atomically. It may not even be possible to guarantee that a single change is made atomically, without substantial knowledge of the hardware and architecture and control over the executed instructions.

'Atomic' means indivisible. But most of the time,we just mean that threads don't see things that would confuse them.

Although some hardware will allow you to set an array element and increment the array index in a single instruction that cannot be interrupted, most won't. Most compilers don't let you control the code to that level of detail even if the hardware can do it, and who wants to write in assembler unless it is really important? And, more importantly, most interesting invariants are more complicated than that.

By 'atomic,' we really mean only that other threads can't accidentally find invariants broken (in intermediate and inconsistent states), even when the threads are running simultaneously on separate processors. There are two basic ways to do that when the hardware doesn't support making the operation indivisible and noninterruptable. One is to detect that you're looking at a broken invariant and try again, or reconstruct the original state. That's hard to do reliably unless you know a lot about the processor architecture and are willing to design nonportable code.

When there is no way to enlist true atomicity in your cause, you need to create your own synchronization. Atomicity is nice, but synchronization will do just as well in most cases. So when you need to update an array element and the index variable atomically, just perform the operation while a mutex is locked.

Whether or not the store and increment operations are performed indivisibly and noninterruptably by the hardware, you know that no cooperating thread can peek until you're done. The transaction is, for all practical purposes, 'atomic.' The key, of course, is the word 'cooperating.' Any thread that is sensitive to the invariant must use the same mutex before modifying or examining the state of the invariant.

3.2.4 Sizing a mutex to fit the job

How big is a mutex? No, I don't mean the amount of memory consumed by a pthread_mutex_t structure. I'm talking about a colloquial and completely inaccurate meaning that happens to make sense to most people. This colorful usage became common during discussions about modifying existing nonthreaded code to be thread-safe. One relatively simple way to make a library thread-safe is to create a single mutex, lock it on each entry to the library, and unlock it on each exit from the library. The library becomes a single serial region, preventing any conflict between threads. The mutex protecting this big serial region came to be referred to as a 'big' mutex, clearly larger in some metaphysical sense than a mutex that protects only a few lines of code.

By irrelevant but inevitable extension, a mutex that protects two variables must be 'bigger' than a mutex protecting only a single variable. So we can ask, 'How big should a mutex be?' And we can answer only, 'As big as necessary, but no bigger.'

When you need to protect two shared variables, you have two basic strategies: You can assign a small mutex to each variable, or assign a single larger mutex to both variables. Which is better will depend on a lot of factors. Furthermore, the factors will probably change during development, depending on how many threads need the data and how they use it.

These are the main design factors:

1. Mutexes aren't free. It takes time to lock them, and time to unlock them. Therefore, code that locks fewer mutexes will usually run faster than code that locks more mutexes. So use as few as practical, each protecting as much as makes sense.

2. Mutexes, by their nature, serialize execution. If a lot of threads frequently need to lock a single mutex, the threads will spend most of their time waiting. That's bad for performance. If the pieces of data (or code) protected by the mutex are unrelated, you can often improve performance by splitting the big mutex into several smaller mutexes. Fewer threads will need the smaller mutexes at any time, so they'll spend less time waiting. So use as many as makes sense, each protecting as little as is practical.

3. Items 1 and 2 conflict. But that's nothing new or unique, and you can deal with it once you understand what's going on.

In a complicated program it will usually take some experimentation to get the right balance. Your code will be simpler in most cases if you start with large mutexes and then work toward smaller mutexes as experience and performance data show where the heavy contention happens. Simple is good. Don't spend too much time optimizing until you know there's a problem.

On the other hand, in cases where you can tell from the beginning that the algorithms will make heavy contention inevitable, don't oversimplify. Your job will be a lot easier if you start with the necessary mutexes and data structure design rather than adding them later. You will get it wrong sometimes, because, especially when you are working on your first major threaded project, your intuition will not always be correct. Wisdom, as they say, comes from experience, and experience comes from lack of wisdom.

3.2.5 Using more than one mutex

Sometimes one mutex isn't enough. This happens when your code 'crosses over' some boundary within the software architecture. For example, when multiple threads will access a queue data structure at the same time, you may need a mutex to protect the queue header and another to protect data within a queue element. When you build a tree structure for threaded programming, you may need a mutex for each node in the tree.

Complications can arise when using more than one mutex at the same time. The worst is deadlock—when each of two threads holds one mutex and needs the other to continue. More subtle problems such as priority inversion can occur when you combine mutexes with priority scheduling. For more information on deadlock, priority inversion, and other synchronization problems, refer to Section 8.1. Lock hierarchy

If you can apply two separate mutexes to completely independent data, do it. You'll almost always win in the end by reducing the time when a thread has to wait for another thread to finish with data that this thread doesn't even need. And if the data is independent you're unlikely to run into many cases where a given function will need to lock both mutexes.

The complications arise when data isn't completely independent. If you have some program invariant—even one that's rarely changed or referenced—that affects data protected by two mutexes, sooner or later you'll need to write code that must lock both mutexes at the same time to ensure the integrity of that invariant. If one thread locks mutex_a and then locks mutex_b, while another thread locks mutex_b and then mutex_a, you've coded a classic deadlock, as shown in Table 3.1.

First thread Second thread
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_a); pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_b);
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