'You had a date to go to the drive-in movie.'

She bobbed her head.

'Start from when you left there.'

She sniffed. 'Well, things had got kinda hot, you know?'

Ski nodded.

'So we decided to go to this motel where we could, you know, be more comfortable.'

Ski nodded.

'When we got there, I went into the office and gave ol' lady what's-her-name the money, and she gave me a key to room number eight. We drove to it, got out, went up to the door. I gave Davis the key and said 'Be a gentleman.' Meaning, you know, that he should open the door for me at least.'


'But he had trouble getting the key into the lock because he was holding up his jeans with one hand. They were, uh, undone, see?'

Ski gave another nod.

The stepmother made a snorting sound and rolled her eyes. The girl looked at her with loathing. 'Oh, like you're so pure and all.'

Before the stepmother could form a comeback, Ski said, 'Please continue, Miss Arnold.' His voice was soft but carried a ring of authority that prevented an argument between the two women.

The girl returned her attention to him. 'So ... so Davis is having trouble getting the door unlocked. But then he does. He pushes it open and steps in and switches on the light. And there's this guy, standing beside the bed, looking as surprised to see us as we were to see him. We expected the room to be vacant, you know?'

Ski nodded.

'And then he just ... he just...' Her lower lip began to tremble, and a new batch of tears flooded her eyes. 'Shoots the gun.'

'Did he reach for the gun?'

She shook her head. 'He already had it.'

'Did he say anything before he fired it?'

She shook her head again. Her throat was working with emotion.

Ski leaned forward across the table. 'Do you need to take a moment, Miss Arnold?'

'Jesus,' the stepmother hissed. 'Just tell the man what happened so we can get outta here. Will you do that, please?'

Ignoring her, Ski kindly asked the girl again if she needed time to collect herself.

She said no, that she was okay. He moved a box of Kleenex across the table closer to her. She pulled one out, blew her nose, and wiped her eyes.

When she was more composed, Ski resumed. 'He didn't speak to you?'


'Did you get a good look at him?'

'Well, yeah. Davis turned on the light, and there he was, facing the door, not six feet from us.'

'You told me earlier that he was fully dressed.'

'In khaki pants and a dark blue shirt.'

'We found a pair of men's shoes on the floor beside the bed.'

'I didn't notice his feet. But his hair was all messed up. I noticed it was standing on end. And his eyes were sorta, you know, bugged out. Like maybe he'd been asleep, and we'd startled him awake, and he'd jumped up off the bed suddenly. Then when Davis came in, he pulled the trigger.'

'On impulse? A knee-jerk reaction?'

'Yeah. Like that.'

'Don't let me put words in your mouth, Miss Arnold.'

'I'm not. That's exactly what it was like.'

'And you're sure it was this man?' He opened a manila folder he'd carried in with him and removed from it a blowup of Oren's employee photo from Delray Marketing. The girl nodded vigorously. 'I'm positive.'

Ski replaced the picture in the folder. 'After he fired the shot at Davis, what happened?'

She began to cry in earnest again. 'I don't know,' she wailed. 'I didn't even wait to see if Davis was okay. I just turned and ran. I ran to the office, where that sow was still looking through her stupid magazine. I yelled at her to call 911. I told her that Davis had been shot. The fat bitch says, 'I don't want no trouble.''

Lisa Arnold spoke in a voice that was obviously an imitation of the motel owner. 'I told her to get her fucking, fat--' She cut her eyes toward the video camera, then back to Ski. 'Sorry.'

'It's okay. Go ahead.'

'Well, I told her to get her ass on the phone. But she just folded her fat arms over her big belly. So I grabbed the desk phone and called myself. I didn't even realize it then, but I'd dropped my purse when the gun went off. I didn't have my cell.'

'The time between your 911 call and the first responder's arrival was less than five minutes,' Ski told her.

'Five minutes?' she exclaimed. 'Are you sure? It seemed like forever.'

'What were you doing during that time?'

Her chin began to quiver, then her entire face collapsed. She sobbed into the tissue. 'I should've gone back and checked on Davis. But I was too scared. I didn't know where that maniac was or what he was doing. I was afraid he'd come after me next.

'So I crouched behind the counter there in the motel office. That old bitch kept telling me that if her place got shut down on account of me, she was gonna kill me herself. I was screaming at her to shut up, to just shut up, but she kept cussing at me till that cop got there.'

'You didn't see the man again?'


'His car? Which direction he went?'

'No.' She wiped her face and took an uneven breath to steady herself. 'I think you probably know everything else.'

'Can we go now?' the stepmother asked.

Ski shot her a look that would have curdled milk, then to Lisa he said, 'Thank you, Miss Arnold.'

'Don't thank me. I feel awful for leaving Davis there.'

'We'll have to wait for the medical examiner's official ruling, but I've seen a lot of gunshot wounds. It appeared to me that the bullet was fired directly into his heart. If so, he died instantly.' Gently, he added, 'There was nothing you could have done for him.'

Ski attended to the business of seeing Miss Arnold and her stepmother out. He assigned a deputy to escort them home and to stay there on watch until further notice. He was afraid Oren Starks might decide to come after the eyewitness to Davis Coldare's slaying. He'd already told everyone within the sheriff's office that Lisa Arnold's name was not to be released.

Since the Merritt County S.O. didn't have a crime scene unit, they used that of the nearest office of the Texas Rangers. Ski called the ranger sent to investigate the motel room and asked for an update. He reported that he had finished his work there and was packing up his gear.

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