the deputy, who looked over her shoulder at Ski. Ski gave her a nod. She shrugged, slid out of the booth, and left the store through the exit. Dodge took her place in the booth, facing the young man across the table.

Berry said, 'I thought women were his speciality.'

Caroline smiled faintly. 'He can be persuasive with men, too.'

Ski said, 'I gotta get back outside, so I'm turning you over to Stevens.'

He left, and the store manager ushered Berry, Caroline, and Stevens to the rear of the store and into his office. He seemed disappointed when Berry identified Oren Starks within seconds of watching the first security video he put into the player.

'That's him. Definitely.' On the monitor Starks could be seen entering the store. 'He's even wearing the same clothes.' The video was in black and white, but even though the pants and shirt were rumpled, they matched those he'd had on when he came to the lake house.

'He's limping, too,' she observed. He appeared benign, an average-looking man without a single sinister aspect. But seeing him again made Berry shiver with revulsion and fear.

'Didn't anyone notice that he was in stocking feet?' Caroline asked.

'The store is open twenty-four/seven.' The deputy pointed at the digital time readout at the bottom of the screen. 'He walked in at three-twelve a.m. That time of morning, only a skeleton crew is manning this huge store. There were a handful of other customers, but you can tell Starks avoids going down aisles where there were other shoppers.'

Oren had made short work of picking out a pair of sports shoes and paying for them. He was in and out of the store within minutes. Caroline asked, 'Why didn't he just put on the shoes and walk out? Why risk being recognized by the cashier?'

'Why risk being caught shoplifting?'

'And it wouldn't have been gaming,' Berry said. The others looked at her. 'He knew security cameras would be recording his movements. He's saying to us, 'I may be a killer, but I'm not a thief.''

Stevens said, 'You're positive this is our guy?'


'Ski was, too, but he wanted it corroborated anyhow. He's careful that way.'

They filed out of the office and made their way through the aisles of the store toward the exit. There was no sign of Dodge and the young man in the snack bar, but when they emerged from the store, they saw him standing with the female deputy who'd been questioning him before Dodge took over. He now appeared much more talkative; the deputy was taking rapid notes.

'Guess your guy got him to open up,' Stevens remarked as he guided Berry and Caroline over to where Ski and Dodge were conferring. Dodge was pulling hard on a cigarette. As they got near, Berry heard him say through a foggy exhale, 'It's amazing how cooperative a guy can get when his dick is the bargaining chip.'

Berry couldn't help but smile. 'Dare I ask?'

Dodge grinned, but it was a chilling expression. 'The cashier. I told him his attitude needed some readjustment, like right fucking now, or else. I made myself understood and believed.'

'What did he say about Oren?'

Dodge was grinding out one cigarette and lighting another, so Ski answered for him. 'He'd never heard of Oren Starks. He just moved here from Fort Worth to live with his grandmother, and all she watches on TV is the Weather Channel. Since he didn't go to school here, he didn't know Davis Coldare, either. He hates his job, hates the manager, hates the hours, but needs the money.'

'For dope,' Dodge provided. 'He smoked some weed during his break about half an hour before Starks showed.'

'You got that out of him?' Ski asked.

Dodge shrugged. 'As I said, we reached an understanding.'

Ski resumed. 'Starks came up to the counter with the shoebox. The cashier scanned the bar code. Starks paid cash. The cashier gave him change for three twenties and a ten. He remembered because every other customer had paid with a credit card. He asked if Starks wanted a sack. Starks said no and walked out carrying the box, which we found along with his receipt in one of those containers. I'm assuming that's where he put on his new shoes.'

'Then pulled a Casper and disappeared,' Dodge said with finality.

'That was the extent of his exchange with the cashier?' Berry asked. ' 'Do you want a sack?' 'No.' That was it?'

'I'm afraid so,' Dodge said. 'I asked him if Starks was acting funny. He said no. I asked was he acting weird or furtive. He asked me what furtive meant, so I described furtive behavior, and he said, 'Well, yeah, I mean, dude, I guess, maybe.' Make of that what you can.'

Before they could make anything of it, Berry's cell phone rang. She took it from her handbag and touched the screen. 'Hello.'

'Hello, Berry.'

Her heart nearly leaped from her chest. Even through the phone, despite the noise in the parking lot, there was no mistaking Oren's voice.

'Surprised to hear from me?' he asked.

Caroline and Dodge were bickering over his cigarette, but Ski's gray gaze was fixed on her. Reading her shocked expression correctly, he waved for the others to be quiet and moved to stand within an inch of her, a silent question in his eyes.

She nodded, wet her lips, said into the telephone, 'Yes, Oren. I am very surprised. Where are you?'

He laughed, the awful sound causing goose bumps to break out on her arms. 'Wouldn't you like to know?' He hummed a few bars of a tune.

Berry turned the screen of her phone toward Ski so he could read the number displayed. He scribbled it into his palm with a pen and held it out for Dodge to read. Dodge dropped his cigarette and ran toward a group of sheriff's deputies.

Ski was making a rolling motion with his hand, indicating to Berry that she should keep talking. But it was hard for her to hold a thought with all the commotion going on around her. She thought of switching over to speakerphone but was afraid that Oren would detect that others were listening in and hang up.

'Tell me where you are, Oren, so I can come and help you.'

'Help me?' He dismissed that with a snort. 'As if.'

'You need help. You're hurt.'

'Clumsy of me to fall down your stairs. It put my aim off, or you'd be dead.'

It was difficult to ignore that, but she did. 'Is your leg broken?'

'I'm not sure.' He answered nonchalantly, as though she'd asked him whether or not he thought it would rain. 'It's black and blue. Very swollen.'

'Painful, I'm sure.'

'Nothing I can't handle with some ibuprofen.'

'You should get it examined. You might have developed an infection that could be fatal.'

'Oh, I won't die that ingloriously, Berry. And I won't die without taking you with me.'

She shuddered. Ski took her arm in a firm, reassuring grip that fortified her enough to continue. 'Please listen to reason, Oren. You're in a lot of trouble. Ben is going to be okay. But the boy you shot last night died.'

'That wasn't my fault.'

'That's what we think, too.'

'We? Meaning you and Deputy Nyland?'

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