
An introduction to the concepts of threaded programming. Although specifically oriented toward Modula-2+ and SRC's Taos multithreaded operating system, many essential concepts remain easily recognizable in Pthreads.

[Boykin, 1993] Joseph Boykin, David Kirschen, Alan Langerman, and J Susan LoVerso, Programming under Mach, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, ISBN 0-201-52739-1, 1993.

[Custer, 1993] Helen Custer, Inside Windows NT, Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-481-X, 1993.

[Digital, 1996] Digital Equipment Corporation, Guide to DECthreads, Digital Equipment Corporation, part number AA-Q2DPC-TK, 1996.

Reference manual for Digital's DECthreads implementation of the Pthreads standard. An appendix (which will be removed after the Digital UNIX 4.0 and OpenVMS 7.0 versions) provides reference information on the obsolete cma and DCE threads (POSIX 1003.4a draft 4) interfaces.

[Dijkstra, 1965] E. W. Dijkstra, 'Solution of a Problem in Concurrent Programming Control,' Communications of the ACM, Vol. 8 (9), September 1965, pp. 569-570.

[Dijkstra, 1968a] E. W. Dijkstra, 'Cooperating Sequential Processes,' Programming Languages, edited by F. Genuys, Academic Press, New York, 1968, pp. 43- 112.

[Dijkstra, 1968b] E. W. Dijkstra, 'The Structure of the THE'—Multiprogramming System,' Communications oftheACM, Vol. 11 (5), 1968, pp. 341-346.

[Gallmeister, 1995] BiLl O. Gallmeister, POSIX.4: Programming for the Real World, O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA, ISBN 1-56592-074-0, 1995.

POSIX 1003.1b-1993 realtime programming (based on a near-final draft of the standard).

[Hoare, 1974] C.A.R. Hoare, 'Monitors: An Operating System Structuring Concept,' Communications of the ACM, Vol. 17 (10), 1974, pp. 549-557.

[IEEE, 1996] 9945-1:1996 (ISO/IEC) [IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 1996Edition] Information Technology—Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)—Part 1: System Applwation: Program Interface (API) [C Language] (ANSI), IEEE Stan-dardsPress. ISBN 1-55937-573-6, 1996.

The POSIX C Language interfaces, including realtime and threads.

[Jones, 1991] Michael B. Jones, 'Bringing the C Libraries With Us into a Multi-Threaded Future,' Winter 1991 Usenix Conference Proceedings, Dallas, TX, January 1991, pp. 81- 91.

[Kleiman, 1996] Steve KIeiman, Devang Shah, and Bart Smaalders, Programming with Threads, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, ISBN 0-13-172389-8, 1996.

This book shares some characteristics with the book you are holding. Both, for example, involve authors who were directly involved in the POSIX standard working group, and were also principal architects of their respective companies' thread implementations.

[Lea, 1997] Doug Lea, Concurrent Programming in Java™, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, ISBN 0-201-69581-2, 1997.

A different view of threads, from the perspective of the Java™ language, which provides unique constructs for thread synchronization within the language.

[Lewis, 1995] Bil Lewis and Daniel J. Berg, Threads Primer, SunSoft Press, ISBN 0-13-443698-9, 1995.

A good introduction to threaded programming for the novice. The first edition primarily deals with Solaris 'UI threads,' with some information on POSIX threads.

[Lockhart, 1994] Harold W. Lockhart, Jr., OSFDCE, Guide toDevelopingDistrib-utedApplications, McGraw-Hill, NewYork, ISBN0-07-911481-4, 1994.

A chapter on DCE threads describes how to use threads in building DCE applications.

[McJones, 1989] Paul F. McJones and Garret F. Swart, 'Evolving the UNIX System Interface to Support Multithreaded Programs,' SRC Research Report 21, Digital Systems Research Center, 130 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, September 1989. Available on Internet from http://www.research.digital.com/ SRC / publications / src -rr. html

Report on adaptation of UNIX system for multithreaded programming.

[Schimmel, 1994] CurtSchimmel, UNIX Systems for Modern Architectures, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, ISBN 0-201-63338-8, 1994.

Substantial detail on the implementation of multiprocessors and shared memory systems. If Section 3.4 in the book you're holding doesn't satisfy your thirst for knowledge, this is where you should go.

Thread resources on the Internet

In the midst of the word he was trying to say,

In the midst of his laughter and glee,

He had softly and suddenly vanished away—

For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.


Lewis Carroll, The Hunting of the Snark

This list provides a few starting points for information. Of course, the web changes all the time, so no list committed to paper will ever be completely correct. That's life in the information age.



General, unmoderated discussion of anything related to threads. This group is frequented by a number of people highly knowledgeable about threads in general, and about various specific implementations of Pthreads. It's a nice, friendly place to ask about problems you're having, or things you would like to do. Please, don't ask about screensavers! And, if you want to ask about a problem, always remember to tell us what type of hardware and operating system you're using and include the version.


The primary discussion group for the Digital UNIX operating system. There are, of course, historical reasons for the nonintuitive name. This is a reasonable place to ask questions about using threads on Digital UNIX. If the question (or problem) doesn't seem to be specific to Digital UNIX, comp.programming.threads may be more appropriate, because it presents your question to a larger audience of thread experts, and makes the answer available to a larger audience of thread users.


The primary discussion group for the Solaris operating system. This is a reasonable place to ask questions about using threads on Solaris. If the question (or problem) doesn't seem to be specific to Solaris,

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