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smiling, and he had raised one eyebrow at a jaunty angle, a mannerism he must have practised while watching Scan Connery videos.
It was Fry herself who answered him. She got out of her chair and stood up to speak. Nobody else ever bothered doing that during a meeting.
‘Detective Sergeant Diane Fry, sir.’
‘Good afternoon, Diane. And what are you working on?’
‘DS Fry is one of my best officers,’ said Tailby, his expression tightening ominously.
‘I’m sure she is. She looks it. But I rather think she’s one of my officers now, Stewart.’
‘We’ve circulated a description of the man to all the media and have appealed for information,’ said Fry coolly. ‘We’ve also had officers out at checkpoints on the A57, stopping motorists in the vicinity who might have seen something. We are also seeking sighting of a four-wheel drive vehicle in the area around the time that the body was dumped. And, naturally, we’re following up leads from the man’s physical appearance, his clothing and his possessions. His clothing seems to offer us the best chance at the moment.’
DCI Kessen nodded and smiled approvingly.
‘We also have a small tattoo on the left forearm of the body,’ said Fry. ‘A dagger and a snake. It’s a common motif, but it might help identification/
‘I’m sure you’ll do an excellent job, Detective Sergeant Fry,’ said Kessen. ‘An excellent job.’
‘Shall we move on?’ said Tailby. ‘There’s a lot to do today.’
Fry turned round so that she could see Cooper and Murfin. They were careful not to smile.
‘Explain the timing for us again,’ said Tailby.
Frv set out the time line the narrow window in which the
killer or killers had the opportunity to dump the body on the Snake Pass without being seen.
‘So we’re looking for a four-wheel drive vehicle, almost certainly,’ she said.
‘There arc lots of those around.’
‘Eddie Kemp has one, for a start,’ said Murhn.
‘Who?’ said Tailby.
‘The bloke that we had in on suspicion for the double assault.’
‘Do we have a suspect in custody?’ asked Kessen. ‘I didn’t know this. Whose arrest was it?’
‘Mine,’ said Cooper. ‘But it was a completely different incident.’
‘Are we sure of that?’
‘It happened the same night,’ said Murfin.
Cooper hesitated. ‘There’s no obvious link. Except (or the timing/
‘He has an Lsu/.u Trooper. I’ve seen it parked outside when he’s been doing the windows.’
‘Doing what?’
‘He’s a window cleaner,’ said Murfin. ‘Gut anyway, he isn’t in custody any more — he’s been sent home. He’s had his twenty-four hours.’
Tailby pulled a face. Too often it had been known for the police to have a suspect in their custody, only to release him before the crucial evidence turned up to justify a charge. ‘We’d better be absolutely sure there’s no link,’ he said. ‘Someone check that out.’
Cooper realized he was the one the DCI was looking at. ‘Yes, sir,’ he said.
DI Hitchens interrupted. ‘We’re currently tracking down some CCTV footage. In view of the location of the assault, we’re hoping either the suspects or the victims might have been caught by one of the town centre cameras.’
‘That’s good,’ said Tailbv. ‘Now let’s have some attention on
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identifying the Snowman. It’s going to be a long haul. Without an ID, we’re in difficulties. We need to get assistance from the public, of course. But since he’s probably not from this area, that’s going to take some time. That means there are plenty of jobs to do. Mr Kcssen thinks everything is under control, so let’s not disappoint him.’
Diane Fry looked distracted. Ren Cooper leaned over towards her as the meeting broke up.
‘Whoever killed the Snowman, it sounds as though we’re looking for amateurs anyway,’ he said. ‘They weren’t thinking things through properly. There’s no logic to what they did. No system, no planning. That’s good, isn’t it? It means they’ll be worrying now about what traces they left behind.’
Fry shrugged. ‘ That’s not quite true. The timing of it looks planned. Somebody thought that through, all right.’
‘Unless they were just luckv.
‘There’s not much we can do about luck, Ben.’
‘Yes, there