little suggestive but hardly naughty. Oh, Gerald Cameron wrote it. He's quite good. I wonder how she happened to be in this.'
'Is it unusual?'
'Well, sort of. You wouldn't have open auditions for this sort of thing, I wouldn't think. You see, the playwright very likely wanted to get a sense of how his work would play, so he or the designated director got hold of some suitable actors and had them walk through it onstage, possibly in front of prospective backers, possibly not. Some staged readings these days are fairly elaborate, with extensive rehearsals and a fair amount of movement onstage. In others the actors just sit in chairs as if they were doing a radio
play. And who directed this? Oh, we're in luck.'
'Someone you know?'
'Indeed,' he said. He looked up a number, picked up a phone and dialed it. He said, 'David Quantrill, please. David? Aaron Stallworth.
How are you? Oh, really? Yes, well I heard about that.' He covered the mouthpiece and rolled his eyes at the ceiling. 'David, guess what I've got in my hand. No, on second thought don't bother. It's a playbill for a staged reading of Very Good Friends. Did that ever get past the staged reading stage, as it were? I see. Yes, I see. I hadn't heard. Oh, that's too bad.' His face clouded, and he listened in silence for a moment. Then he said, 'David, why I'm calling is there's a fellow with me now who's trying to find one of the actors from the reading. Her name's Paula Hoeldtke and it says here that she read Marcy. Yes. Can you tell me how you happened to use her? I see. Well, look, do you suppose my friend could come and have a word with you? He'll have some questions to ask.
It seems our Paula has vanished from the face of the earth and her parents are predictably frantic. Would that be all right? Good, I'll send him right over. No, I don't think so. Shall I ask him? Oh, I see. Thank you, David.'
He put the phone down, pressed the tips of two fingers against the center of his forehead, as if trying to suppress a headache. With his eyes lowered he said, 'The play hasn't been performed because Gerald Cameron wanted to revise it after the reading, and he hasn't been able to do so because he's been ill.' He looked at me. 'Very ill.'
'I see.'
'Everyone's dying. Have you noticed? I'm sorry, I don't mean to do this. David lives inChelsea , let me write down the address for you. I assumed you'd rather ask him questions yourself than have me try to function as an intermediary. He wanted to know if you were gay. I told him I didn't think so.'
'I'm not.'
'I suppose he only asked out of habit. After all, what difference could it make? Nobody does anything anymore. And it's not as though you have to ask who's gay and who isn't. All you have to do is wait a few years and see who's still alive.' He looked at me. 'Have you been reading about the seals?'
'I beg your pardon?'
'You know,' he said. 'The seals.' He pressed his elbows against his ribs, clapped his hands together like flippers, and tilted his head to mime a seal balancing a ball on its nose. 'In theNorth Sea , and all along the European coastline. The seals are dying and nobody knows why. Oh, they've isolated a virus, but it's been around for ages, it's the one that causes distemper in dogs, and it's not as though some rott-weiler's been racing around biting seals. The best guess seems to be that it's pollution.
TheNorth Sea is badly polluted, and they think this has weakened the immune systems of the seals, leaving them with no defense against whatever virus comes along. Do you know what I think?'
'The earth has AIDS. We're all whirling merrily through the void on a dying planet, and gay people are just doing their usual number, being shamelessly trendy as always. Right out in front on the cutting edge of death.'
David Quantrill had a loft on the ninth floor of a converted industrial building onWest Twenty-second Street . It consisted of one enormous high-ceilinged room, the wide board floor painted a glossy white, the walls matte black and sparsely hung with vivid abstract oils.
The furniture was white wicker, and there wasn't a great deal of it.
Quantrill was in his forties, pudgy and mostly bald. What hair remained he wore long, curling over his collar. He fussed with a briar pipe and tried to remember something about Paula Hoeldtke.
'You have to remember that it was almost a year ago,' he said,
'and I never laid eyes or ears on her before or since. Now how did she wind up in Friends? Somebody knew her, but who?'
It took him a few minutes to prod the memory loose. He had cast another actress as Marcy, a woman named Virginia Sutcliffe. 'Then Ginny called me, very last minute, to say she'd just gotten a call to do two weeks in Seesaw in some goddam place.Baltimore ? It doesn't matter. Anyway, much as she loved me, et cetera, et cetera. She said there was a girl in a class with her who she swore was just right for Marcy.
I said I'd see her, and she came down and read for me, and she was all right.' He picked up the photograph. 'She's pretty, isn't she, but there's nothing genuinely arresting about her face. Or her stage presence, but she was adequate, and I didn't have the time to chase around the kingdom with a glass slipper, searching for Cinderella. I knew I wouldn't be using her in the actual production. I'd cast Ginny for that, if she turned out to have the right chemistry with the rest of the cast, and assuming I'd forgiven her by then for deserting me and traipsing off toBaltimore .'
I asked how I could reach Ginny. He had a number for her, and when it didn't answer he called her service and learned that she was inLos Angeles . He called her agent, got a number for her inCalifornia , and called it. He chatted with her for a moment or two, then put me on.
'I barely remember Paula,' she said. 'I knew her from class, and I just had the thought that she'd be right for Marcy. She has this awkward, tentative quality. Do you know Paula?' I said I didn't. 'And you probably don't know the play, so you wouldn't know what the hell I'm talking about. I never saw her after that, so I didn't even know David had used her.'
'You were in an acting class with her?'