if we did, be no stoppin' us.'

If we had a computer. That was the phrase he'd agreed not to say, and not a moment too soon, because those five little words played a key role in every sentence out of his mouth. I seemed to have two cases, the shooting death of Byron Leopold and Will's string of homicides. (What I didn't have was a client, unless you wanted to count Adrian Whitfield, who'd paid me some money a while back and encouraged me to extend the umbrella of my investigation to cover both cases.) Whichever one I wanted to fool with next, TJ seemed certain a computer would make all the difference.

Insurance records? Just boogie on into the insurance company's data base. Airline records? Do the same for the airlines. The whole world was on-line these days, and a well-schooled hacker could reach out with ease and touch someone, anyone, and pick his brain while he was at it. All you needed was a computer and a modem and a phone line to plug into and the world would whisper all its secrets to you.

'You also need someone who knows what he's doing,' I said. 'It took the Kongs to crack the NYNEX

computer. I'm willing to believe you could learn how to do all that, but not fast enough to do us any good now.'

'Take a while,' he admitted. 'Meantime, the Kongs could talk me through it.'

'If they happened to be in the neighborhood.'

'They ain't the only hackers could do it. Be easy to use them, though, an' they wouldn't have to come down from Boston to do it. All they'd have to be is near a phone.'

'How do you figure that?'

'Nothin' to it,' he said. 'I'd be on the computer, and be on the phone with them at the same time. You'd need two phone lines is all, one for the modem and one for the phone. Or you could use a cell phone to talk to them if you didn't want to run a second line in.'

'In where?'

'In wherever you got the computer. Your apartment, most likely.

Or the shop.'

'Elaine's shop?'

'So's she could use it for keepin' books an' takin' inventory. I could do all that for her.'

'If you took a course or two.'

'Well, it ain't rocket science. I could learn.'

'There's not a whole lot of spare room in the shop.'

He nodded. 'Be better off settin' up in the apartment.'

'We had to set up in a hotel room with the Kongs,' I remembered.

'Had to rent one, so that our little invasion of the phone company computer couldn't be traced back to us.'


'Because what the Kongs did,' I went on, 'was illegal and traceable. If we pulled anything like that from the apartment, or from Elaine's shop, we'd have guys with badges knocking on the door.'

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