A condition variable is used for communicating information about the state of shared data. You would use a condition variable to signal that a queue was no longer empty, or that it had become empty, or that anything else needs to be done or can be done within the shared data manipulated by threads in your program.
Our seafaring programmers use a mechanism much like condition variables to communicate (Figure 3.3). When the rower nudges a sleeping programmer to signal that the sleeping programmer should wake up and start rowing, the original rower 'signals a condition.' When the exhausted ex-rower sinks into a deep slumber, secure that another programmer will wake him at the appropriate time, he is 'waiting on a condition.' When the horrified bailer discovers that water is seeping into the boat faster than he can remove it, and he yells for help, he is 'broadcasting a condition.'
When a thread has mutually exclusive access to some shared state, it may find that there is no more it can do until some other thread changes the state. The state may be correct, and consistent—that is, no invariants are broken—but the current state just doesn't happen to be of interest to the thread. If a thread servicing a queue finds the queue empty, for example, the thread must wait until an entry is added to the queue.
The shared data, for example, the queue, is protected by a mutex. A thread must lock the mutex to determine the current state of the queue, for example, to determine that it is empty. The thread must unlock the mutex before waiting (or
no other thread would be able to insert an entry onto the queue), and then it must wait for the state to change. The thread might, for example, by some means block itself so that a thread inserting a new queue entry can find its identifier and awaken it. There is a problem here, though—the thread is running between unlocking and blocking.
If the thread is still running while another thread locks the mutex and inserts an entry onto the queue, that other thread cannot determine that a thread is waiting for the new entry. The waiting thread has already looked at the queue and found it empty, and has unlocked the mutex, so it will now block itself without knowing that the queue is no longer empty. Worse, it may not yet have recorded the fact that it intends to wait, so it may wait forever because the other thread cannot find its identifier. The unlock and wait operations must be atomic, so that no other thread can lock the mutex before the waiter has become blocked, and is in a state where another thread can awaken it.
A condition variable wait always returns with the mutex locked.
That's why
The shared data associated with a condition variable, for example, the queue 'full' and 'empty' conditions, are the
I Condition variables are for
Condition variables do not provide mutual exclusion. You need a mutex to synchronize access to the shared data, including the predicate for which you wait. That is why you must specify a mutex when you wait on a condition variable. By making the unlock atomic with the wait, the Pthreads system ensures that no thread can change the predicate after you have unlocked the mutex but before your thread is waiting on the condition variable.
Why isn't the mutex created as part of the condition variable? First, mutexes are used separately from any condition variable as often as they're used with condition variables. Second, it is common for one mutex to have more than one associated condition variable. For example, a queue may be 'full' or 'empty.' Although you may have two condition variables to allow threads to wait for either condition, you must have one and only one mutex to synchronize
A condition variable should be associated with a single predicate. If you try to share one condition variable between several predicates, or use several condition variables for a single predicate, you're risking deadlock or race problems. There's nothing wrong with doing either, as long as you're careful—but it is easy to confuse your program (computers aren't very smart) and it is usually not worth the risk. I will expound on the details later, but the rules are as follows: First, when you share a condition variable between multiple predicates, you must always
Both the condition variable and the predicate are shared data in your program; they are used by multiple threads, possibly at the same time. Because you're thinking of the condition variable and predicate as being locked together, it is easy to remember that they're always controlled using the same mutex. It is possible (and legal, and often even reasonable) to
Figure 3.4 is a timing diagram showing how three threads, thread 1, thread 2, and thread 3, interact with a condition variable. The rounded box represents the condition variable, and the three lines represent the actions of the three threads.
When a line goes within the box, it is 'doing something' with the condition variable. When a thread's line stops before reaching below the middle line through the box, it is waiting on the condition variable; and when a thread's line reaches below the middle line, it is signaling or broadcasting to awaken waiters.
Thread 1 signals the condition variable, which has no effect since there are no waiters. Thread 1 then waits on the condition variable. Thread 2 also blocks on the condition variable and, shortly thereafter, thread 3 signals the condition variable. Thread 3's signal unblocks thread 1. Thread 3 then waits on the condition variable. Thread 1 broadcasts the condition variable, unblocking both thread 2 and thread 3. Thread 3 waits on the condition variable shortly thereafter, with a timed wait. Some time later, thread 3's wait times out, and the thread awakens.
3.3.1 Creating and destroying a condition variable
pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int pthread_cond_init (pthread_cond_t *cond,
pthread_condattr_t *condattr);
int pthread_cond_destroy (pthread_cond_t *cond);
A condition variable is represented in your program by a variable of type pthread_cond_t. You should never make a copy of a condition variable, because the result of using a copied condition variable is undefined. It would be like telephoning a disconnected number and expecting an answer. One thread could, for example, wait on one copy of the condition variable, while another thread signaled or broadcast the other copy of the condition variable—the waiting thread would not be awakened. You can, however, freely pass pointers to a condition variable so that various functions and threads can use it for synchronization.
Most of the time you'll probably declare condition variables using the extern or static storage class at file scope, that is, outside of any function. They should have normal (extern) storage class if they are used by other files, or static storage class if used only within the file that declares the variable. When you declare a static condition variable that has default attributes, you should use the PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER initialization macro, as