straddling what looked like a wet bundle of fur. She watched them approach with her large black eyes. As they neared, her big cupped ears rotated toward them. Her legs trembled, as did her moist black nose.
Joe stopped. Stewie and Britney froze behind him.
'Jesus,' Stewie whispered.
The bundle of wet fur was the cow's dead calf. Joe could see now that the calfs throat had been ripped open and its lower jaw was gone. It lay dead in a slick pool of dark blood. Near the calf, tufts of long canine fur clung to shafts of the long grass.
The cow elk would soon die as well. She had been disemboweled as she fought off the wolves that killed her calf. Loops of intestine, like long blue ropes, hung from her abdomen. One of her front forelegs had been skinned to the bone. Dark blood clotted in the thick fur of her upper shoulder. Joe had seen female elk fight; they sat back on their haunches and lurched forward, striking with their hooves. The power of their strikes could crush the skull of a badger or break the back of a coyote. The mother elk had connected with at least one wolf from the pack, hence the fur in the grass.
Britney broke down. She covered her face with her hands.
'You've got to do something,' Britney sobbed. 'It's horrible.'
Joe scanned the trees that surrounded the clearing. The wolves were there, he was sure, but he couldn't see them. They were in the shadows, or hunkered down and still in the brush. He could feel their eyes on him.
'Do something,' she begged, her voice wracked.
'Shoot that poor elk so she won't have to suffer,' Stewie murmured.
'No,' Joe sighed. 'A gunshot will give our position away'
'Who cares about that?' Britney cried, her voice raising to an emotional pitch. 'Who cares about that? Do something!'
Joe turned toward her, his face a tight mask. His glare was so intense that she involuntarily stepped behind Stewie for protection.
'Look away,' he hissed, his voice coldly furious. He strode toward the cow elk and unsheathed his Leatherman tool, pulling out the blade. The mother elk turned her head away, but did not have the strength to run or strike out, and he reached out and grabbed her ear to steady her while he cut her throat.
Stewie stood with an ashen face, watching, while Britney buried her head in his back. As Joe walked back to them, he heard the cow elk gurgle and settle into the grass on top of her calf.
'This is what wolves do,' Joe said, his voice calm, a betrayal of what he felt. 'I'm not saying they shouldn't be here, but this is what they do. They're wolves. I know it sounds real nice to say they're magical and beautiful and they balance nature and restore an ecosystem--and it's true, they do that. But this is how they do it. They go after the weakest first. When the mother stays back, the wolves open a hole in her belly and pull out her entrails. Then they wait until she doesn't have the strength to protect herself, then they'll move in and tear her throat out.'
Joe slid the sticky Leatherman back into its case and wiped hot blood on his pants from his hand and sleeve.
'You people just like the idea of things, like bringing the wolves back. It makes you feel better.' He looked from Britney to Stewie, both of whom averted their eyes. 'I agree that it is a beneficial thing overall. But you don't like to see what really happens out here when those grand ideas become real, do you?'
They followed the elk trail to the bottom of the mountain, through another small stream swelling with icy runoff. They drank, and continued up the next mountain through twisted black timber, crawling in and out of scalpel-cut ravines.
The terrain finally flattened as they rose, and the walking became easier. Joe was drenched in sweat, and light-headed from lack of food. The water sloshed in his empty stomach as he hiked. The incident with the elk had dampened the enthusiasm and frequency of Stewie's monologues, and Britney was still so angry with him that she didn't talk--which was fine with Joe.
Trees thinned in number but the ones they hiked through became thicker and taller. Joe felt as if they had entered a land of giants, their bodies becoming specks on the forest floor as they trudged on. He thought about Marybeth, and Sheridan, Lucy, and April. At times, the thought of them almost overwhelmed him.
The trees cleared enough that he could now see the mountain behind them. As Britney and Stewie rested, he glassed the forest with his binoculars, guessing where the elk trail switch backed down the mountain, and followed it all the way to the top with his binoculars. He saw no movement.
Then, far to the right on the shoulder of the mountain, a flock of spruce grouse rose out of the trees. They glided over the treetops, veered, and settled back into the timber out of view Something, or someone, had spooked them.
'The elk trail threw him off,' Joe said, keeping his voice low. 'He's way over there to the right coming down through the trees. Probably trying to pick up our track.'
'Shit,' Stewie hissed, angrily throwing a pine cone away from him. 'How far?'
Joe tried to estimate the distance between the flock of pine grouse and where they now stood. Charlie Tibbs was closing in on them. 'An hour. Maybe an hour and a half.'
'We can't keep running,' Britney said, more to Stewie than Joe. 'We're exhausted, and we keep getting deeper into the wilderness. Maybe we can just talk to him. That's something we haven't tried.'
'You can stay and talk with him if you want,' Stewie grunted, as he pulled himself back to his feet. 'This is the same guy that blew up my bride and shot his friend's face off a foot away from me.'
LIKE TRIBUTARIES FEEDING A GREAT RIVER, small individual tracks started to peel away from the elk trail. Joe noticed it first, how the once-prominent trail was diminishing as they walked. He felt a sensation ahead of him that at first he couldn't comprehend. It was a sense of vastness, of openness, that belied the dark woods.
He pushed through a thick wall of Rocky Mountain juniper. The branches were so full and tough that it seemed they were trying to throw him back. Stewie and Britney complained behind him that they were having trouble figuring out which way he went. Britney cried out as a branch whipped back from Stewie and hit her flush in the face.