'I recognize this, Mr. Scudder. I do not condone it, but I could hardly fail to recognize it.'

'But your feeling in this case was more than a matter of not condoning it.'



'Because Wendy Hanniford was evil.'

I was getting the first twinges of a headache. I rubbed the center of my forehead with the tips of my fingers. I said, 'What I want more than anything else is to be able to give her father a picture of her.

You say she was evil. In what way was she evil?'

'She was an older woman who enticed an innocent young man into an unnatural relationship.'

'She was only three or four years older than Richard.'

'Yes, I know. In chronological terms. In terms of worldliness she was ages his senior. She was promiscuous. She was amoral. She was a creature of perversion.'

'Did you ever actually meet her?'

'Yes,' he said. He breathed in and out. 'I met her once. Once was enough.'

'When did that take place?'

'It's hard for me to remember. I believe it was during the spring. April or May, I would say.'

'Did he bring her here?'

'No. No, Richard surely knew better than to bring that woman into my house. I went to the apartment where they were living. I went specifically to meet with her, to talk to her. I picked a time when Richard would be working at his job.'

'And you met Wendy.'

'I did.'

'What did you hope to accomplish?'

'I wanted her to end her relationship with my son.'

'And she refused.'

'Oh, yes, Mr. Scudder. She refused.' He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes. 'She was foulmouthed and abusive. She taunted me. She-I don't want to go into this further, Mr. Scudder. She made it quite clear that she had no intention of giving Richard up. It suited her to have him living with her. The entire interview was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life.'

'And you never saw her again.'

'I did not. I saw Richard on several occasions, but not in that apartment. I tried to talk to him about that woman. I made no progress whatsoever. He was utterly infatuated with her. Sex-evil, unscrupulous sex-gives certain women an extraordinary hold upon susceptible men. Man is a weakling, Mr. Scudder, and he is so often powerless to cope with the awful force of an evil woman's sexuality.'

He sighed heavily. 'And in the end she was destroyed by means of her own evil nature. The sexual spell she cast upon my son was the instrument of her own undoing.'

'You make her sound like a witch.'

He smiled slightly. 'A witch? Indeed I do. A less enlightened generation than our own would have seen her burned at the stake for witchcraft. Nowadays we speak of neuroses, of psychological complications, of compulsion. Previously we spoke of witchcraft, of demonic possession. I wonder sometimes if we're as enlightened now as we prefer to think. Or if our enlightenment does us much good.'

'Does anything?'


'I was wondering if anything did us much good.'

'Ah,' he said. He took off his glasses and perched them on his knee. I hadn't seen the color of his eyes before. They were a light blue flecked with gold. He said,

'You have no faith, Mr. Scudder. Perhaps that accounts for your cynicism.'


'I would say that God's love does us a great deal of good. In the next world if not in this one.'

I decided I would rather deal with one world at a time. I asked if Richie had had faith.

'He was in a period of doubt. He was too preoccupied with his attempt at self-realization to have room for the realization of the Lord.'

'I see.'

'And then he fell under the spell of the Hanniford woman. I use the word advisedly. He literally fell under her spell.'

'What was he like before that?'

'A good boy. An aware, interested, involved young man.'

'You never had any problems with him?'

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