pumping more. And the cum gushed up and spurted out the sides of her pussy where his cock still drove.

“Dear God,” she cried. “I’m drowning!”

Finally the huge cock spurted one long final stream and stopped. It stood like a lance, hard and completely still, deep in her womb.

With her hips she gave one last hunch and came to a stop. He fell heavily across her body. His voice, moaning and gritty, made her shudder. She felt completed, full, and victorious. He had annihilated her, but she had lasted through it all.

She had won.

They lay there helplessly, their breaths mingled and their sweat-smeared bodies exuding the odors of cunt and cock.

“Oh, my darling!” Billie breathed.

But Carl didn’t answer in kind. The emotional frenzy, or whatever else had been the source of his savage tenderness, faded as it had come.

“That’s the way you like it?”

“Oh, yes… yes…”

“How much can you take?”

His tone, a reversion to the old cynicism, penetrated her mind. “I don’t understand, darling.”

“It’s over. Let’s skip the darling. You got what you wanted, and that’s that.”

“But, Carl…”

“We don’t need the hearts and flowers bit. We both know the score now. You like it and need it. I can dish it out. I just want to know how often you want it.”

“Why, you… you, prick!”

“Oh, cut it out. The whole thing’s physical. Let’s leave it that way.”

Strangely, her first wave of anger faded. As she lay there, organizing her shattered thoughts, he said, “Let’s look at the practical side. It’s nice for a girl to know exactly where she can get it when she wants it. So we’ll have an understanding.”

“You were hurt very badly, weren’t you, Carl?”

“That’s none of your damned business!”

“If we’re going to have an understanding…”

“It doesn’t mean you’re going to take me over. Keep your damned questions to yourself.”


In the days that followed, Billie tried to put it all together in her mind. There were a lot of unanswered questions. Was Louise, the girl in the fight, the reason for Carl’s attitude about women? And, if so, did that make him the other member of the staff or faculty who initiated all new girls into the Lovers? But didn’t Thelma say that the man was a member of the faculty? And who had raped her that night in the tunnel?

All these thoughts and more were running through her mind as she changed clothes in preparation for a date with Carl. She had been with him every night, and he really seemed to be softening up in his attitude toward her and women in general.

She was nude to the waist and had her slacks off when she heard the door open behind her. She straightened up and saw Thelma staring at her with an amused look.

Billie jerked her slacks up. “Are you in the habit of entering rooms without knocking?”

Thelma grinned. “Don’t be bashful, honey. I’ve seen the female figure before, and it doesn’t do a thing for me.” Her eyes roamed over Billie’s voluptuous figure. “But, then again, seeing yours, I might be interested in a change.”

“What do you want?”

“Tch. Tch. Such hostility.” Thelma crossed the room and sat down with an air of familiarity. Her heavy body made the bed springs creak as she said, “I’m here as leader of the Lovers. That’s the friendly little group that spreads fellowship and good cheer.”

“Go to hell,” Billie said, again removing her slacks.

“Jeez, you got one hell of a body not to be enjoying it.”

Billie walked to the window and looked out. “Tell me, Thelma,” she said slowly, “what is the advantage of belonging to the Lovers?”

“You interested in joining now?”

“Not in the least. I’m just curious. I’ve heard rumors. Perhaps they aren’t true, but it seems as though some students would consider it an honor to be asked in.”

“And why not?”

“It strikes me as the last group any girl would want to be associated with.”

“I’ll tell you something, honey,” Thelma said airily, “the answer is… men. Girls like men. We make it possible for girls to get men, and vice versa. Does that explain it?”

“Not entirely. This isn’t exactly a prison. There are outside privileges.”

“You just haven’t been around. There are women in this world that like their sex hot and low-down and dirty. You should come to one of our get-togethers.”

“I have no intention of getting mixed up with the patsies.”

“I think you’re a prime candidate. I think you dig sex just like we do. See, I’m a senior, and when I leave here I’ll be joining the outside world. In that outside world there’s a graduate Club of Lovers. People who joined while they were here or at Redwood. It’s a very powerful little group. They have a lot of money and they provide each other with a lot of kicks.”

Suddenly, all of it became very clear to Billie. This sex club had been going on for some time, and would go on a lot longer. “What’s that got to do with me?”

“Just this.” Thelma now became very serious. “Soon… in a year or so… we’ll take over both schools. We will literally be running them. Someone has to lead the Lovers when I’m gone. I think you’d be good for [missing text].”

“No thanks.”

“Well, I’ve got news. We’ve decided… or rather, I have… that we’d better take you in.”

“You’ve decided! Well, of all the…”

“Take it easy, sweetie, don’t pop an ovary. I’ve decided you know too much to be left roaming around.”

“Will you get out of here? And stay out?”

“I’ll tell you what… we’re having an initiation tonight. Come and watch… strictly as an observer.” Billie hesitated. It was intriguing. What did they do? “You’ll dig it,” Thelma said, seeing the interest in Billie’s face.

“All right. When and where?”

“One of my girl’s will pick you up here.”

“What time?”

“Around eleven o’clock. Be dressed and ready.”

Thelma had barely left when Ginny popped into the room. “I want to go too.”

“You were listening,” Billie said.

“Yeah. I want to go and watch!”

“Why not?” Ginny pouted.

“Because it could be a trick. Thelma could just be getting me down there and…”

“…and getting you fucked,” Ginny interrupted.

“You mean raped.”

“So? Maybe then I’d get my legs spread.”

“For the last time… no,” Billie said.

Billie went slowly down the corridor, met a tall, red-haired girl near the front door.

“Are you from Lovers?”

The girl nodded. “Are you ready to go?”

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